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Session id:. 40183 : Oracle XML DB Performance and Tuning. Mark D. Drake Senior Product Manager. Introduction. Managing XML Content. XML Stored as XMLType SQL functions allow XPath expressions to operate on XML content extract(), extractValue(), updateXML(), existsNode()
Session id: 40183 :Oracle XML DB Performance and Tuning Mark D. Drake Senior Product Manager
Managing XML Content • XML Stored as XMLType • SQL functions allow XPath expressions to operate on XML content • extract(), extractValue(), updateXML(), existsNode() • Two modes of operation • Functional Evaluation • Query-Rewrite
Functional Evaluation • Works with all XMLType columns and Tables. • Parse the XML document and construct a DOM • Evaluate XPath expressions using DOM API • Based on proven XDK ‘C’ XML Parser and DOM • Most appropriate to operations on small numbers of small documents
XPath Re-write • Query and Update operations • Requires Schema based XMLType • Operates directly on the underlying Object Store • Relational database engine used to evaluate XPath expression • XPath Expression translated into equivalent SQL • Eliminates need to parse XML and construct DOM • Allows efficient operations on large collections of XML Documents
What is a collection • A Collection is a set of elements with the same name and similar structure <LineItem ItemNumber="1"> <Description>Duel at Ichijoji Temple</Description> <Part Id="37429125526" UnitPrice="29.95" Quantity="3"/ </LineItem> <LineItem ItemNumber="2"> <Description>The Red Shoes</Description> <Part Id="37429128220" UnitPrice="39.95" Quantity="4"/> </LineItem>
Defining a Collection • In XML Schema, Collections are defined using maxOccurs attribute <xs:complexType name="LineItemsType“ <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="LineItem“ type="LineItemType“ maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType>
Working with Collections • A Typical XML document contains one or more collections • Collections may be Nested • A collection may contain a collections • Query and Updating collections present the biggest challenge
Querying Collections • Sample Query on a Collection Get the Reference and Item Number of each LineItem that contains a reference to Part “717951002372“ XPATH := '/PurchaseOrder/LineItems/LineItem[Part/@Id="717951002372"]'; select extractValue(p.object_value,'/PurchaseOrder/Reference') extractValue(value(l),'/LineItem/@ItemNumber') from PURCHASEORDER p, table (xmlsequence(extract(p.object_value,XPATH))) l
Querying Collections • Use the extract()function to get the set of nodes that match an XPath expression XPATH := '/PurchaseOrder/LineItems/LineItem[Part/@Id="717951002372"]'; select extractValue(object_value,'/PurchaseOrder/Reference') extractValue(value(l),'/LineItem/@ItemNumber') from PURCHASEORDER p, table (xmlsequence(extract(p.object_value,XPATH))) l
Querying Collections • The extract function will be evaluated for each document in the table. • An XMLType will be generated from each document that contains a node matching the XPath expression. • The XML Type will be contain an XML Fragment • The Fragment will consist of the set of nodes that match the specified XPATH expression.
Querying Collections • Use the xmlSequencefunction to generate a set of XMLType Objects from each fragment XPATH := '/PurchaseOrder/LineItems/LineItem[Part/@Id="717951002372"]'; select extractValue(object_value,'/PurchaseOrder/Reference') extractValue(value(l),'/LineItem/@ItemNumber') from PURCHASEORDER p, table (xmlsequence(extract(p.object_value,XPATH))) l
Querying Collections • xmlSequence will create a set of XMLType objects from the result of the extract. • Each set will contain one XMLType object for each top level node in the XML fragment. • Each XMLType will consist of a well-formed XML document.
Querying Collections • Use the TABLEfunction toconvert the set of XMLType objects into a virtual table XPATH := '/PurchaseOrder/LineItems/LineItem[Part/@Id="717951002372"]'; select extractValue(p.object_value,'/PurchaseOrder/Reference') extractValue(value(l),'/LineItem/@ItemNumber') from PURCHASEORDER p,table (xmlsequence(extract(p.object_value,XPATH)))l • Join the virtual table with the base table to get required result set
Managing Collections
Collection Management • Four options for storing collections • BLOB Storage • SQL objects stored in a single BLOB Column • Nested Table Storage • SQL objects stored as rows in a Nested Table • CLOB Storage • XML text • XMLType Table Storage • XMLType objects stored in an XMLType Table
Why different storage models ? • Applications have different requirements • Querying within in a collection • Indexing within a collection • Updating within a collection • Choosing the correct storage model is vital
Collections and VARRAYS • VARRAY: SQL concept for managing collections • VARRAY can be collection of Scalars or collection of SQL Type • AUTHOR_V VARRAY(n) of VARCHAR2(40) • LINE_ITEM_V VARRAY(n) of LINE_ITEM_T • In XML DB the members of a collection are mapped to a SQL VARRAY.
