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Chapter 3

Chapter 3. Drafting Media and Reproduction Methods. Links for Chapter 3. Papers and Films. Sheet Sizes & Layout. Diazo Reproduction. Selecting Papers and Films. Durability - Ability to last with wear and tear Smoothness - Ability to accept line work and lettering

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Chapter 3

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  1. Chapter 3 Drafting Media and Reproduction Methods

  2. Links for Chapter 3 Papers and Films Sheet Sizes & Layout Diazo Reproduction

  3. Selecting Papers and Films • Durability - Ability to last with wear and tear • Smoothness - Ability to accept line work and lettering • Erasability - Lines are removed without ghosting (residue left after erasing)

  4. Selecting Papers and Films • Dimensional Stability - Maintaining size in different atmospheric conditions • Transparency - Ability for light to pass through easily • Cost - Determined by the intended use of the drawings

  5. Types of Papers and Films • Vellum • Designed to accept pencil or ink • Least expensive • Good smoothness and transparency • Polyester Film (Mylar®) • More expensive, but dimensionally stable • Good durability, erasability, and transparency

  6. Sheet Sizes and Layout • Sheet sizes recommended by ANSI A 8 1/2 X 11 or 11 X 8 1/2 B 17 X 11 C 22 X 17 D 34 X 22 E 44 X 34 F 40 X 28

  7. Title Blocks and Borders • Identifies the company that has made the drawings • Placed along the right side of the sheet • Usually preprinted on drawing paper • Borders are thick lines that surround the entire drawing • Leave room on the left side for binding

  8. Title Block Information • Title blocks contain the following information • Drawing Number • Company Information • Project or Client • Drawing Name • Scale • Drawing • Date • Drawn by • Checked by • Architect or Designer • Revisions

  9. Diazo Reproduction • Commonly known as “blue-prints” • Ultraviolet light passes through a translucent drawing to expose chemically coated paper • Machine speed is determined by the diazo material and the transparency of the original • Be sure to run a test paper to make sure the settings are correct

  10. Diazo Reproduction Steps 1. Place the diazo material on the feedboard with the yellow side up 2. Place original drawing on the diazo material with the image side up and align edges 3. Push material into the diazo together 4. Once exposed, separate paper and feed diazo into the developer section

  11. Diazo Reproduction Safety • Wear eye protection when changing ammonia • Avoid skin contact with ammonia • Do not inhale ammonia fumes • Wash skin immediately if ammonia is spilled on it • Do not look directly at ultraviolet light

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