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Cyber&Information Security Short Course for Policy Makers November 7, 2012 Tbilisi

Cyber&Information Security Short Course for Policy Makers November 7, 2012 Tbilisi. I nformation warfare Raul Rebane. Napalm girl Phan Thị Kim Phúc ,. Turtle case. Information war.

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Cyber&Information Security Short Course for Policy Makers November 7, 2012 Tbilisi

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  1. Cyber&Information Security Short Course for Policy MakersNovember 7, 2012Tbilisi Information warfare Raul Rebane

  2. Napalm girl Phan Thị Kim Phúc,

  3. Turtle case

  4. Information war Information war is the targeted training of your enemy to remove his own protective shell. S. P. Rastorgujev, “Filosofija informatsionnõi voinõ”, lk 14

  5. Information war It is clear today that in the 21st Century information war is the main means of shaping world politics, dominant opportunity to achieve political and economic power. Igor Panarin, Ljubov Panarina “Informatsionnaja voina i mir”, Moskva 2003, p 4

  6. Emotion Emotion is the ability to change the internal state of those like you in a moment, outside the mechanisms of logical control. S. P. Rastorgujev, “Filosofija informatsionnõi voinõ”, lk 81

  7. White tights

  8. White tights Это как бы и не чеченцы: хладнокровно за доллары убивают биатлонистки-снайперши из Литвы - такая "у белых колготок" работа, отрезают головы пленным боевики из Афганистана - дикий народ, в отряде - непонятно откуда взявшееся черномазое отребье - наемники выглядят просто недоумками. A. Nevzorov „Purgatory“ 1997

  9. White tights In November 2008, Aleksandr Bastrykin, head of the Russian FederationProsecutor-General's investigative committee, has suggested that mercenaries from the Baltic states were among those known to have participated on the Georgian side during the 2008 South Ossetia war,[10][11] including a female sniper from Latvia.[12][13] Earlier during the conflict, Russia Today TV had reported the South Ossetian authorities as saying that "there was a group of women snipers operating in the city [i.e., Tskhinvali]",

  10. War • Mass • Energy • Distance Mass travels a certain distance and with its energy attacks theenemy. Distance loses its significance in information wars.

  11. Information war Unauthorised activities in others´ sphere of information • Stein: The objects of information war are minds, especially minds of those who make decisions. • Katz: You frequently do not know that you have been attacked and do not realize that you have lost. • Stein: Wrong decisions emerge since somebody has replaced reality by other alternatives. • Leonov: Once a human being´s susceptibility to conviction was established, propaganda and agitation became the main tools for managing people. They replaced brute force which had been considered the only indispensable means of management.

  12. Characteristics of strategic information wars • Low start-up costs • Lack of traditional borders • Increasing importance of means and skills of influence • New tasks of strategic intelligence • Lack of attack- and warning signs • Difficulties while creating and maintaining coalitions • State-of-art infrastructure creates a number of targets

  13. From the Winter War to the Information War 26.11.2009 Seminar in Helsinki An information war isn’t fought with conventional means. The methods used, for example, are: • New interpretations of history • Creating imbalance in political systems • Economic pressure • Provoking discontent among ethnic minorities • Cyber wars, interrupting the activities of technological networks • Breaking national myths J. Mäkelä “Maaseudun tulevaisuus”

  14. “Review of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation” prepared by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation (March 27, 2007) refers to several “humanitarian dimension” instruments of Russia’s influence abroad: humanitarian technologies; the influence of information; the formation of influence with the assistance of NGO’s; financing; the involvement of Russia’s Orthodox Church; information contacts; the role of the mass media. Kudors 2007

  15. Estonian experience • State defence cources (elite) • Formatted cyber story • Entertainment information agreement • Public service (ERR) has highest trust in media • Army, Police etc 85% trust • Anchor system • Civil society development • Communication crisis solving experiences

  16. Constantin Melnik (1927) Coordinator of French Special Forces1958-1961 ttp://gokhman.ru/content.php?id=1110229084 Например, одна из самых главных вещей, которую я сделал в моей жизни, я думаю, что в 72-м году, когда Брежнев попросил признания границ Советского Союза; все западные деятели были в ужасе, потому что во Вьетнаме коммунисты выигрывали войну. Тогда адвокат Ватикана, Виоле, о котором мы говорили, организовал маленькую группу из трех людей: он сам, бывший начальник французских спецслужб социалист Гросэн и я. В чем состояла наша идея? Брежнев хочет признания советских границ? Он получит это признание, но в обмен мы получим свободную циркуляцию идей на советскую территорию.

  17. Melnik’s interview http://gokhman.ru/content.php?id=1110229084 Before the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, 1975 Helsinki What was our idea about? Brezhnev wanted the recognition of USSR borders? He will get it, but in return we will get the liberty of spreading ideas on the territory of the USSR... Explaining all this to a Westerner was very difficult. But now, when we read the memoirs of the heads of KGB, they write that the fall of the USSR started when the Helsinki declaration were signed.

