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211 活在哈利路亞這一邊 LIVING ON THE HALLELUJAH SIDE. 曾是罪人遠離耶穌,正陷悲慘滅亡中, Once a sinner far from Jesus, I was perishing with cold, 當我呼求親愛救主即垂聽; But the blessed Savior heard me when I cried; 賜下義袍遮蔽我身,並領我歸祂羊圈, Then He threw His robe around me, a nd He led me to His fold , 我是活在哈利路亞這一邊。

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  1. 211 活在哈利路亞這一邊LIVING ON THE HALLELUJAH SIDE 曾是罪人遠離耶穌,正陷悲慘滅亡中, Once a sinner far from Jesus, I was perishing with cold, 當我呼求親愛救主即垂聽; But the blessed Savior heard me when I cried; 賜下義袍遮蔽我身,並領我歸祂羊圈, Then He threw His robe around me, and He led me to His fold, 我是活在哈利路亞這一邊。 And I’m living on the hallelujah side. 聖徒詩歌 Stanza 1 of 5

  2. (副) 阿!榮耀都歸耶穌,願哈利路亞聲揚! Oh, glory be to Jesus, let the hallelujahs roll; 助我頻讚救主聲高遠又廣! Help me ring the Savior’s praises far and wide, 因我心靈之窗皆已大開放朝向天堂, For I’ve opened up tow’rd heaven all the windows of my soul, 我是活在哈利路亞這一邊。 And I’m living on the hallelujah side. 聖徒詩歌 Stanza 1 of 5

  3. (二) 世界美夢炫耀閃爍,極其技巧誘我心, Tho’ the world may sweep around me with her dazzle and her dreams, 我心不羡這屬世虛空驕傲; Yet I envy not her vanities and pride, 因我心正注目天上,主如陽光何輝煌, For my soul looks up to heaven where the golden sunlight gleams, 我是活在哈利路亞這一邊! And I’m living on the hallelujah side. 聖徒詩歌 Stanza 2 of 5

  4. (副) 阿!榮耀都歸耶穌,願哈利路亞聲揚! Oh, glory be to Jesus, let the hallelujahs roll; 助我頻讚救主聲高遠又廣! Help me ring the Savior’s praises far and wide, 因我心靈之窗皆已大開放朝向天堂, For I’ve opened up tow’rd heaven all the windows of my soul, 我是活在哈利路亞這一邊。 And I’m living on the hallelujah side. 聖徒詩歌 Stanza 2 of 5

  5. (三) 我今所居寶貴境地,億萬黃金也不換, Not for all earth’s golden millions would I leave this precious place, 縱然誘者經常欺騙和試探; Tho’ the tempter to persuade me oft has tried, 住祂居所因祂恩典,慈愛穩妥樂常滿, For I’m safe in God’s pavilion, happy in His love and grace, 我是活在哈利路亞這一邊。 And I’m living on the hallelujah side. 聖徒詩歌 Stanza 3 of 5

  6. (副) 阿!榮耀都歸耶穌,願哈利路亞聲揚! Oh, glory be to Jesus, let the hallelujahs roll; 助我頻讚救主聲高遠又廣! Help me ring the Savior’s praises far and wide, 因我心靈之窗皆已大開放朝向天堂, For I’ve opened up tow’rd heaven all the windows of my soul, 我是活在哈利路亞這一邊。 And I’m living on the hallelujah side. 聖徒詩歌 Stanza 3 of 5

  7. (四) 在此陽光永遠普照,在此天色常蔚藍, Here the sun is always shining, here the sky is always bright; 灰暗聖徒在此無處可容身! ’Tis no place for gloomy Christians to abide, 因我魂中喜樂常滿,我心常感神喜悅, For my soul is filled with music and my heart with great delight, 我是活在哈利路亞這一邊。 And I’m living on the hallelujah side. 聖徒詩歌 Stanza 4 of 5

  8. (副) 阿!榮耀都歸耶穌,願哈利路亞聲揚! Oh, glory be to Jesus, let the hallelujahs roll; 助我頻讚救主聲高遠又廣! Help me ring the Savior’s praises far and wide, 因我心靈之窗皆已大開放朝向天堂, For I’ve opened up tow’rd heaven all the windows of my soul, 我是活在哈利路亞這一邊。 And I’m living on the hallelujah side. 聖徒詩歌 Stanza 4 of 5

  9. (五) 逍遙行走黃金街上,當我至終抵彼岸, And upon the streets of glory when we reach the other shore, 約但怒濤洶湧之中安渡過! And have safely crossed the Jordan’s rolling tide, 我將歡呼“何等榮耀”我已安抵我家鄉, You will find me shouting “Glory!” just outside my mansion door, 我是活在哈利路亞這一邊。 Where I’m living on the hallelujah side. 聖徒詩歌 Stanza 5 of 5

  10. (副) 阿!榮耀都歸耶穌,願哈利路亞聲揚! Oh, glory be to Jesus, let the hallelujahs roll; 助我頻讚救主聲高遠又廣! Help me ring the Savior’s praises far and wide, 因我心靈之窗皆已大開放朝向天堂, For I’ve opened up tow’rd heaven all the windows of my soul, 我是活在哈利路亞這一邊。 And I’m living on the hallelujah side. 聖徒詩歌 Stanza 5 of 5

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