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Proposal for EDCTP-II to the European Council and Parliament

EDCTP THE NEXT DECADE: Towards a Collaborative ERA fighting AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis & tropical diseases. Proposal for EDCTP-II to the European Council and Parliament. Bruno Gryseels (BE) on behalf of EU Member States Brussels EDCTP-II Consensus meeting 27-28.09.2010.

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Proposal for EDCTP-II to the European Council and Parliament

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  1. EDCTP THE NEXT DECADE:Towards a Collaborative ERA fighting AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis & tropical diseases Proposal for EDCTP-II to the European Council and Parliament Bruno Gryseels (BE) on behalf of EU Member States Brussels EDCTP-II Consensus meeting 27-28.09.2010

  2. EDCTP THE NEXT DECADE:Towards a Collaborative ERA fighting AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis & tropical diseases Proposal for EDCTP-II to the European Council and Parliament Bruno Gryseels on behalf of EU Member States Brussels EDCTP-II Consensus meeting 27-28.09.2010

  3. EDCTP THE NEXT DECADE:Towards a Collaborative ERA fighting AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis & tropical diseases Proposal for EDCTP-II to the European Council and Parliament Bruno Gryseels on behalf of EU Member States Brussels EDCTP-II Consensus meeting 27-28.09.2010

  4. EDCTP THE NEXT DECADE:Towards a Collaborative ERA fighting AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis & tropical diseases Proposal for EDCTP-II to the European Council and Parliament Bruno Gryseels on behalf of EU Member States Brussels EDCTP-II Consensus meeting 27-28.09.2010

  5. EDCTP THE NEXT DECADE:Towards a Collaborative ERA fighting AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis & tropical diseases Proposal for EDCTP-II to the European Council and Parliament Bruno Gryseels on behalf of EU Member States Brussels EDCTP-II Consensus meeting 27-28.09.2010

  6. EDCTP THE NEXT DECADE:Towards a Collaborative ERA fighting AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis & tropical diseases Proposal for EDCTP-II to the European Council and Parliament Bruno Gryseels on behalf of EU Member States Brussels EDCTP-II Consensus meeting 27-28.09.2010

  7. EDCTP THE NEXT DECADE:Towards a Collaborative ERA fighting AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis & tropical diseases Proposal for EDCTP-II to the European Council and Parliament Bruno Gryseels on behalf of EU Member States Brussels EDCTP-II Consensus meeting 27-28.09.2010

  8. EDCTP-II Overview Process (2010) - 11 May: General Assembly (IER-II) - 8 June: GA working party - June – July: GA writing group (PubCon) - August: GA consultation (ImpAss) - 9 September: final version

  9. EDCTP-II Overview OWNERSHIP: EU member states not yet consensus on all details not yet African partners (but informed) not yet Commission (but informed) not yet BAFO STATUS: Principal commitment political process stakeholder consultations internal refinement

  10. EDCTP-II Overview International context • MDG Progress (Africa) • Global Health architecture • Dominant US / UN players • BRIC as new actors • Paris Declaration - Accra Agenda for Action

  11. EDCTP-II Overview EU context - 2007 Africa-EU Strategic Partnership • 2007 Programme for Action on PRD • 2008 International S&T Cooperation • 2008 FP7 Strategic research priorities NID • 2009 FP7 Strategic research priorities PRD • 2010 EU 2020 Strategy • 2010 EU Role in Global Health

  12. EDCTP-II Overview Operational & Scientific context: • Roll-out ART, Roll Back Malaria, Stop TB • Health systens strengthening • Neglected tropical / infectious diseases • Diagnostic deficit • Drug deficit (resistance – simple regimens) • Vaccines deficit • Implementation deficit (programmes & systems) • (Health promotion & environmental deficits)

  13. EDCTP-II Overview EDCTP II: operational objectives • Consolidation EDCTP-I: AMT, drugs & vaccines Clinical trials Phase II-III-(IVA) Clinical trials Phase IVB - Pharmacovigilance • Stepwise extensions: all PRD, implementation Diagnostics Tropical diseases Operational implementation of products

  14. EDCTP-II Overview EDCTP II: mid-stream research on all PRD Basic & translational research Health care & disease control Intervention research Health systems research

  15. EDCTP-II Overview EDCTP II: operational objectives NOT (YET): 1. Geographical extensions 2. Basic and translational research inc. Phase I 3. Commonly treatable / preventable diseases 4. Health systems

  16. EDCTP-II Overview EDCTP II: partnership objectives Europe: True joint programme (169 / 185): governance? True common pot – programmatic co-funding EU 15 + EU 12 DG and ministries for cooperation Levels of membership? Africa: True ownership (operational-political-legal) (Mutual) Capacity development Own contributions & accountability Global: Product-development PPP Global health actors Industry

  17. EDCTP-II Overview EDCTP II: tentative timeline and budgets * * in kind + in cash / largely existing resources BUT EDCTP (169/185) IS PRINCIPALLY ABOUT JOINING FORCES (EXTRA) BUDGET IS A TOOL NOT AN AIM

  18. Thank you Bruno Gryseels, Director Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp www.itg.be bgryseels@itg.be

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