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RAP Strategy

RAP Strategy. R ead one paragraph A sk yourself, “what was the main idea?” and “what were the details ?” P ut it in your own words. Requirements for a Paraphrase. Must contain a complete thought (subject, verb) Must be totally accurate Must have new information Must make sense

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RAP Strategy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RAP Strategy Read one paragraph Ask yourself, “what was the main idea?” and “what were the details?” Put it in your own words

  2. Requirements for a Paraphrase • Must contain a complete thought (subject, verb) • Must be totally accurate • Must have new information • Must make sense • Must contain useful information • Must be in your own words • Only one general statement per paragraph is allowed

  3. Finding the Main Idea • Questions to ask: • What is this paragraph about? • What does it tell me about? • Places to look: • Look in the 1st sentence of the paragraph. • Look for repetitions of the same word or words in the whole paragraph.

  4. Two Column Notes How to take effective notes at Cheney Technical High School

  5. Why We Take Notes • People forget as much as 80% of material they hear or read within just 24 hours.

  6. Why We Take Notes • Taking notes on the important parts of what you read will help you remember it and will provide a less time consuming way to study.

  7. Preparing to Take Two Column Notes

  8. Step 1 • On a blank piece of paper or in your notebook, fold over the right edge so that 1/3 of the paper makes a left-hand column and 2/3s makes a right-hand column.

  9. Step 2 • Use the left column to list Main Ideas for what you read.

  10. Step 3 • Use the right column to list Details that go with the Main Ideas.

  11. Hints on Finding Main Idea

  12. Hints on Finding Details

  13. 2 Column Notes

  14. How Can 2 Column Notes Be Used?

  15. Other Uses

  16. THE END!

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