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臨別贈 言 Final Words. 臨別贈 言 Final Words. Jim Elliot: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”. 臨別贈 言 Final Words. I. 司 提反的答 辯 Stephen the Defender. 臨別贈 言 Final Words. I. 司 提反的答 辯 Stephen the Defender 控 告 accusation: 蹧踐聖所和律 法
臨別贈言Final Words Jim Elliot: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”
臨別贈言Final Words I.司提反的答辯 Stephen the Defender
臨別贈言Final Words I.司提反的答辯 Stephen the Defender 控告 accusation: 蹧踐聖所和律法 speaking against the temple and against the law
臨別贈言Final Words I.司提反的答辯 Stephen the Defender 亞伯拉罕 Abraham vv.2-8 約瑟 Joseph vv.9-17 摩西 Moses vv.18-44 約書亞 Joshua v.45 大衛與所羅門 David and Solomon vv.46-50
臨別贈言Final Words I.司提反的答辯 Stephen the Defender 神揀選,帶領先祖 vv.2-16: 創世記 God selected and directed our fathers: Genesis 神保護, 釋放先祖 vv.17-41: 出埃及記,利未記 God protected and freed our fathers: Exodus—Leviticus 神試驗, 教導先祖 vv.42-44:民數記,申命記 God tested and instructed our fathers: Numbers— Deut.
臨別贈言Final Words I.司提反的答辯 Stephen the Defender 神征服, 賜地先祖 v.45: 約書亞—撒母耳上 God conquered and gave land to our fathers: Josh—1 Sam 神遇見,賜福先祖 vv.46-47:撒母耳下—歷代志下 God met with and blessed our fathers: 2 Sam—2 Chron 神啟示先祖 vv.48-50: 以斯拉—瑪拉基 God revealed to our fathers: Ezra—Mal
臨別贈言Final Words I.司提反的答辯 Stephen the Defender II.司提反的控告 Stephen the Prosecutor
臨別贈言Final Words I.司提反的答辯 Stephen the Defender II.司提反的控告 Stephen the Prosecutor A.不明白根源 Don’t understand their roots
臨別贈言Final Words I.司提反的答辯 Stephen the Defender II.司提反的控告 Stephen the Prosecutor A.不明白根源 Don’t understand their roots 肉身血源關係 vs 屬靈實質關係 physical descent vs spiritual experience
臨別贈言Final Words I.司提反的答辯 Stephen the Defender II.司提反的控告 Stephen the Prosecutor A.不明白根源 Don’t understand their roots 肉身血源關係 vs 屬靈實質關係 physical descent vs spiritual experience 禮儀取代神的同在 Ritual replacing spiritual reality
臨別贈言Final Words I.司提反的答辯 Stephen the Defender II.司提反的控告 Stephen the Prosecutor A.不明白根源 Don’t understand their roots B.拒絕拯救者 Denied the deliverer
臨別贈言Final Words A.不明白根源 Don’t understand their roots B.拒絕拯救者 Denied the deliverer 約瑟摩西 Joseph Moses
臨別贈言Final Words A.不明白根源 Don’t understand their roots B.拒絕拯救者 Denied the deliverer 約瑟摩西耶穌基督 Joseph MosesJesus Christ 約 1:11 他到自己的地方來,自己的人倒不接待他。 John 1:11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.
臨別贈言Final Words I.司提反的答辯 Stephen the Defender II.司提反的控告 Stephen the Prosecutor A.不明白根源 Don’t understand their roots B.拒絕拯救者 Denied the deliverer C.違反律法 Disobeyed the Law
臨別贈言Final Words I.司提反的答辯 Stephen the Defender II.司提反的控告 Stephen the Prosecutor A.不明白根源 Don’t understand their roots B.拒絕拯救者 Denied the deliverer C.違反律法 Disobeyed the Law 牛犢日月星辰摩洛的帳幕理番神的星 Golden calf astrology Tabernacle of Moloch—war god The star of the god Rompha—sex goddess
臨別贈言Final Words I.司提反的答辯 Stephen the Defender II.司提反的控告 Stephen the Prosecutor A.不明白根源 Don’t understand their roots B.拒絕拯救者 Denied the deliverer C.違反律法 Disobeyed the Law 神就轉臉不顧,任憑他們。 God takes His hands off and permit sinners to have their own way.
臨別贈言Final Words I.司提反的答辯 Stephen the Defender II.司提反的控告 Stephen the Prosecutor A.不明白根源 Don’t understand their roots B.拒絕拯救者 Denied the deliverer C.違反律法 Disobeyed the Law D.藐視聖殿 Despised the temple
臨別贈言Final Words D.藐視聖殿 Despised the temple 王下21章 瑪拿西為巴力築壇,做亞舍拉像,敬拜事奉天上的萬象,在耶和華殿宇中築壇。 2 Kings chapter 21, Manasseherected altars for Baal, made an Asherah[a wooden symbol of a female deity] and worshiped all the host of heaven. He built altars in the house of the Lord.
