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a (ab). from, by. ac (atque). and. ad. to, toward, at, near. aequor, aequoris. expanse, sea. agmen, agminis. stream, current (of water, multitude, throng; series, succession, line; line (of troops), rrmy, march; herd, team (of horses). alius, alia, aliud. another, other;
a (ab) from, by
ac (atque) and
ad to, toward, at, near
aequor, aequoris expanse, sea
agmen, agminis stream, current (of water, multitude, throng; series, succession, line; line (of troops), rrmy, march; herd, team (of horses)
alius, alia, aliud another, other; alii … alii = some … others)
altus,-a, -um tall, high; deep Altum = the deep
amor,amoris love
animus,animi mind; plural = courage, pride
ante Adverb = in front; previously, before Preposition = before, in front of
ara,arae altar
arma, armarum weapons, arms
arx,arcis citadel, fortress
at But, nevertheless
aura,aurae Air, breeze, wind; atmosphere
aut or Aut … aut = either … or)
bellum,belli war
caelum,caeli sky, heaven
circum around
coniunx,coniugis husband, wife, spouse
corpus,corporis body
cum (conjunction) when, since, whenever, although
cum (preposition) with
cura, curae care, anxiety
de down from, from, concerning, about
deus, dei (di) god
dico,dicere, dixi, dictus to say, tell
divus (noun) divum (often = deorum) god
do, dare, dedi, datus to give
domus,domūs house
duco, ducere, duxi, ductus to lead, take, bring
dum while, as long as; until
e (ex) from, out of
ego I
eo, ire, ii to go
et and et… et = both … and
fama, famae fame, reputation, story
fatum, fati fate; death
fero, ferre, tuli, latus to carry, bring, bear, say
ferrum, ferri iron, iron tool; sword; armed might
flamma, flammae flame
for, fari, fatus sum to speak, talk; to speak prophetically; to say, tell
gens, gentis family, clan
hic, haec, hoc this, the latter
hīc here
hinc from this (place, person, time, thing), hence; next, then
hostis, hostis enemy
iam now, already, soon
ignis, ignis fire
ille, illa, illud that, he she, it, the former that famous