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Artificial Intelligence. Expert Systems. Frequently asked Questions. What Is Artificial Intelligence ? What Is Expert Systems ? How Do Expert Systems Work? What Are the Applications ? What Is the Future Of Expert System ?. What is Artificial Intelligence ?.
ArtificialIntelligence ExpertSystems
FrequentlyaskedQuestions • What Is ArtificialIntelligence? • What Is ExpertSystems? • How Do ExpertSystems Work? • What Are the Applications? • What Is the Future Of ExpertSystem?
What is Artificial Intelligence ? • Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science. • John McCarthy (September 4, 1927 – October 24, 2011) was an American computer scientist. He invented the term “Artificial Intelligence" (AI) and he defines it as ‘’The Science and Engineering of making intelligent machines ‘’
What is Expert systems ? • ExpertSystem is an Artificialintelligence based system that converts the knowledge of an expert in a specific subject into a software code. • Expert Systems are designed to solve complex problems by reasoning about knowledge, like an expert, and not by following the procedure of a developer as is the case in conventional programming.
What is Expert systems ? • The first Expert Systems were created in the 1970s and then upgraded in the 1980s. • Expert Systems were among the first truly successful forms of AI software.
How Do Expert Systems Work ? • An expert system is made up of three parts: • A user interface : • This is the system that allows a non-expert user to query (question) the expert system, and to receive advice. • A knowledge base : • This is a collection of facts and rules. The knowledge base is created from information provided by human experts.
How Do Expert Systems Work ? • An inference engine : • This acts rather like a search engine, examining the knowledge base for information that matches the user's query.
What are the applications ? • ExpertSystems are usually used in: • MedicalDiagnoses; • Playing Strategy Game like Chess Against PC; • FinancialAdvice whether to invest in a business or not..;
What are the applications ? • MedicalDiagnosis : • The knowledge base would contain medical information, the symptoms of the patient would be used as the query, and the advice would be a diagnose of the patient’s illness.
What are the applications ? • PlayingChess : • Playing strategy games like chess against a computer , the knowledge base would contain strategies and moves, the player's moves would be used as the query, and the output would be the computer's “Expert” moves.
What are the applications ? • Providing financialAdvice : • Whether to invest in a business, etc. The knowledge base would contain data about the performance of financial markets and businesses in the past.
What Is the Future Of Expert System ? • In the next 10 years technologies in narrow fields such as speech recognition will continue to improve and will reach human levels. In 10 years AI will be able to communicate with humans in unstructured English using text or voice.
What Is the Future Of Expert System ? • We will recreate some parts of the human (animal) brain in silicon. The feasibility of this is demonstrated by tentative hippocampus experiments in rats . There are two major projects aiming for human brain simulation, CCortex and IBM Blue Brain.
What Is the Future Of Expert System ? • There will be an increasing number of practical applications based on digitally recreated aspects human intelligence, such as cognition, perception, rehearsal learning, or learning by repetitive practice.