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Chapters 7–8. Caesar’s Triumph (the perfect tense) The flavor of the perfect The Trojan War retold (again!) in past tenses Third -declension nouns Sum : imperfect and future indicative (and meet possum ) Old MacDonald (dative of possession) Infinitive as noun. 1. Caesar’s Triumphs.
Chapters 7–8 Caesar’s Triumph (the perfect tense) The flavor of the perfect The Trojan War retold (again!) in past tenses Third-declension nouns Sum: imperfect and future indicative (and meet possum) Old MacDonald (dative of possession) Infinitive as noun
1. Caesar’s Triumphs Suetonius, DivusIulius37: On the day of the triumphal procession over Gaul, … he was almost thrown from his chariot when the axle broke. He climbed the Capitol by torch-light, with forty elephants bearing lamps to the right and to the left. …
1. Caesar’s Triumphs (the perfect tense) … In his triumph over Pontus, one of the carts in the processions had on the front of it a placard (titulus) with the words“I came, I saw, I conquered”, not detailing the events of the campaign, as was the case with the others, but emphasizing the speed with which it was completed. VĒNĪ — VĪDĪ — VĪCĪ
1. Caesar’s Triumphs (the perfect tense) … vēnī, vīdī, vīcī vēnistī, vīdistī, vīcistī? vēnit, vīdit, vīcit! vēnimus, vīdimus, vīcimus vēnistis, vīdistis, vīcistis? vēnērunt, vīdērunt, vīcērunt! (or: vēnēre, vīdēre, vīcēre)
1. Caesar’s Triumphs (the perfect tense) … The perfect stem amō, amāre, amāv-ī, amātus timeō, timēre, timu-ī, — videō, vidēre, vīd-ī, vīsus sum, esse, fu-ī, futūrus veniō, venīre, vēn-ī, ventus “to come” vincō, vincere, vīc-ī, victus “to conquer” vīvō, vīvere, vīx-ī, victūrus “to live” vēnī, vīdī, vīxī(Voltaire)
3. The Trojan War retold (again!) in past tenses 1. Cassandra clāmāvit: “ŌTrōiānī, equumne in Trōiamportāvistis?” Equusenimpuellamterrēbat. 3. Sed tum novusdominusGraecusCassandramportāvitēTrōiā in Graeciam.Et puellamnōnamābatdominīfēmina… 2. Cassandra templumMinervaeintrāvit. “Ōdea nostra, templumtuumvēlavimus!” SedAiax, virGraecus, festīnābatpuellaequenocuit.
paterpatriae [nom. sg.] father of the fatherland in vīnō, vēritās[nom. sg.] In wine, truth duxfēminafactī[nom. sg.] A woman (was) leader of the deed arslonga, vītabrevis [nom. sg.] The art (is) long, life (is) short mōs[nom. sg.]maiōrum[gen. pl.] the custom of the ancestors terrāmarīque [abl. sg.] By land and sea multās per gentēset multa per aequora[acc. pl.] through many nations and through many seas(Catullus) 4. Third-declension nouns Some phrases with third-declension nouns
4. Third-declension nouns declined Masculine and feminine dux, ducis m. māter, mātris f. ars, artis (-ium) f. Neuter nūmen, nūminis n. animal, animālis (-ium) n.
sol, sōlis m. māter, mātris f. ars, artis f. mare, maris(-ium) n. 4. Third-declension nouns: some sentences and phrases Sol viammonstrat. Māterviam arte monstrat. Sol viammātrīmonstrat. Sol mare monstrat. Sol mariamonstrat. Via sōlemmonstrat. Mare sōlemmonstrat. Arsviammātrimonstrat. sol magnus sol pulcher ars longa mātrismiserae mātrīmiserae mare altum bonārumartium bonīsartibus
5. Sum: Imperfect and future indicative (and: meet possum) sum, esse, fuī, futūrus “to be; exist” possum, potesse, potuī, — “to be able; can” (+ infin.)”
Errāreesthumānum To err is human Errāvīsseesthumānum. To have erred is human. Venīre, vidēre, vincereestRōmānum. To come, see, conquer is Roman. Vēnisse, vīdisse, vīxisseestRōmānum. To have come, to have seen, to have conquered is Roman. Rōmānīsnōnplaceterrāre. To err does not please the Romans. Amāreestvīxisse. To love is to have lived. Nōnpossumnōnadamāretē. I … can’t … help … falling in love … with … you. 7. Infinitive as (neuter singular) noun