Facebook Something we all love
Facebook • Facebook is a free-access social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc.[1] Users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people. People can also add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. The website's name refers to the paper facebooks depicting members of a campus community that some UScolleges and preparatory schools give to incoming students, faculty, and staff as a way to get to know other people on campus. • Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook with fellow computer science major students and his roommates Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes while he was a student at Harvard University.[4] Website membership was initially limited to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It later expanded further to include any university student, then high school students, and, finally, to anyone aged 13 and over. The website currently has more than 200 million active users worldwide.[5]
Students love it, school network administrators hate it, no matter how you look at it, Facebook is a significant part of most teens' online lives. One teacher is trying to capitalize on his students' love of Facebook by making Facebook an integral part of his literature course. What this teacher is doing is having his students create Facebook profiles for the characters in The Great Gatsby. The activity doesn't stop there. In addition to creating Facebook profiles for the characters he is having his students write wall posts and blogs as the character for whom they created a Facebook page. For example, the student who creates a Facebook profile for Nick might write on the wall of Facebook profile created for Daisy.
Facebook • The obvious problem with this lesson is that most schools try to block access to Facebook on school computers. Despite that logistical problem, this lesson has great potential for students to really delve into character analysis.
Facebook • While many professors may criticize Facebook for taking students away from their studies, administrators and academics at some universities have seen the potential in Facebook being used as an educational tool. The vast potential for group work, collaboration, and discussion has been cited as a great strength for Facebook.
Facebook • With Facebook being a gateway into the life of another human being, issues of privacy have been raised within the discussion of whether it should be used in education. While “Schools” maintains that it is a private application only available to student, faculty, and staff of the subscribing university, other professors have taken it upon themselves to create their own course pages on Facebook.
http://esoliman.wordpress.com/2007/08/16/how-to-use-facebook-in-the-classroom/http://esoliman.wordpress.com/2007/08/16/how-to-use-facebook-in-the-classroom/ http://www.collegedegree.com/library/college-life/15-facebook-apps-perfect-for-online-education Facebook