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The Federal Environmental and Nuclear Safety Center of Russia manages and regulates nuclear and radiation safety in the country. It works with various federal executive authorities to ensure the safe use of nuclear energy and the proper handling of radiation sources. This includes regional planning, coordination, authorization, and supervision of nuclear activities.
НАУЧНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЦЕНТР ПО ЯДЕРНОЙ И РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ НТЦ Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia 1 Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Petr RUBTSOV RER/9/096 Regional Planning and Coordination MEETING Vienna, 19-20 March 2009
НАУЧНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЦЕНТР ПО ЯДЕРНОЙ И РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ НТЦ The list of Federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation, which exercise State management of nuclear energy use in respect to the subordinated organizations . 2 (RF Government Decree №412 03.06. 2006) • Federal Atomic Energy Agency; • Ministry of Defense; • Federal Industrial Agency; • Federal Agency for Technique Regulation and Metrology; • Federal Agency for Sea and Inland Water Transport ; • Federal Agency for Education; • Federal Agency for Science and Innovation; • Federal Energy Agency; • Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (in part of radwastes management of low and medium activity and ionizing radiation sources, which is not under military-industrial, nuclear, and energy complexes); • Federal Agency for Public Health and Human Services; • Federal Agency for Management of Mineral Resources.
НАУЧНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЦЕНТР ПО ЯДЕРНОЙ И РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ НТЦ The list of Federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation, which exercise State regulation of safety of nuclear energy use 3 (RF Government Decree №412 03.06. 2006) • Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief (Emercom); • Ministry of Natural Resource and Ecology of Russian Federation (development of regulatory guides) • Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russian Federation (Rostechnadzor) (authorization, supervision); • Federal Service for Supervision of Consumers Protection and Welfare; • Federal Bio-Medical Agency.
4 НАУЧНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЦЕНТР ПО ЯДЕРНОЙ И РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ НТЦ WHAT is the RADIATION SOURCE ?(from Russian Atomic Law) RadiationSources – Complexes, Facilities, Apparatuses, Equipment and Products not related to Nuclear Installations that contain Radioactive Substances. Complex – assemblage of technical devices (facilities, apparatuses, equipment, products) of interrelated designation that contain Sealed Radionuclide Sources (SRadioactive Sources) or Unsealed Radionuclide Sources (URadioactive Sources) the operation of which is implemented in the frame of unified technological process. Facility – technical device containing one or several SRadioactive Sources or URadioactive Sources and designated for implementation of radiation technologies, researches in the area of ionizing radiation impact to the substance, metrological qualification of devices and Radionuclide Sources (Radioactive Sources). Apparatus - technical device containing one or several SRadioactive Sources or URadioactive Sources and designated for exposure of human focus of decease or for non-destructive quality control of product quality with using ionizing irradiation. Equipment - technical devices where the products containing SRadioactive Sources or URadioactive Sources or Radioactive Substances (RS) are allocated for carrying out the specified part of process, and also the production tools needed to perform works with Radioactive Sources and RS. Product (produce)- technical device containing SRadioactive Sources or Radioactive Substances and not related to Facilities, Apparatuses or Equipment.
НАУЧНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЦЕНТР ПО ЯДЕРНОЙ И РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ НТЦ 5 Management and regulation of nuclear and radiation safety State management of safety (11 Authorities) State safety regulation (5 Authorities) Responsibility ofoperating organizations (number in the thousands)
САНКТ-ПЕТЕРБУРГ СЕМТО МОСКВА ЦМТО ВМТО УМТО НОВОВОРОНЕЖ ДВМТО БАЛАКОВО ДМТО ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ СМТО ХАБАРОВСК НОВОСИБИРСК 6 Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia Interregional Territorial Regions ВМТО=VITR - Voljsky interregional territorial region ДВМТО =DVITR- Dalnevostochny interregional territorial region СМТО = SITR- Sibirsky interregional territorial region ДМТО =DITR- Donskoy interregional territorial region УМТО = UITR- Uralsky interregional territorial region СЕМТО = SEITR- Severo-evropeisky interregional territorial region ЦМТО = CITR- Central interregional territorial region
