General description: • His real name is Jean-Claude Camille François Van Varenberg. He is a Belgian actor, director and producer. He was born on the eighteen of October, nineteen sixty in Berchem-Sainte-Agathe a Brussels’s town. At ten years old he decided to practice martial arts intensively and won the title of “Mr. Belgium” in a bodybuilding competition. In nineteen eighty two he went to America to pursue a movie career and hemanaged to break into the movie-making world.
Hisbegin in America • In nineteeneightytwo, withthreethousand dollars in hispocket and withoutbeingable to speakany English, JCVD went to Los Angeles to become a movieactor. For manyyearshedidodd jobs like pizza delivery or layingcarpets, hewaseven a personalcoach and limousine driver. The latter allowedhim to meetlots of people. He met Chuck Norris and Lou Ferrigno and managed to get a few film roleslike the smallrole in Monaco Forever or KarateTiger le Tigre rouge. It wasatthattime thathechangedhisnamefromVan Varenbergto Van Damme. ThenVan Damme worked for director John McTiernan for the 1987 film Predator. A few monthslatera meeting withthe famousproducer Menahem Golan launchedhiscareer. The latter asked JCVD to play in the movie “Bloodsport” whichbecame an international successand laterheplayed in “Black Eagle” whichalsohadsomesuccess. Afterthatheplayedin lot of bigmovieswithsuccessaftersuccess. In nineteen ninety eight hestartedtakingdrugsbut hemanaged to stop. Aftershooting of “Knock Off” hewasdiagnosedwith abipolardisorderwithsuicidaltendencies.
Filmography (Part II) Séries TV