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Deuteronomium 4:32-40. Ingenooi deur God. Ons raak bewus van ons diepste behoeftes, vrae en vrese en gee ons oor aan God. Daar is net een God. “Wanneer ons oor die Triniteit praat, moet ons vergeet om te tel”.
Ingenooi deur God Ons raak bewus van ons diepste behoeftes, vrae en vrese en gee ons oor aan God
“Wanneer ons oor die Triniteit praat, moet ons vergeet om te tel”
“The problem with the Trinity is not that this is a bunch of nonsense, but that God is God, in God’s particularly glorious, effusive way, and we are just people, the recipients of a love so deep, we cannot find words to describe it.” Will Willimon
1 + 1 + 1 = 1 Karl Barth
Ingaan in God se tyd Ons betree God se wêreld en gaan in God se vrede in
Luister na God se Woord Ons luister dieper na die Woord en ontmoet God
Luister na mekaar God maak ons ’n luisterende gemeenskap en praat ook deur ander mense met ons
Luister na ander en die tye Ons stel onsself oop om God van onverwagse kante af te hoor
Luister weer na God se Woord Ons fokus op die Gees se beweging in ons hart en gedagtes
“Good Mr God, you might be a bit slow at times, but you certainly make it all right in the end.”
“When a family is on a long automobile trip, and the road is dusty and disagreeable, and the assistant chauffeurs in the rear seat are a bit too audible with their complaints about the ride, it is sometimes well just to stop the car and ask whether anybody wishes to go back.”
“Know this well, then. Take it to heart right now: GOD is in Heaven above; GOD is on Earth below. He's the only God there is.” (vs 39 The Message)
“just as we have four basic food groups in nutrition, I've come up with three basic emotional food groups that I call the three A's: Attention, Affection and Appreciation. You pay attention, you show affection and you express appreciation.”
Attention (God die Skepper), Affection (God die Verlosser) Appreciation (God, die Aanmoediger)
Fokus op wat God nou doen Ons fokus op wat God nou doen en waarheen God ons lewe rig
Antwoord met ons lewe Ons besluit op ’n gepaste reaksie op wat God gegee/ gedoen/ gesê het
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