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David Arthur, PhD, RN Adjunct Professor Angeles University Foundation Silliman University

Research and development for quality of life. David Arthur, PhD, RN Adjunct Professor Angeles University Foundation Silliman University Principal GradNurse Options Angeles City, Philippines. Greetings from Angeles University.

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David Arthur, PhD, RN Adjunct Professor Angeles University Foundation Silliman University

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  1. Research and development for quality of life David Arthur, PhD, RN Adjunct Professor Angeles University Foundation Silliman University Principal GradNurse Options Angeles City, Philippines

  2. Greetings from Angeles University

  3. Greetings from Gradnurseoptions.comlinking education, research & practicefacilitating cultural and clinical exchange

  4. Research and development for quality of life …we have the responsibility of helping produce graduates from schools and universities who are research minded and prepared to become part of the global professional community, ie play on the world stage. This will enhance both their quality of life and that of their clients.

  5. Research and development for quality of life …in the context of the Philippines, now and increasingly in the future, being a producer of professionals for the world.


  7. Research and development for quality of life • Objectives • Discuss the competencies necessary to influence change and develop research. • B. Examine quality of life as a research topic • C. Provide examples of novel, practical research strategies

  8. A. Competencies necessary to influence change and develop research. • Learning styles • Hungry learners, motivated, independent and student centred • Problem-based learners • Reflective practitioners • Confident assertive communicators • mindfull

  9. Learning styles • Are your students? • How much time do you spend lecturing…doing group tutorials? • Do your students participate actively in group discussion…express their opinions freely? • These qualities are compatible with the modern professional curriculum

  10. A. Competencies necessary to influence change and develop research. • 2. Technologically savvy • Access to technology: computers, programmes, international research data bases: CINAHL, MEDLINE, ERIC, Cochrane Library. Stats. packages • Use simulation in teaching complex psychomotor skills • Use distance learning tools. Web based learning, electronic distribution of materials, submission of exams, tutorials etc eg ‘Blackboard’

  11. 2. Technologically savvy • Are your students? • Are they using professional data bases for literature reviews? Is your course paperless? Do they need to attend lectures? Are they getting enough practical experience? • This is necessary for a modern curriculum to succeed

  12. A. Competencies necessary to influence change and develop research. • 3. Benchmarked • Curriculum is benchmarked to international standard • Human resources in-service education • Peer review… • Accountable progress through peer and mentor evaluation • Research output comparable locally, regionally and internationally

  13. A. Competencies necessary to influence change and develop research. • 3. Benchmarked • Regularly publishes in journals with acceptable impact factors • Presents at local and international conferences • Is aware of the latest research and who are the leaders in the field • Has a CV which reflects research output compatible with that of international colleagues

  14. 3. Benchmarked • Does you university? • Are you worried about your next contract? Is the term ‘publish or perish’ meaningful?’… • professional progress driven by peer, student and mentor evaluation?

  15. 3. Benchmarked • Does you university? • What are your research, teaching and community work strengths and weaknesses? Do you have an annual appraisal with objectives for the following year? • Benchmarking will ensure your standards are international

  16. A. Competencies necessary to influence change and develop research. • 4. Culturally flexible and adaptable • Comparable to those from overseas • Capable of working anywhere

  17. A. Competencies necessary to influence change and develop research. • 4. Culturally flexible and adaptable • Aware of various cultural idiosyncrasies • Intimidated by foreigners? • 1st class, 2nd class or 3rd culture citizens?

  18. A. Competencies necessary to influence change and develop research. • 4. Culturally flexible and adaptable • Are your graduates? • Could you go overseas and confidently practice your profession? • Would you fit in with the locals wherever you go? Would you prefer to live with Philippinos? • Are you comfortable socializing with a group of ‘foreigners’.

  19. A. Competencies necessary to influence change and develop research. • Culturally flexible and adaptable • Your curriculum should incorporate personal and professional development as well as ‘worldly’ awareness. • The world is your oyster

  20. A. Competencies necessary to influence change and develop research. • 5. Collaborators • national and international collaborations • networking agreements and MoUs • publish with overseas colleagues • attend international conferences • participate in cross cultural and international research projects

  21. 5. Collaborators • Do you and your colleagues? • Do you regularly communicate with overseas colleagues about research and publication? • Are you part of an international network? Are you publishing with people with ESL?

  22. 5. Collaborators • Do you and your colleagues? • Are you open, honest, assertive, skeptical when it comes to foreign experts? • Collaboration and networking with mutual benefit, is a sure way to ensure productivity.

  23. A. Competencies necessary to influence change and develop research. • 6. Evidence based professionals • use international professional data bases • read current research • conduct EB research • publish your work • use EB findings

  24. 6. Evidence based professionals • Are you confident that what you do is best practice? • When approaching a professional problem do you start with ERIC or CINAHL or do you Google? • When was the last time you read a professional journal article?

  25. 6. Evidence based professionals • When did you last publish in a journal with a good impact factor? • Being familiar with the national and international research literature is vital to ensuring up--to-date evidence based practice, part of which we should be contributing to.

  26. A. Competencies necessary to influence change and develop research. • 6 factors: • learning styles • technologically savvy • benchmarked • culturally flexible and adaptable; • collaborators • evidenced based professionals

  27. A. Competencies necessary to influence change and develop research. • 6 factors: • which will help build a rounded, confident and internationally appreciated graduate who can conduct research • How do you and your students rate?

  28. The competent researcher • can conduct research • familiar with research process • can work in research teams • capable of collecting, analyzing and reporting qualitative and quantitative data • can use statistical analysis programmes

  29. The competent researcher’s output • Regularly publishes in journals with acceptable impact factors • Presents at local and international conferences • Is aware of the latest research and who are the leaders in the field • Has a CV which reflects research output compatible with that of international colleagues

  30. The competent researcher is: • Competent • Technologically savvy • Internationally benchmarked • Methodologically flexible • Published • Funded • If you can do these things you will have a good quality of research life!

  31. BUT • what is QoL?

  32. what is QoL? • CINAHL • ‘QoL’ 1979-2012 • n=54,318

  33. what is QoL? • QoL AND research OR measur* OR tool • N=30,100 • QoL AND syst* in title 2001-2012 • N=36

  34. what is QoL? • ERIC 1979-2012 • QoL with *well being, technology, physical environment, values, disadvantaged, economic status, social class, social environment, *evaluation • N=237,693 • 2002-2012 • n=98,889

  35. what is QoL? • I selected 12 systematic reviews

  36. C. Examples of novel, practical research strategies • Conduct projects involving the community. • Get out of the ivory tower! • Focus on EBP, ‘bench to bedside’ research

  37. C. Examples of novel, practical research strategies • 2. Leverage on challenges: turn them to opportunities, and sustainable initiatives: • service learning • PHC • Volunteerism • IPE eg Curtin and Deakin University

  38. C. Examples of novel, practical research strategies • 3. Collaborate on research which is ‘appealing’ to overseas colleagues and funding bodies. • Health care: maternal mortality, infant mortality. Malnutrition, hypertension, diabetes • Funding from overseas countries AusAID, Temasek.

  39. C. Examples of novel, practical research strategies • 4. Go overseas if you must. BUT come back, then commute in the global community with an enhanced quality of life!

  40. Health screening

  41. Client groups vary greatly

  42. Nursing or veterinary care?

  43. No nurse: no health care!

  44. Linking education, research, service and culture in the community

  45. Community work: hungry kids don’t learn well

  46. Most of our families cannot afford any health care

  47. PHC in AU adopted community

  48. Fun on tour

  49. Mabuhay! Congratulations to Tarlac State University

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