臨別贈言Final Words I.司提反的答辯 Stephen the Defender II.司提反的控告 Stephen the Prosecutor A.不明白根源 Don’t understand their roots B.拒絕拯救者 Denied the deliverer C.違反律法 Disobeyed the Law D.藐視聖殿 Despised the temple E.抗拒神與真理 Resisted God and His truth
臨別贈言Final Words 徒 7:51 「你們這硬著頸項、心與耳未受割禮的人,常時抗拒聖靈!你們的祖宗怎樣,你們也怎樣。52 那一個先知不是你們祖宗逼迫呢?他們也把預先傳說那義者要來的人殺了;如今你們又把那義者賣了,殺了。53你們受了天使所傳的律法,竟不遵守。」 Acts 7:51 “You men who are stiff-necked and uncircumcisedin heart and ears are always resisting the Holy Spirit; you are doing just as your fathers did. 52 Which one of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? They killed those who had previously announced the coming of the Righteous One, whose betrayers and murderers you have now become; 53 you who received the law as ordained by angels, and yetdid not keep it.”
臨別贈言Final Words I.司提反的答辯 Stephen the Defender II.司提反的控告 Stephen the Prosecutor III.司提反的結局 Stephen the Martyr
臨別贈言Final Words III.司提反的結局 Stephen the Martyr A.今天有沒有改變? Are we any different now?
臨別贈言Final Words III.司提反的結局 Stephen the Martyr A.今天有沒有改變? Are we any different now? B.神賜給司提反The benefit for Stephen
臨別贈言Final Words III.司提反的結局 Stephen the Martyr A.今天有沒有改變? Are we any different now? B.神賜給司提反The benefit for Stephen Tilmann, Susanne Geske & family
臨別贈言Final Words Susanne Geskesaid, “Oh God, forgive them for they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:34) In a country (Turkey) where blood-for-blood revenge is as normal as breathing, one columnist wrote of her comment, "She said in one sentence what 1000 missionaries in 1000 years could never do."
臨別贈言Final Words III.司提反的結局 Stephen the Martyr A.今天有沒有改變? Are we any different now? B.神賜給司提反The benefit for Stephen C.神賜給教會 The benefit for the church
臨別贈言Final Words III.司提反的結局 Stephen the Martyr A.今天有沒有改變? Are we any different now? B.神賜給司提反The benefit for Stephen C.神賜給教會 The benefit for the church D.神賜給保羅The benefit for Paul
臨別贈言Final Words III.司提反的結局 Stephen the Martyr A.今天有沒有改變? Are we any different now? B.神賜給司提反The benefit for Stephen C.神賜給教會 The benefit for the church D.神賜給保羅The benefit for Paul 神絕不讓聖徒的血白白流! God never wastes the blood of His saints!
臨別贈言Final Words III.司提反的結局 Stephen the Martyr A.今天有沒有改變? Are we any different now? B.神賜給司提反The benefit for Stephen C.神賜給教會 The benefit for the church D.神賜給保羅The benefit for Paul E.神賜給我們The benefits for us
臨別贈言Final Words III.司提反的結局 Stephen the Martyr A.今天有沒有改變? Are we any different now? B.神賜給司提反The benefit for Stephen C.神賜給教會 The benefit for the church D.神賜給保羅The benefit for Paul E.神賜給我們The benefits for us 死 dead 睡 了 fall asleep 生 alive 活 祭 living sacrifice
臨別贈言Final Words III.司提反的結局 Stephen the Martyr A.今天有沒有改變? Are we any different now? B.神賜給司提反The benefit for Stephen C.神賜給教會 The benefit for the church D.神賜給保羅The benefit for Paul E.神賜給我們The benefits for us 430 Trinity Drive, Allen, Texas.
臨別贈言Final Words 4=死dead 3=生alive 0=冇關係 nothing
臨別贈言Final Words 4=死dead 3=生alive 0=冇關係 nothing Trinity 三為一體 : 最重要是否你在三一神裡! It matters most whether you are in Christ!
臨別贈言Final Words 路 16:9b 到了錢財無用的時候,他們可以接你們到永存的帳幕裡去。 Luke 16:9bSo that when it (worldly wealth) is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.
臨別贈言Final Words 路 16:9b 到了錢財無用的時候,他們可以接你們到永存的帳幕裡去。 Lk. 16:9bSo that when it (worldly wealth) is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. 啟 2:10 你務要至死忠心,我就賜給你那生命的冠冕。 Rev. 2:10 “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.” NASB