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Gesamtschulkongress, Köln, 1. Mai 2003 Andreas Schleicher Head, Indicators and Analysis Division

Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development Bildung im internationalen Wettbewerb Nach PISA und IGLU. Gesamtschulkongress, Köln, 1. Mai 2003 Andreas Schleicher Head, Indicators and Analysis Division Directorate for Education.

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Gesamtschulkongress, Köln, 1. Mai 2003 Andreas Schleicher Head, Indicators and Analysis Division

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  1. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and DevelopmentBildung im internationalen WettbewerbNach PISA und IGLU Gesamtschulkongress, Köln, 1. Mai 2003 Andreas Schleicher Head, Indicators and Analysis Division Directorate for Education

  2. Über die Fähigkeit junger Erwachsener, kreativ und effizient mit schriftlicher Information umzugehen Analysieren, vergleichen, und bewerten Kreativ mit Information umgehen PISA „Literacy“ Wissen in realitätsnahen Bezügen anwenden Gedankengänge und Ideen wirkungsvoll mitteilen

  3. HighPerformance High performance Low social equity High performance High social equity  UK Low Social equity HighSocial equity  Italy Low performance Low social equity Low performance High social equity Low Performance

  4. HighPerformance High performance Low social equity High performance High social equity Low Social equity HighSocial equity Low performance Low social equity Low performance High social equity Low Performance .

  5. PISA IGLU ! ?   Bildungsergebnisse und Verankerung effektiver Lernstrategien   Leistungsgefälle zwischen Schülern und Schulen   Chancengleichheit

  6. The expansion of upper secondary educationPercentage of the population that has attained at least upper secondary education, by age group 12 8 1 5 15 22 18 15 21 4 13 24

  7. The expansion of university educationPercentage of the population that has attained Tertiary Type A education, by age group 24 12

  8. Entry rates to tertiary educationSum of net entry rates over single years of age in tertiary-type A and tertiary-type B education

  9. Strategische Bildungsziele Outputs and OutcomesImpact of Learning Policy LeversThat shape Outcomes Antecedentsthat contextualise or constrain policy Overall outcomes of education System-wide structures, resources and policies National educational, social and economic context Country or system 1 5 9 Community and school characteristics Output of institutions and institutional performance The learning environment at school Schools and other institutions 2 6 10 Teaching and learning practices and classroom climate Quality of instructional delivery Student learning conditions and teacher working conditions Instructional settings 3 7 11 Individual learner Quality and distribution of knowledge and skills Individual attitudes, engagement and behaviour Background of the learners 4 8 12

  10. HighPerformance • E.g. Learning environment and course offering • High degree of autonomy • Low degree of autonomy • % Variance between schools 11% 20% 9% 76% 7% Low Social equity HighSocial equity 75% 71% r=.51 Low Performance .

  11. HighPerformance • Early selection and institutional stratification • Low degree of stratification • High degree of stratification Low Social equity HighSocial equity Low Performance .

  12. Effects of students’ and schools’ socio-economic background on student performance(Effects associated with half a standard deviation on the socio-economic index)

  13. Weitere Informationen • www.oecd.org • www.pisa.oecd.org • email: pisa@oecd.org • Andreas.Schleicher@OECD.org … and remember: Without data, you are just another person with an opinion

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