  18. Mythologization Estonian – fascist Estonia – little, temporary Georgia – invader Ukraine – gas thief

  19. Myths Tcherkassov (an actor) on the medal of Nevski “White tights” Pavlik Morozov Lenin´s beard on pictures “Kuban Cossacks” Tchapajev´s death was “rewritten” during the second world war

  20. Aleksander Nevski=Nikolai Cherkasov

  21. Lenin

  22. Myths about Estonia • Estonia will surrender in few hours • There is no export from Estonia • Estonia- little, temporary • Estonian fachists

  23. “Moral panic” in transition countries Media centre Transition countries Social centre… Majority Centre of materialism Cultural centre…

  24. Re-programming a nationality To re-programme a nationality, the most effective means are: mass culture, culture, religion – people in these fields are the key people. The bigger the chaos, the bigger the opportunity to re-programme. As a rule the target group is the youth, who have a big resource. Rastorgujev 138, 139

  25. Communicative version of reality Before information reaches the consumer, the following takes place: Choice Changes in meaning

  26. American hero - Smart, intellectual - Patriot - Moral - Physically strong

  27. Estonian cyber war - dangerous - Estonian professionals - International cooperation

  28. Putin’s “Russian idea” Patriotism, derzavnost, statehood, social solidarity. Russkaja Gazeta, 31 December 1999

  29. Good relations Russia as nuclear state has enough arguments to establish good relations with neighbouring and distant countries. General Rohlin In NTV live program 1996

  30. Intellectual competitiveness • State ideas • Spiritual and national values • System of beliefs • Education

  31. Psychological Defense Vitality of culture Quality of Communication Environment Internal and external security Values Cohesion of society

  32. “Faschism in Baltics” M.KrysinMoscow 2007

  33. “Baltics-why they dont love bronze soldier?”J.Yemeljanov Moscow 2007

  34. Mihhail Jurjev- “The third Empire “Moscow 2007

  35. World map 2053

  36. “Russkaja doktrina” 2007

  37. www.europublish.ru Auschwitz Buchenwald V. Vereschagin 1871

  38. Russki Mir strategist VjatsheslavNikonov with grandfather

  39. Sphere of communication Sphere of communication: mass media art political communication A symbolic world, following its own rules and differing greatly from the real world, is created.

  40. System of protection System of protection is based on ideology. The following must be protected: Sacred objects Sacred texts Interpreters

  41. Thank you!

  42. Estonians and dogs......

  43. MÕJUTUSTEGEVUSE TULEVIKU SUUNDUMUSED • Georgij Potšeptšovi järgi 12 punkti: • Segadus terminite kasutamisel suureneb; • Infosõja mõiste kasutusel vaid sõja ajal, muidu kasutusel info-operatsioonide termin; • Mõjutustegevus üldjuhul kasutusel välisvaenlaste vastu – postsovetlikus maailmas kasutusel ka siseriiklikult; • Mõjutustegevuse tähtsus kasvab – seni toetavast valdkonnast militaarsfääris, muutuvad info-operatsioonid peamisteks ülesanneteks.

  44. MÕJUTUSTEGEVUSE TULEVIKU SUUNDUMUSED 5. Mõjutustegevuse keskkond on muutumas. Inimesed tunnevad vähem huvi uudiste vastu; 6. Siseriiklikud info-operatsioonid sunnivad liikuma meelelahutusvaldkonda – nn. soft news (Eestis nt. TV 3 Faktuaalne Kaamera); 7. Ajakirjandus ilma ajakirjaniketa. Meedia kasutab oma lugudes järjest rohkem PR-firmade toodangut. Lehed ei tooda ideid vaid muutuvad “teabe kandjateks”; 8. Suureneb raamistike/formaatide/frame’ide kasutamine ehk kogunitiivse tasandi manipuleerimine – G. Lakoff jt.

  45. MÕJUTUSTEGEVUSE TULEVIKU SUUNDUMUSED 9. Interdistsiplinaarsuse oluline kasv. Militaarsfääris uuritakse näiteks religioosseid narratiive; 10. Võitlus avaliku arvamuse toetuse pärast suureneb, seda nii kodumaal kui välisriikides; 11. Järjest olulisemaks muutub sildistamine (ingl. k. naming). Nt. mitte Afganistani okupeerimine vaid võitlus terroriga või “Süüria sõbrad” mitte, Assadi vastased; 12. Toimub siseriikliku kommunikatsiooni ümbermõtestamine sotsiaalsete probleemide lahendamiseks.

  46. Eesti suurimad rünnakuobjektid Välismaalt Sees Sotsiaalne pessimism (kas sellist Eestit tahtsime?) Usalduskriis (kõik on kaabakad) Poliitiline vaakum (pole kedagi valida) • Ajalugu • Inim- ja kodanikeõigused • NSVL nostalgia • Majandus

  47. Pehme jõu strateegiate eesmärgidOstrovski Stsedrovitski Venelane ei ole veri, see on ühine saatus Venemaa ei ole agressiivne, vaid progressiivne impeerium Suur vene emigratsioon tuleb ühendada, eelkõige postsovetlikel aladel Tuleb luua vene kultuuriline impeerium ja panna emigratsioon osalema vene saatuses Täna tähendab imago eelkõige venelastevaheliste suhete süsteemi Neljas maailmasõda peetakse humanitaartehnoloogiliste vahenditega ja geopoliitika raamides Me ei taha territooriume, me võitleme kultuuriväljadel, ühendame vene maailma ja saavutame sametrevanši

  48. Näide Instrumentaariumist - metafoorid • Ühe eestlase toit on teine eestlane …. • Tõelise eestlase kombel … • Kaks Eestit … • Alguses on majandus … • Euroremont • Bandformirovanija • Potentsiaalse demokraatia maad

  49. Interpretatsioonide vastasseisud Spioon - luuraja Kangelane - küüditaja Vabastamine - okupatsioon Patriotism - natsionalism Sõdur-vabastaja - pronkspuuslik Bandiit - metsavend

  50. Mütologiseerimine Eestlane – fašist, russofoob, juudivihkaja Eesti- väike, mõttetu, ajutine Gruusia- vallutaja Ukraina- gaasivaras Soomlane- lastevaras (2012)

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