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NSIDC CLPX Cryosphere Science Data Product Metrics

NSIDC CLPX Cryosphere Science Data Product Metrics. Prepared by the ESDIS SOO Metrics Team for the Cryosphere Science Data Review January 11-12, 2006. Purpose. Complements the data products table of metrics Presents the discipline data by significant parameters

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NSIDC CLPX Cryosphere Science Data Product Metrics

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  1. NSIDC CLPX CryosphereScience Data Product Metrics Prepared by the ESDIS SOO Metrics Team for the Cryosphere Science Data Review January 11-12, 2006

  2. Purpose • Complements the data products table of metrics • Presents the discipline data by significant parameters • # of products, archive, distribution, # of users • Allows reviewers to distinguish individual products for further analysis CLPX NSIDC 122805.ppt

  3. Non-ECS Product Data Metrics Summary CLPX NSIDC 122805.ppt

  4. Sample Science Data Product ReviewCharts and Tables • Standard set of charts & tables • Table characterizing the discipline data set • Detailed descriptions of products • Archive volume of discipline data by product level • Focus on Product Subsets • Product by End User, Product by Archive Volume • Table of products with selected parameters • Scatter plots (3) of Products by demand and distribution parameters • Sample time profiles • Archive, distribution, and users by FY • Single product or data set CLPX NSIDC 122805.ppt

  5. Summary Table of CLPX Data Products CLPX NSIDC 122805.ppt

  6. CLPX Products Detailed Descriptions CLPX NSIDC 122805.ppt

  7. CLPX Products Detailed Descriptions CLPX NSIDC 122805.ppt

  8. CLPX Cryosphere Products Volume CLPX NSIDC 122805.ppt

  9. CLPX Atmosphere Data Products CLPX NSIDC 122805.ppt

  10. CLPX In Situ Data Products CLPX NSIDC 122805.ppt

  11. CLPX Model Results Products CLPX NSIDC 122805.ppt

  12. CLPX Satellite Data Products CLPX NSIDC 122805.ppt

  13. Number of Distinct Users for CLPX Products High Archive High Utilization Low Archive High Utilization Low Archive Low Utilization High Archive Low Utilization CLPX NSIDC 122805.ppt

  14. Comparison of Distributed vs. Archived Volumefor CLPX Products Distributed > 100% of archive total Distributed < 1% of archive total Distributed < 10% of archive total Distributed < 100 % of archive total CLPX NSIDC 122805.ppt

  15. CLPX Product Profiles by FYExample Product CLPX-Ground: ISA Snow Depth Transects and Related Measurements CLPX NSIDC 122805.ppt

  16. CLPX Product Profiles by FYAtmospheres Data Products CLPX NSIDC 122805.ppt

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