LOB model • Default : No Annotation Required • Collection stored as VARRAY of SQL Objects • SQL Objects serialized into a single BLOB • Indexing using CtxXPath index • No partial updates • update requires re-writing entire BLOB • Query re-write for XPath expressions
LOB : Objects <xs:complexType name="LineItemsType" xdb:SQLType="LINEITEMS_T"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="LineItem" type="LineItemType" maxOccurs="unbounded" xdb:SQLName="LINEITEM" xdb:SQLCollType="LINEITEM_V"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:comlexType> SQL> desc LINEITEMS_T LINEITEMS_T is NOT FINAL Name Null? Type ------------------- -------- ------- SYS_XDBPD$ XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T LINEITEM LINEITEM_V
ABANDA … LOB Storage Reference User Id … LineItem ABANDA-20.. LINEITEM_V ( LINEITEM_T(...), LINEITEM_T(...), LINEITEM_T(...), LINEITEM_T(...) )
LOB : Query Re-Write SELECT P.XMLDATA."Reference", L."ItemNumber" FROM PURCHASEORDER P, TABLE (P.XMLDATA."LineItems"."LineItem") L WHERE L."Part"."PartNumber" = '717951002372' • Evaluated using SQL to process VARRAY of LINEITEM objects • Entire VARRAY has to be loaded into Memory
Nested Table model • Annotation: xdb:storeVarrayAsTable=“true” • Collection converted into a set of SQL objects • Each SQL Object stored as a separate row in a Nested Table. • Nesting of Nested Tables for collections within collections • SQL Based Fragment access and update • Index with B-Tree, Functional and CtxXPath indexes
Nested Table : Objects <xs:complexType name="LineItemsType" xdb:SQLType="LINEITEMS_T"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="LineItem" type="LineItemType" maxOccurs="unbounded" xdb:SQLName="LINEITEM" xdb:SQLCollType="LINEITEM_V"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:comlexType> SQL> desc LINEITEMS_T LINEITEMS_T is NOT FINAL Name Null? Type ------------------- -------- ------- SYS_XDBPD$ XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T LINEITEM LINEITEM_V
Nested Table : Objects SQL> describe LINEITEM_V LINEITEM_V VARRAY(2147483647) OF LINEITEM_T LINEITEM_T is NOT FINAL Name Null? Type ------------------- -------- ------- SYS_XDBPD$ XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T ITEMNUMBER NUMBER(38) DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(256 CHAR) PART PART_T SQL> describe LINEITEM_TABLE Name Null? Type ------------------- -------- ------- SYS_XDBPD$ XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T ITEMNUMBER NUMBER(38) DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(256 CHAR) PART PART_T
ABANDA … Nested Table : Storage Reference User Id … LineItem 1 ABANDA-20.. ID ItemNumber Description Part Good Morn… … 1 1 Uriah Hee… … 1 2 Sisters … 1 3 The Prince… … 1 4
Nested Table : Query Re-Write SELECT P.XMLDATA."Reference", L.ITEMNUMBER FROM PURCHASEORDER P, LINEITEM_TABLE l WHERE L."Part."PartNumber"='717951002372' AND L.NESTED_TABLE_ID = SETID(P.XMLDATA."LineItems"."LineItem“) • Evaluated using SQL to query contents of the Nested Table
Working with Nested Tables • xdb:storeVarrayAsTable=“true” is a “shotgun” approach • Every collection stored as a Nested Table • Nested Tables have ‘unfriendly’ names • Simple cases • Rename tables created by Schema Registration • Complex cases • Create tables manually using CREATE TABLE
Renaming Nested Tables • Query USER_NESTED_TABLES to find the direct descendant of the Parent Table SQL> select PARENT_TABLE_COLUMN, TABLE_NAME 2 from USER_NESTED_TABLES 3 where PARENT_TABLE_NAME = 'PURCHASEORDER' 4 / PARENT_TABLE_COLUMN TABLE_NAME -------------------------------- ----------------------- "XMLDATA"."LINEITEMS"."LINEITEM" SYS_NTDfLwYKWcRxmyssvmCvRMqw== "XMLDATA"."ACTIONS"."ACTION" SYS_NTqxF5epLrSniXaAWq5A4Uig==
Renaming Nested Table s SQL> rename "SYS_NTDfLwYKWcRxmyssvmCvRMqw==" to LINEITEM_TABLE 2 / Table renamed. SQL> rename "SYS_NTqxF5epLrSniXaAWq5A4Uig==" to ACTION_TABLE 2 / Table renamed. SQL> select PARENT_TABLE_COLUMN, TABLE_NAME 2 from USER_NESTED_TABLES 3 where PARENT_TABLE_NAME = 'PURCHASEORDER' 4 / PARENT_TABLE_COLUMN TABLE_NAME --------------------------------- ---------------------- "XMLDATA"."ACTIONS"."ACTION" ACTION_TABLE "XMLDATA"."LINEITEMS"."LINEITEM" LINEITEM_TABLE
Multi-Level Nested Tables • Collections within Collections result in Storage Models consisting of multiple levels of Nested Tables • Repeat the process using the Nested Table name as the PARENT_TABLE_NAME
Manual Table Creation • Can create Nested Tables as part of create Table • Need to know the name of the VARRAYs that will stored as Nested Tables • Allows flexibility, only use Nested Table Storage only where it adds value • Must use Nested Table storage with collections that contain an element stored as a CLOB.
