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Community Forum. OTES Third Grade Reading Guarantee Regional Center for Advanced Academic Studies. May 23, 2013 Room 300. Ohio Teacher Evaluation System. Goals for OTES. Fair, credible and evidence-based Aligned to Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession
Community Forum OTES Third Grade Reading Guarantee Regional Center for Advanced Academic Studies May 23, 2013 Room 300
Goals for OTES • Fair, credible and evidence-based • Aligned to Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession • Uses multiple measures of performance, including student academic progress for assessing the knowledge and skills of educators
Goals for OTES • Delineates a clear set of goals with action steps and evidence indicators • Supports professional growth and development over time • Designed at the local level as part of the collective bargaining process
Two key evaluation components – HB 153 • 50% Teacher Performance • 7 Standards – ODE rubric • Professional Growth Plan • Improvement Plan • Formal and Informal Observations • Walkthroughs • Pre and Post Evaluation Conferences 2. 50% Student Academic Growth • Teacher-Value Added: Grades 4-8 Reading and Math • Approved Vendor Assessments • LEA determined - Student Learning Objective (SLO)
STUDENT GROWTH MEASURES A. Teacher – Level Value Added (HB 555) • A1 – exclusively math or reading 4th-8th • A2 – 4th-8th math or reading but not exclusively – % Proportionate to schedule B. ODE Approved Vendor Assessment C.LEA - No Value Added or Approved Vendor Assessment – Teacher developed assessment (SLO)
OTES POLICY • Statute – State Board of Education Framework • Teacher rating: Accomplished; Proficient; Developing; Ineffective • Who qualifies: Spend at least 50% of time providing instruction • Credentialed evaluator • Calculating Performance: 50% teacher performance; 50% student growth measures – Value Added; Vendor Assessment; SLO
OTES POLICY • Evaluation Procedures: at least two 30 minutes observations; at least two walkthroughs • Students excluded from Student Growth Data • Timelines: Evaluations completed by May 1st; Written copy to teacher by May 10th • Seniority NOT basis for decisions to retain • Growth Plans • Testing for Teachers
OTES POLICY II.Statute - Procedures Bargained • Retention and promotion procedures • Removal of poorly performing teachers • Professional development • Percentages attributed to Student Growth Measures
Sandusky City Schools • 2012-13 OTES Committee – Create SCS OTES model • SEA Leadership; Administration • Staff communication • Develop SCS OTES Policy – July 1, 2013 2. 2013-14 Implement OTES Pilot • Each administrator/building participates • Every teacher completes a Growth Plan 3. 2014-15 Full implementation
NEXT STEPS • Committee work session May 8th • Review Policy – Board adopt in June • Prepare for 2013-14 Pilot • PD for Growth Plan development • Counselors; Nurses; Intervention Specialist • Non-Certified staff • OPES
What is it? Third Grade Reading Guarantee gives greater emphasis to reading instruction and intervention in the early grades. School districts and community schools will diagnose reading deficiencies in students at grades kindergarten through three, create individualized reading improvement and monitoring plans and provide intensive reading interventions.
Why? “Third grade has become a flashpoint in primary education because it’s the stage when children are no longer learning to read but are reading to learn, educators say. If children haven’t mastered reading by third grade, they will find it hard to handle increasingly complex lessons in science, social studies and even math.” Washington Post writer Lindsay Layton March 10, 2013 www.washingtonpost.com/local/education
Why? Part II • Ohio's Third Grade Reading Guarantee was enacted into law to ensure that all students are reading proficiently and on grade level by the end of their third grade year. The law requires schools to: • Assess the reading abilities of all students in grades K–3 beginning with the 2012–2013 school year by September 30, 2012 • Develop reading improvement and monitoring plans for all students who are reading below grade level • Provide research-based reading interventions to meet students' specific reading difficulties
Where? All Ohio public schools (which may include charter/magnet/community schools) TGRG does not apply to non-public schools For SCS – we have K-3 students in all 5 of our elementary buildings
When? • Each year, by September 30th , • Districts must administer a reading diagnostic assessment to all student in grades K-3
Results of Assessment • If the assessment shows that the student is not on-track to be reading at grade level by the end of the year, schools must provide parents, in writing: • Notice that the school has identified a reading deficiency with their child; • A description of current services provided to the student; • A description of proposed supplemental instruction services; • Notice that the Ohio Achievement Assessment for third grade reading is not the only measure of reading competency; and • Notice that unless the student attains the appropriate level of reading competency by the end of Grade 3, the student will be retained.
Requirements For each student shown to be not on-track, schools must: • Begin reading intervention immediately using research-based reading strategies targeted at the student’s identified reading deficiencies • Develop a reading improvement and monitoring plan within 60 days of learning of the reading deficiency
How? • Develop a Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan (RIMP) • Must be created within 60 days of diagnostic results (not on-track) • Identifies area of weakness • Describes proposed supplemental instruction services • Opportunities for parent/guardian involvement in services • A process for monitoring the implementation of services • An Scientifically-based reading program • A statement that retention will occur at the end of 3rd grade unless reading competency is met
Intensive Remediation Services Once a student is identified as not on-track, the district must immediately provide intensive reading instruction services and regular diagnostic assessments to the student until the completion of the reading improvement and monitoring plan
Intervention may include… • Small-group instruction; • Reduced teacher-student ratios; • More frequent progress monitoring; • Tutoring or mentoring; • Transition classes containing third and fourth grade students; • Summer reading camp; or • Extended school day, week or year • Any intervention or remediation services required by this law shall include intensive, explicit and systematic instruction
A look at SCS’s Interventions • Read Well • Read Naturally • Wilson Fundations • Wilson Reading System • Accelerated Reader • Harcourt Intervention Series • Earobics • Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) • After School Enrichment Services • Summer School • Small group intervention (30 minutes daily)
Parental Rights The law does not provide a parent the right to refuse the requirements of the Third Grade Reading Guarantee. This includes student retention, diagnostic assessments, reading improvement and monitoring plans, and intervention services.
Regional Center for Advanced Academic Studies College Ready. Career Ready. Life Ready.
Purpose To provide a world class education to identified gifted students through innovative curriculum and instructional models designed to meet individual student needs
Identification for Service Students must be identified in Superior Cognition, Reading or Math per Ohio Revised Code/Ohio Administrative Code
Services Core subjects: Math, English, Science/Technology, and Humanities Art, Music, Physical Education, Strings (6th), Computer Counseling Community Partnership Opportunities
Timeline Applications are currently being accepted Applications are due June 7th Testing for applicants not yet identified will occur in June Acceptance letters to be mailed to families no later than July 19th Family Orientation is August 20th
Contact Information • For additional information, please contact: Julie McDonald, Chief Academic Officer 419.984.1022 jmcdonald@scs-k12.net • Visit our website: http://www.scs-k12.net/regionalcenter_home.aspx