Structure of Siberian Interregional Territorial Region on supervision of nuclear and radiation safety НАУЧНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЦЕНТР ПО ЯДЕРНОЙ И РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ НТЦ 7 HEAD of Siberian Interregional Territorial Region РУКОВОДИТЕЛЬ Советник Adviser Сибирского межрегионального территориального округа DEPUTY HEAD DEPUTY HEAD DEPUTY HEAD ЗАМЕСТИТЕЛЬ ЗАМЕСТИТЕЛЬ ЗАМЕСТИТЕЛЬ РУКОВОДИТЕЛЯ РУКОВОДИТЕЛЯ РУКОВОДИТЕЛЯ Functional Departments Financialand Accountant Department Технический Финансово – Technical Department General Department Общий бухгалтерский отдел отдел отдел Supervision Departments О тдел надзора Department of review of research and development documentation and supervision over technical safety Department of supervision over registration and control of nuclear materials and their security О тдел экспертизы О тдел надзора О тдел надзора Department of supervision over equipment of nuclear and radiation dangerous objects Department of supervision over nuclear and radiation safety at fuel cycle facilities and research reactors за ядерной и проектно - за оборудованием за учетом и Department of supervision over radiation safety Отдел надзора радиационной конструкторской ядерно - и контролем за радиационной безопасностью документации и надзора радиационно опасных ядерных материалов безопасностью н а предприятиях за технической объектов и их физической топливного цикла и ИР безопасностью защит ой District Divisions Jeleznogorsky Department of Inspections of NRS at FCF and CTF Jeleznogorsk Железногорский отдел Krasnoyarsky Division of inspections of radiation safety Krasnoyarsk Novosibirsky Division of inspections of radiation safety Novosibirsk Tomsky Division of inspections of radiation safety Tomsk Irkutsky Division of inspections of radiation safety Irkutsk Новосибирский отдел инспекций Томский отдел инспекций Иркутский отдел инспекций Красноярский отдел инспекций инспекций ЯРБ на ПТЦ и ЗАТО радиационной безопасности радиационной б езопасности радиационной безопасности радиационной безопасности г . Железногорск г . Новосибирск г . Томск г . Иркутск г . Красноярск Altaisky Division of inspections of radiation safety Barnaul Chitinsky Division of inspections of radiation safety Chita Omsky Division of inspections of radiation safety Omsk Seversky Department of Inspections of NRS at FCF and CTF Seversk Алтайский отдел инспекций Читинский отдел инспекций Омский отдел инспекций Кемеровский отдел инспекций Северский отдел инспекций Kemerovsky Division of inspections of radiation safety Kemerovo ЯРБ на ПТЦ и ЗАТО радиационной безопасности радиационной безопасности радиационной безопасности радиационной безопасности г . Барнаул г . Чита г . Омск г . Кемерово г . Северск NRS – Nuclear and Radiation Safety FCF – Fuel Cycle Facility CTF – Closed Territorial Formation
The head of Rostechnadzor 6th administration (department) of Rostechnadzor НАУЧНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЦЕНТР ПО ЯДЕРНОЙ И РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ SEC NRS НТЦ UITR VITR DVITR DITR SEITR SITR CITR Territorial districts Territorial districts Under supervision facilities Under supervision facilities Under supervision facilities Under supervision facilities SITR - Sibirsky interregional territorial region VITR - Voljsky interregional territorial region UITR - Uralsky interregional territorial region DVITR - Dalnevostochny interregional territorial region CITR - Centralny interregional territorial region DITR - Donskoy interregional territorial region SEITR - Severo-evropeisky interregional territorial region SEC NRS - Scientific and Engineering Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Rostechnadzor of Russia General scheme of information change of Rostechnadzor 8 Rostechnadzorregions
A SWOT Matrix for the implementation of “Code of Conduct on Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources” in Russian Federation 9
НАУЧНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЦЕНТР ПО ЯДЕРНОЙ И РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ НТЦ The authorities of Rostechnadzoron supervision, control and licensingin established area of activity 10 • carries out supervision and control: • on observance of norms and rules in the sphere of nuclear energy use , on license conditions to carry out activities in the sphere of nuclear energy use ; • on nuclear, radiation, technical and fire safety (at nuclear facilities); • on physical protection of nuclear installations, radiation sources, storage items of nuclear materials and radioactive substances; • on systems of uniform State control and account systems of nuclear materials, radioactive substances, radioactive wastes; • on fulfillment ofinternational obligations of the Russian Federation in the sphere of nuclear energy usesafety ensuring
НАУЧНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЦЕНТР ПО ЯДЕРНОЙ И РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ НТЦ The authorities of Rostechnadzoron supervision, control and licensingin established area of activity 11 • carries out licensing of following activities: • sitting, construction, operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities, radiation sources, nuclear materials and radioactive substances storage facilities, radioactive wastesstorage facilities; • nuclear materials and radioactive substances management including exploring and mining of uranium ore, generation, use, processing, transportation and storage of radioactive substances and nuclear materials; • radioactive wastes management during processing, transportation and storage; • use of nuclear materials and/or radioactive substances for scientific and research and experimental and design activities;
НАУЧНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЦЕНТР ПО ЯДЕРНОЙ И РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ НТЦ The authorities of Rostechnadzoron supervision, control and licensingin established area of activity 12 • carries out licensing of following activities: • design and construction of nuclear installations, storage items of nuclear materials and radioactive substances, radioactive wastes storage facilities; • construction and manufacturing of equipment for nuclear installations, storage items of nuclear materials and radioactive substances, radioactive wastes storage facilities; • review of design, engineering and technological documentation and documents justifying the nuclear and radiation safety ensuring of nuclear installations and radioactive substances, radioactive wastes storage facilities and activity on nuclear materials and radioactive substances management.