Manual Table Creation Example create table PURCHASEORDER of XMLTYPE XMLSCHEMA "http://localhost:8080/home/SCOTT/xsd/purchaseOrder.xsd" ELEMENT "PurchaseOrder" varray "XMLDATA"."ACTIONS"."ACTION" store as table ACTION_TABLE ( (primary key (NESTED_TABLE_ID, ARRAY_INDEX)) organization index overflow ) varray "XMLDATA"."LINEITEMS"."LINEITEM" store as table LINEITEM_TABLE ( (primary key (NESTED_TABLE_ID, ARRAY_INDEX)) organization index overflow )
CLOB model • Annotation: xdb:SQLType=“CLOB” • Collection stored as XML text • Reduced complexity • Fast Ingestion and Retrieval of Collection • Lower memory and processing requirements • Index using CTXPATH index • No Optimization of Fragment Level operations • XPath based Functions evaluated via DOM API • Fetching Fragments requires Parsing • Updating Requires Parsing and Rewriting
CLOB : Objects <xs:complexType name="LineItemsType" xdb:SQLType="LINEITEMS_T"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="LineItem" type="LineItemType" maxOccurs="unbounded" xdb:SQLName="LINEITEM" xdb:SQLType="CLOB"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:comlexType> SQL> describe LINEITEMS_T LINEITEMS_T is NOT FINAL Name Null? Type ------------------- -------- ------- SYS_XDBPD$ XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T LINEITEM CLOB
ABANDA … CLOB : Storage Reference User Id … LineItem ABANDA-20.. <LineItem ItemNumber="1"> <Description>Good … <Part Id="3742914 …</LineItem> <LineItem ItemNumber="2“ <Description>Uriah.. <Part Id="6950030…</LineItem>
CLOB: Query Re-Write SELECT P.XMLDATA."Reference", EXTRACTVALUE(value(l),'/LineItem/@ItemNumber') FROM PURCHASEORDER P, TABLE ( XMLSEQUENCE ( EXTRACT ( VALUE(P), '/PurchaseOrder/LineItems/LineItem/' || 'Part/@Id="717951002372"]' ) ) ) l • Evaluated using by Parsing CLOB and using DOM API
XMLType Table model • Annotation xdb:SQLInline=“false” • Also known as ‘out-of-line’ storage • Collection converted into a set of XMLType objects stored in a separate XMLType table. • Parent table contains a VARRAY of REF XMLTYPE that points to rows in the child table • Index using B-Tree, Functional and CtxXPath indexes • SQL Based Fragment access and update. • Must allow Schema Registration to create the Tables.
XMLType Table : Objects <xs:complexType name="LineItemsType" xdb:SQLType="LINEITEMS_T"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="LineItem" type="LineItemType" maxOccurs="unbounded" xdb:SQLName="LINEITEM" xdb:SQLInline="false“ xdb:defaultTable="LINEITEM_TABLE"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:comlexType> SQL> describe LINEITEMS_T LINEITEMS_T is NOT FINAL Name Null? Type ------------------- -------- ------- SYS_XDBPD$ XDB.XDB$RAW_LIST_T LINEITEM XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T
XMLType Table : Objects SQL> describe XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T XDB.XDB$XMLTYPE_REF_LIST_T VARRAY(2147483647) OF REF XMLTYPE SQL> describe LINEITEM_TABLE Name Null? Type ------------------------- -------- ---------------------------- TABLE of SYS.XMLTYPE( XMLSchema "http://localhost:8080/home/SCOTT/xsd/purchaseOrder.xsd" Element "LineItem“) STORAGE Object-relational TYPE "LINEITEM_T"
XMLType with Ref Table • Combine with xdb:storeVarrayAsTable=“true” to force VARRAY of REFS to be stored in a nested table • Each row in the nested table consists of SETID and a REF to a ROW in the child table • Scope the REFS in the child table to allow full optimization of queries rename "SYS_NTDfLwYKWcRxmyssvmCvRMqw==" to LINEITEM_REF_TABLE alter table LINEITEM_REF_TABLE add (scope for (COLUMN_VALUE) is LINEITEM_TABLE)
XMLType Table : Query Rewrite SELECT P.XMLDATA."Reference", L.XMLDATA."Item" FROM PURCHASEORDER p, TABLE("P.XMLDATA."LineItems"."LineItem") R, LINEITEM_TABLE L WHERE L."Part"."PartNumber" = '717951002372' AND VALUE(R)= Ref(l) • Evaluated using SQL to query contents of the XMLType table