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Differentiation in the Common Core. Brian Pete. Robin Fogarty & Associates robinfogarty.com. How to Teach Thinking Skills Within the Common Core. 7 Key Student Proficiencies of the New National Standards. Meet & Greet. Meet and Greet. What you transferred. Meet and Greet.
Differentiation in the Common Core Brian Pete Robin Fogarty & Associates robinfogarty.com
How to Teach Thinking Skills Within the Common Core 7 Key Student Proficiencies of the New National Standards
Meet & Greet
Meet and Greet What you transferred . . .
Meet and Greet Summarize . . . to tell (information) again using fewer words.
Meet and Greet Category cat·e·go·ry Any general or comprehensive division; a class.
Fortune Cookies You have an unusually magnetic personality. You are always welcome in any gather. Beauty in its various forms appeals to you Stop searching forever. Happiness is just next to you.
Students in an advanced Biology class were taking their mid-term exam. The last question was, 'Name seven advantages of Mother's Milk.' The question was worth 70 points or none at all. One student, in particular, was hard put to think of seven advantages However, he wrote: 1) It is perfect formula for the child. 2) It provides immunity against several diseases. 3) It is always the right temperature. 4) It is inexpensive. 5) It bonds the child to mother, and vice-versa. 6) It is always available as needed. And then the student was stuck. Finally, in desperation, just before the bell rang indicating the end of the test, he wrote: 7) It comes in two attractive containers and it's high enough off the ground where the cat can't get it. He got an A
Mrs. Potters Questions Mr. Parnes’ Questions Mrs. Poindexter’s Questions Aha! Oh, No! Three Whats . . . PMI From 1 – 10
Mrs. Potters Questions What were you expected to do? What did you do well? What might you change in the future? How can I help?
Mr. Parnes’ Questions 1. How does this connect to something you already know? 2. How might you use this in the future? Take learning to a whole new level
Mrs. Poindexter’s Questions Where did you get stuck? How did you get unstuck? Everyone gets stuck from time to time…
Aha! Oh, No! What strikes you? What concerns you?
Three Whats . . . What? So, What? Now, What?
From 1 – 10 On a Scale of 1 – 10 . . . and Why?
Metacognitive Questions Mrs. Potters Questions What were you expected to do? What did you do well? What might you change in the future? How can I help? Mr. Parnes’ Questions 1. How does this connect to something you already know? 2. How might you use this in the future? Take learning to a whole new level Mrs. Poindexter’s Questions Where did you get stuck? How did you get unstuck? Everyone gets stuck from time to time… Aha! Oh, No! What strikes you? What concerns you? 3 Whats . . . What? So, What? Now, What? PMI PLUS MINUS INTERESTING On a Scale of 1 – 10 . . . and Why?
Make A Little Book How To Differentiate Name Date
Back of Little Book Classroom Whole Group Small Group Individual
Change the Content • Complexity • Resources • Environment Do /View/ Construe Meaning Texts / Media/People Move Them Change with Challenge and Choice
Change the Process • Direct Instruction • Cooperative Learning • Inquiry Learning/PBL Hook Them Each One Teach One Problem / Stakeholder / Exploration Change with Challenge and Choice
Change the Product • Entry Points • Expressive Modes • Accountability How They Learn How They Express It How We Grade It Change with Challenge and Choice
Small Group Work That Matters Looks Like/Sounds Like…
Small Group Work Looks Like/Sounds Like… • Teacher teaching small group • Busy, buzzing independent groups • Differentiated assignments • Different groups, different work • Students, aides, parent volunteers guiding, leading groups • Movement, noise, conversations • Active, engaged learners
Readers Theater Each person highlight 3 key ideas – Pick one and talk about it . . . “As a __ grade teacher this will be a challenge because . . .
Reading / Writing Assignments Group 2 Group 2 Group 3 READ READ READ Reader’s Theater Hand out on Dif. Groups - Reader’s Theater Hand out on Dif. Groups - Reader’s Theater Hand out on Dif. Groups - WRITE WRITE WRITE AB Writing Compare Cooperative Learning and Direct Instruction Mediated Journal – A great teacher One Minute Write Choose the prompts - -
Reading / Writing Assignments Grade 2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 READ READ READ Parent-Led Reading with Talk Stick of Reading Text p.4548. Reader’s Theater with themed novel. Read Chap 3 by rotating on each paragraph. Echo Read your choice fiction book, with one taking the lead and other echoing. WRITE WRITE Identify 5 key Words that illuminate the text. Explain why. Collaborate quietly. WRITE Start 1000 Word essay with 1 Theme of novel. Do 100 words per day. Read to partner. Each write a brief summary of the story using Pass-a Story and labeled picture
Reading / Writing Assignments Grade 5 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 READ Buddies read the science chapter Subheads and create concept map WRITE Develop 3 open ended questions for another team to consider. ( Developing) READ Student-led- read Brainstorm Ideas for science project from chapter WRITE an outline With all steps required to complete the project and share it. (Advanced) READ Choral-read the science chapter, P56-58 Note words -ABC Graffiti Chart WRITE 3 sentences science words. (Struggling)
Reading / Writing Assignments-Gr 8 Group 1 Group 4 Group 2 Group 3 READ Bluetooth with assigned Partner with Math chapter P.89-91 on PS READ READ Choral Read the Math Chapter p.89-91. READ Buddy Read Math p. 89-91 Independent Reading- Math section on p.89-91 on problem solving WRITE WRITE Write a Blog about solving a math Problem. Do One- Minute Write with designated Timer leading .Use words Problem/Solution WRITE WRITE A Comic Strip to show the Problem Solving. In conversation Wi/partner create little foldable book of the key points in sequence.
Reading / Writing Assignments Grade 2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Reading / Writing Assignments-Gr 8 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
Mrs. Potters Questions What were you expected to do? What did you do well? What might you change in the future? How can I help?
Fortune Cookies You have an unusually magnetic personality. You are always welcome in any gather. Beauty in its various forms appeals to you Stop searching forever. Happiness is just next to you.
Learning is Portable
Fogarty Dissertation From Training to Transfer: Creativity of the Adult Learner Loyola University of Chicago 1989 Committee Member: Art Costa Advisement: Elliot Eisner
Seven Transfer Strategies • Learn About Transfer • Set Expectations • Model • Reflect on Levels • Plot Applications • Try Something • Dialogue
Seven Steps to Transfer
Seven Transfer Strategies Strategy #1: Learn About Transfer Theory
Transfer Theory Little Bo Peep Black Sheep The Good Shepherd
Seven Transfer Strategies Strategy #2: Set Expectations for Transfer
Seven Transfer Strategies Strategy #3: Model Authentically
Seven Transfer Strategies Strategy #4: Reflect on Levels of Transfer
Birds of Transfer 1. Ollie, Head in the Sand Ostrich, overlooks - hand over head 2. Dan, the Drilling Woodpecker, duplicates - prayer hands 3. Laura, the Look-alike Penguin, replicates - open/apart hands 4. Jonathon Livingston Seagull, integrates - intertwined fingers 5. Cathy, the Carrier Pigeon, propagates - extended fingers 6. Sam, the Soaring Eagle, innovates - bloom through fingers
Seven Transfer Strategies Strategy #5: Plot Applications