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semita, semitae. path, track, trail. aspecto, aspectare, aspectavi, aspectatus. to gaze upon, look at, observe, watch. magalia, magalium. huts, tents. quondam. formerly; in ancient times; in the future, in time to come; on occasion, at times. stratum, strati.
semita, semitae path, track, trail
aspecto, aspectare,aspectavi, aspectatus to gaze upon, look at,observe, watch
magalia, magalium huts, tents
quondam formerly; in ancient times;in the future, in time to come;on occasion, at times
stratum, strati coverlet, blanket, bedding; bed,couch
insto, instare, institi To set foot on; to press on;to loom, threaten; (+ dat.) = to apply oneself (to),press on (with)
subvovlo, subvolvere to roll uphill
tectum, tecti roof, ceiling; roofed building,house, dwelling; shelter
concludo, concludere,conclusi, conclusus to enclose, surround
sulcus, sulci furrow, trench
magistratus, magistratūs, m. state office, magistracy,state official, magistrate
lego, legere, legi, lectus to gather; to select, choose;to travel over; to read
effodio, effodere, effodi, effossus to dig up, dig out; to hollowout by digging
theatrum, theatri theater
fundamentum, fundamenti Substructure for a building,foundation
columna, columnae column, pillar
excido, excidere, excidi,excisus to cut out/down; to hollow out,excavate; to cut/break through
decus, decoris, n. honor, glory; something thatadorns, ornament, decoration;grace, beauty
apis, apis, f. bee
floreus, -a, -um adorned with flowers,flowery, flowering
adultus, -a, -um full-grown, mature
fetus, fetūs, m. birth; offspring; fruit
liquens, liquentis liquid, flowing
mel, melis, n. honey
stipo, stipare to compress, pack tight,to crowd (around), surround
distendo, distendere, distendi,distentus to stretch out; to fill up, distend
nectar, nectaris, n. nectar (the drink of the gods);honey
cella, cellae larder, cellar; small room,chamber, cell
fucus, fuci drone
praesepe, praesepis, n. stall (for cattle or horses)
ferveo, fervēre, ferbui to be intensely hot, to boil;to be active/busy, to seethewith activity
redoleo, redolēre to give off a smell;(+ abl.) = to be fragrant (with)
thymum, thymi thyme
fortunatus, -a, -um lucky, fortunate
suspicio, suspicere,suspexi, suspectus To look up at; to regardwith mistrust, be suspicious of