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SCOPAC and SCG Workshop

SCOPAC and SCG Workshop. Coastal Change Management Areas. 14 th September 2011. CCMAs – National Planning Context. PPS25 Supplement: Development and Coastal Change requires LPAs to define areas which are likely to be affected by physical changes to the coast as CCMAs

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SCOPAC and SCG Workshop

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  1. SCOPAC andSCG Workshop Coastal Change Management Areas 14th September 2011

  2. CCMAs – National Planning Context PPS25 Supplement: Development and Coastal Change requires LPAs to define areas which are likely to be affected by physical changes to the coast as CCMAs The Draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) outlines the government’s intention to carry forward this requirement to define CCMAs

  3. Local Planning Context – Local Development Framework New Forest District Council (NFDC) adopted a Core Strategy in October 2009 The Council is currently working on progressing its Sites and Development Management DPD to pre-submission stage Draft Plan consulted on earlier this year (January to March) Policy DM4: Coastal Change Management Area Policy DM5: Restrictions on new soakaways

  4. New Forest District Plan Area

  5. CCMA : Milford on Sea

  6. CCMA: Barton on Sea

  7. Policy DM4: Coastal Change Management Area Policy outlines that within the CCMA the following criteria will apply: - New residential development will generally not be appropriate; - Essential infrastructure and MoD installations may be permitted; - Within the indicative erosion zone up to 2025, only development directly linked to the coastal strip e.g. Beach huts, cafes/tea rooms,car parks etc may be permitted;

  8. Policy DM4: Coastal Change Management Area (continued) Within the indicative erosion zones from 2025 to 2055, and 2055 to 2105 the following additional uses may be permitted; - hotels, shops, office or leisure activities requiring a coastal location; - key community infrastructure; - sub-divisions of properties, including residential sub-divisions; - limited residential extensions. Time limited planning permissions

  9. NFDC’s Approach In writing up its policy NFDC has based it upon the guidance in the PPS25 Statement Practice Guide However flexibility to allow for limited residential development Residential subdivisions and residential extensions in the indicative erosion zones 2025 up to 2055 and 2055 to 2105 Pragmatic – long time frame, reviews to take place Can time limit permissions

  10. Policy DM5: Restrictions on new Soakaways Core Strategy Policy CS2 states that new buildings should utilise Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) wherever practical. Impractical close to Barton on Sea cliff top - groundwater has impact on cliff top recession rate Policy DM5 places a restriction on new soakaways – formalises existing informal approach

  11. Policy DM5: Restrictions on new Soakaways

  12. Draft Plan Consultation Responses Public exhibitions –Limited response Policy DM4: 6 responses received - 4 agreed - 1 disagreed - 1 no view EA and Natural England both welcomed the inclusion of CCMAs Policy DM5: 4 responses received - 2 agreed - 1 disagreed - 1 no view EA support policy, concerns expressed by Southern Water

  13. Way Forward Intend to carry forward policies into pre-submission document without any major changes Continued political support vital in terms of the approach being set out If policies becomes part of the statutory development plan then CCMAs may appear on future land searches. Little controversy to date but this may stir things up - possible blight on property and insurance issues

  14. Any questions? Contact details; Edward.Gerry@NFDC.gov.uk 023 8028 5588

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