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MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2009. Pixel Array Detector (PAD): State-of-the-art Segmented Detector for X-ray Spectroscopy. Hiroyuki Oyanagi Photonics Research Institute, AIST, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan. Moore’s law
MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2009 Pixel Array Detector (PAD): State-of-the-art Segmented Detector for X-ray Spectroscopy Hiroyuki Oyanagi Photonics Research Institute, AIST, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan Moore’s law The original meaning of Moore’s law is of course description of a long-term trend in the history of computer circuits, in which the number of transistors (dead word now) which are found on an integrated circuit (IC) has doubled approximately every two years. In modern industry, exponential growth plotted against linear scale is often called Moore’s law. In fact density of IC followed an exponential growth owing to incredible efforts. In a similar fashion, we see an exponential trend in brilliance of synchrotron radiation that may look like never-ending. Sustainability in brilliance of light source can be called synchrotron Moor’s law. Note, however, that straight line in exponential scale actually consists of multiple lines, i.e., different devices based on different principles, such as bending magnet, wiggler, undulator, Free Electron Laser (FEL) and Energy Recovery Linac (ERL)1. Gordon E. Moore says, however, “No exponential law lasts forever”. Indeed, silicon technology which prospered for many decades is now seriously endangered. Leakage current in nm-scale MOS devices became dependent on tunneling which is governed by intrinsic (dielectric) property. Moore’s law Fig.1 Brilliance of synchrotron plotted against time which shows a Moore’s law-like exponential growth. FEL • P. Montano & H. Oyanagi, MRS BULLETIN 24 (1999) 13. ERL
MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2009 TITLE 18 point bold RECEIVED DATE in 9 point Pixel Array Detector (PAD): State-of-the-art Segmented Detector for X-ray Spectroscopy Hiroyuki Oyanagi Photonics Research Institute, AIST, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan NAMEs & AFFILIATIONS in 11 point SECTION TITLE in 18 point bold ABSTRACT (if needed) in 11 point Moore’s law The original meaning of Moore’s law is of course description of a long-term trend in the history of computer circuits, in which the number of transistors (dead word now) which are found on an integrated circuit (IC) has doubled approximately every two years. In modern industry, exponential growth plotted against linear scale is often called Moore’s law. In fact density of IC followed an exponential growth owing to incredible efforts. In a similar fashion, we see an exponential trend in brilliance of synchrotron radiation that may look like never-ending. Sustainability in brilliance of light source can be called synchrotron Moor’s law. Note, however, that straight line in exponential scale actually consists of multiple lines, i.e., different devices based on different principles, such as bending magnet, wiggler, undulator, Free Electron Laser (FEL) and Energy Recovery Linac (ERL)1. Gordon E. Moore says, however, “No exponential law lasts forever”. Indeed, silicon technology which prospered for many decades is now seriously endangered. Leakage current in nm-scale MOS devices became dependent on tunneling which is governed by intrinsic (dielectric) property. Moore’s law Fig.1 Brilliance of synchrotron plotted against time which shows a Moore’s law-like exponential growth. Text 88 column (11point) FEL • P. Montano & H. Oyanagi, MRS BULLETIN 24 (1999) 13. ERL KEYWORD & FOOTNOTEs in 11 point FIGURE CAPTIONS & REFERENCES in 11 point Images in jpg, png pdf format For CLICK&ZOOM, high reso- Lution image required