ORGANIZATIONAL DIFFICULTIES of INTRODUCTION ofCATEGORIZATION in R F НАУЧНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЦЕНТР ПО ЯДЕРНОЙ И РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ НТЦ 14 There is a number of serious organizational and methodical questions at introduction of the categorization system in scales of the RF: • Who should carry outcategorizationof radionuclidesources? • What is order of carrying out of categorization? Whether is it necessary to be guided by initial activity (t=t0) or on real (t=treal)? For example, initial activity Ir-192 (T1\2 =75 days) during the appointed service life of a source (1= year) decreases in 30 times, and for Cs-137 (T1\2 = 30 years) initial activity during the appointed service life (15 years) decreases only twice. These two situations differ basically at an establishment of a category of source!! • What periodicity of carrying out of repeated categorizationfor radionuclideswith a half-life period smaller the appointed service life of sources? • When is it necessary to establish a category for long-living radionuclides with a half-life period, much greater of the appointed service life of sources (for example, on a design stage either at a stage of manufacture or at a stage of manufacturing of a source)? In what kind is it necessary to bring these data in the passport of used source? • What are responsibilities and sanctions for default categorization sources in the organizations and at the enterprises? By what document it should be designated? • Other questions!!
Plans on introduction of categorizationradionuclidesources in the RF are: НАУЧНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЦЕНТР ПО ЯДЕРНОЙ И РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ НТЦ 15 • The prompt introduction of the Russiandocument «TECHNIQUE ofCATEGORIZATION of RADIONUCLIDE SOURCES on POTENTIALRADIATION [RADIOLOGIC(AL)] HAZARD» (according to RS-G-1.9 and Dangerous quantities…{D-values}). This is READY(2008); • Publication of Information Letter about the intentions of necessary changes in operating Russian Standarts and Guides regarding of categorization of radionuclidesources. This is READY(2008); • Realizationof necessary changes in texts of corresponding Russian Rules,Standarts and Guides regarding of categorization of radionuclidesources(in particular, for RAIS system).This is not READY • Realizationof requirements on categorization of radionuclidesources in text of the mainRussian Rules“General regulationson safety ensuring of radiation sources”. The final draft is created at that moment (March 2009). It will put into action by the end of this year but this is question!!;
НАУЧНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЦЕНТР ПО ЯДЕРНОЙ И РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ НТЦ Safety requirements to be provided in the document“General regulationson safety ensuring of Sourses of radiation” (1) 18 • Requirements for ensuring radiation safety in storage of Sealed Radioactive Sources and Unsealed Radioactive Sources and radioactive substances during the operation of stationary and mobile SOURCES of RADIATION (nuclear facilities) on the base of devices, products, arrangements and equipment • Requirements for ensuring accounting for Sealed Radioactive Sources and Unsealed Radioactive Sources and radioactive substances during the operation of stationary and mobile SOURCES of RADIATION (nuclear facilities) on the base of devices, products, arrangements and equipment • Requirements for ensuring radiation safety in storage of Sealed Radioactive Sources and Unsealed Radioactive Sources and radioactive substances during the operation of stationary and mobile SOURCES of RADIATION (nuclear facilities) on the base of devices, products, arrangements and equipment
НАУЧНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЦЕНТР ПО ЯДЕРНОЙ И РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ НТЦ Safety requirements to be provided in the document“General regulationson safety ensuring of Sourses of radiation” (2) 19 • Requirements for ensuring accounting for Sealed Radioactive Sources and Unsealed Radioactive Sources and radioactive substances during the operation of stationary and mobile SOURCES of RADIATION (nuclear facilities) on the base of devices, products, arrangements and equipment • Requirements to decommissioning of the SOURCES of RADIATION (nuclear facilities) • Requirements to Emergency Planning and Response during the entering into operation, operation and decommissioning of the SOURCES of RADIATION (nuclear facilities) • Classification of the SOURCES of RADIATION (nuclear facilities) upon their mobility as of the objects for industrial activity and classification of their systems and elements with regard to their affect to safety
Russian RAIS 3.0 of the first level covers a following circle of questions: НАУЧНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ ЦЕНТР ПО ЯДЕРНОЙ И РАДИАЦИОННОЙ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ НТЦ 20 • The information on a national infrastructure Regulatory body; • Data on the organization and radiation dangerous objects in its structure; • Data about categories of sources and about associate equipment for their application; • The order and the procedure of the issue of licence or permission; • Data on inspections; • Data on sanctions; • Data about radiological andnonradiological incidents and failures atradiation dangerous objects in structure of the organizations (or enterprises); • Data on the personnel of radiation dangerous objects; • Data on other organizations rendering services; • Another .