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96 學年度「優質教學助理」系列課程 創意激盪 — 提升優質教學 講師:元智大學企管系郭敏珣 10/31/2007. What is the most effective method of teaching? I believe that the answer depends on the goal, the student, the content, and the teacher.
What is the most effective method of teaching? I believe that the answer depends on the goal, the student, the content, and the teacher. Over the years, in each class I taught, I have used a variety of teaching techniques to be effective in teaching. Following are some of the techniques I use: Teaching Techniques, Tools, and Methods
Strengthen writing skills from writing essay, term papers, reports, conference papers, journal papers • Courses I teach fall in social sciences, behavior sciences, and humanities, and this type of courses requires essay and term paper from which students are to be trained for critical thinking. • Papers were graded for the quality of the content and original thinking, and the quality of writing. • Challenge: All of the time, effort, and skills required to correct papers, give feedback, and teach writing is the biggest challenge; however, it is a good training for students and for myself.
Teaching how to learn more from textbooks and reading assignments • In introductory classes, I help students by being explicit about why I chose the particular textbook and what I expect them to learn from it. • Helping students making good use of each textbook is effective in teaching. Texts inside of each chapter and at the end of each chapter, such as Questions for review, Questions for critical thinking, Team exercise, Case incident, are often time being used in my lecture and discussion. • Challenge: I encourage students bring textbook to each class, to make marginal notes, to write down questions as they go, and to carry on an active dialogue with me in class. For those whose English proficiency is low, it is difficult for them to complete reading as requested.
Encouraging collaborative learning, peer learning, cooperative learning • Initiate a variety of types of cooperative learning methods to students: such as student-led discussions, small-group discussion, debate, peer tutoring outside of class, and so on. • Host collaborative coopetition (cooperation and competition) seminars among two to three classes together. • Challenge: Peer learning works better for some students than others. When dealing with ability differences of students, I have to wisely initiate and arrange for a well-planned use of peer learning works.
Engaging linking theory to practice by projects • Initiate the execution of projects in which a student, or group of students, undertakes together and integrate data relevant to important problem in practices. • Students working on a project have to solve real problems and to sue their knowledge in new ways. • Through this project, students are trained to be explicit about their research questions, strategies they plan to use, about their time management, how to monitor their progress. It is a great chance for students to develop strategic learning. • Challenge: Motivation and work habits of students are important. In addition, because of the size of class, there is no sufficient of time to allow students to present their projects in class.
Teaching with cases • In almost every class, I use case method discussions to bring good student involvement. • Case methods--including Harvard cases, video cases, actual descriptions of problem situations in the field, etc.--are to develop student ability to solve problems using knowledge, concepts, and skills relevant to the course. • My role in case method is facilitate discussion—questioning, listening, challenging, and encouraging analysis and problem solving, and proposing hypothetical situations to test the validity of generalizations. • Challenge: The major problem in teaching by cases in large classes involves 1) student’s capability to read the case within time allowed, 2) it takes much time to involve whole class participations.
Engaging participations by instructional games and role playing • I use games to encourage students to be active participants rather than passive observers. • In OB and HRM classes, I also use role playing for students to improve their responses to certain situations. • Challenge: The major problem in teaching by cases in large classes involves 1) time-consuming for whole class participation, 2) find well-designed games that have been used in enough situations to have the kinks worked out.
Motivating life-long-learning through field work and experiential learning • I have created a broad spectrum of on-the-job experiences, such as cross-university service activities, field work, internships, and cooperative education involving work in business or industry for students. • Students are encouraging to participate in providing services in domestic and international conferences, being a volunteer in seminars, being an intern in related areas.
Teaching through role model’s experience sharing • Bring in professionals and practitioners in the field from business and industry to give a talk to share their stories of success. • Encourage students to bring in outside experts to form a forum and debate for specific issues/topics. • Challenge: For undergraduate students who do not have much work experience, it is still not easy for them to comprehend the speech by guest speakers. I believe that, all of the techniques described above are more than techniques. What's more involved is administration of the work and the service provided.
畫圖課結束了,葳葳卻還是無法離開。 她的圖畫紙是空白的。
葳葳的老師,低頭瞧著那張白紙。 她說:「啊,暴風雪裡有一隻北極熊!」 「真-好-笑!」葳葳說,「我就是不會畫圖呀!」
老師拿起紙來,仔細的研究。 「嗯……」
葳葳想了想:「好吧,雖然我不會畫圖,但是 我會簽名。」
一星期後,葳葳走進美術教室,看見老師座位上方掛著一個東西一星期後,葳葳走進美術教室,看見老師座位上方掛著一個東西 ,她大吃一驚。 那是她畫的小點點!還配上了漩渦形狀的金色畫框!
葳葳畫個不停。 黃色的點點。綠色的點點。紅色的點點。藍色的點點。
她還發現,把紅色加藍色, 竟然可以畫出紫色的點點。 葳葳不停的實驗,畫出各種顏色的小點點。
「既然我畫 得出小點點 ,那我一定 也可以畫出 大點點。」 葳葳用更大 的畫筆,在 更大的畫紙 上揮灑色彩 ,畫出了許 多大點點。
葳葳甚至 還用留白 的方式變 出一個大 點點。
葳葳發現一個 小男生抬頭盯 著她看。 他說:「你真 是一個偉大的 畫家!希望我 也會畫圖。」 葳葳說:「你 絕對沒問題!」 「我?不可能! 我連用尺畫直 線都不會!」
葳葳笑了。她遞給小男生一張白紙。 「畫給我看看。」 小男生畫線的時候,不停的發抖。
心得分享: 畫圖課結束了,葳葳卻還是無法離開,她的圖畫紙是空白的,葳葳說:「我就是不會畫圖呀!」為了證明這一點,她拿著筆,往紙上一戳……留下了一個再普通不過的「●」但是,這卻是一個帶來無限可能的點。 如世界級有名的畫家秀拉,同樣是用小點點來彩畫出人生天地宇宙的大美。所以鼓勵與自信是非常重要的。 作者認為每一個孩子都具有創造力,即便是長大了的孩子亦然。他說:我常常問教室裡的孩子們,有誰愛畫圖?幼稚園和小學一年級的小朋友幾乎全部舉手。但是到了四、五年級,大部分的人都不舉手了,或是全都指向班上的某一位小畫家。 看到孩子們的創造力逐年下降,最後全部消失,實在令人惋惜。孩子們太早被一大堆規則束縛。其實,當我們拿起畫筆表達自己時,大可勇敢的一頭衝向那未知豐富無比的個人創作世界!