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Evoluce 5/2014. Katalýza (& kód). uspořádanost ( organization ). V max = k cat .[E t ]. Rychlost reakce je tedy funkcí koncentrací substrátu reakce [S] a efektivní koncentrace enzymu [Et]: v = k cat .[Et].[S] / ( K M + [S])
Evoluce 5/2014 Katalýza (& kód)
Rychlostreakce je tedyfunkcíkoncentracísubstrátureakce[S] a efektivníkoncentraceenzymu[Et]: v = kcat.[Et].[S] / (KM + [S]) Jestliže[S] << KM(běžnýpřípad, KM se pohybuje v rozmezí 1-100[S]), pak v = [Et].[S].kcat /KM Oběkonstanty - KM a kcat- souvisí s nutnostíudržetkompromismezirigiditoumolekulyproteinu a jejíflexibilitou.
Rapid evolutionary innovation during an Archaean genetic expansion. David, Lawrence; Alm, Eric Nature. 469(7328):93-96, January 6, 2011. DOI: 10.1038/nature09649 Figure 1 |: Rates of macroevolutionary events over time. Average rates of gene birth (red), duplication (blue), HGT (green), and loss (yellow) per lineage (events per 10 Myr per lineage) are shown. Events that increase gene count are plotted to the right, and gene loss events are shown to the left. Genes already present at the Last Universal Common Ancestor are not included in the analysis of birth rates because the time over which those genes formed is not known. The Archaean Expansion (AE) was also detected when 30 alternative chronograms were considered (Supplementary Fig. 9). The inset shows metabolites or classes of metabolites ordered according to the number of gene families that use them that were born during the Archaean Expansion compared with the number born before the expansion, plotted on a log2 scale. Metabolites whose enrichments are statistically significant at a false discovery rate of less than 10% or less than 5% (Fisher's Exact Test) are identified with one or two asterisks, respectively. Bars are coloured by functional annotation or compound type (functional annotations were assigned manually). Metabolites were obtained from the KEGG database release 51.0 (ref. 27) and associated with clusters of orthologous groups of proteins (COGs) using the MicrobesOnline September 2008 database 28. Metabolites associated with fewer than 20 COGs or sharing more than two-thirds of gene families with other included metabolites are omitted. Abbreviations are defined in Supplementary Table 3. 2
(S. Kauffman: Čtvrtý zákon) pokusy s náhodnými peptidy
Gen: úsek DNA kódující pořadí aminokyselin v proteinu (peptidu) Replikace Kód
A:T G:U afinita ne kód
Problémy: * s vysokými nároky na vazebná místa RNA polymerázy A, C, U nebo T se přikládá k A, C, U, nebo T na konci řetězce 16 různých kombinací i dnešní protein dělá hodně chyb * se stabilitou RNA v prostředí
Avšak: možnost vazby na povrchy možnost vázat jiné sloučeniny
Hypercyklus Manfred Eigen, Peter Schuster
hypercycklus M. Eigen
Cairns-Smith, A. G.: Genetictakeoverandthemineraloriginsoflife. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1982. Cairns-Smith, A. G.: SevenClues to theOriginofLife Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1985.
Kaolinit Al2(Si2O5)(OH)4 Saukonit (Si6,94Al1,06)IV (Al0,44Fe0,34Mg0,36Zn4,80)VIO20(OH)4.n aq M+0,67