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The German dual vocational/educational training system and Best-Practice Examples from the Aviation Industry (Dualne wykształcenie Niemieckie i przykłady z lotnictwa) Dr. Lech Suwala, Strzyżów 14 Maj 2014. Structure ( przegląd). General information ( generalne informacje)

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  1. The German dual vocational/educational training system and Best-Practice Examples from the Aviation Industry (Dualne wykształcenie Niemieckie i przykłady z lotnictwa) Dr. Lech Suwala, Strzyżów 14 Maj 2014

  2. Structure (przegląd) • General information (generalne informacje) 2. Dual vocational training (dualne toky nauczania) • Higher education (wyższe kształcenie) • Cooperation between universities and aerospace clusters (kooperacja uniwersytetem/politechnika i klastry lotnicze)

  3. Key figures (ważne liczby) Sources: Federal Statistical Office 2014, Central Statistical Office of Poland 2014, World Bank 2014 1. General information

  4. Source: UNESCO 2014 1. General information

  5. Source: UNESCO 2014 1. General information

  6. 2.część 3.część Source: UNESCO 2014 1. General information

  7. The German Education System (Niemiecki system kształcenia)  niemiecka szkoła ponadpodstawowa (główna, realna), gimnazjum szkoła podstawowa Source: own diagram based on UNESCO 2014 1. General information

  8. The dual vocationaltrainingsystem (officialstart 1964) • vocationalschool: on twoorthreedays per week • Company: remainingdays • Apprenticesgaintheoreticalknowledgeandpracticalexperience • Dual vocationaltrainingusuallytakesthreeyears (3 albo 3,5 lat) • Increasingpopularityofthesystem in other countries Source: Goethe Institute 2014 2. Dual vocational training

  9. The The German dual vocational/ educational training system (Optcje na Wykształcenie zawodowe w Niemiecech) kształcenie urzędnikow (zasadnicze)szkoły zawodowe (zasadnicze) szkoły zawodowe szkoly służby socjalnie / zdrowia Source: own diagram based on Dobischat 2. dualnetokynauczania

  10. The German dual vocational/educational training system (proporcje Dualne wykształcenie Niemieckie vs. zawodowe szkoly etc.) Source: own diagram based on UNESCO 2014 2. dualnetokynauczania

  11. The German dual vocational/educational training system (proporcje Dualne wykształcenie Niemieckie vs. świadectwo ukończenia szkoły) Source: own diagram based on UNESCO 2014 2. dualnetokynauczania

  12. The German dual vocational training system, demand/ supply, D 1976-2005 (proporcje Dualne wykształcenie Niemieckie, liczby umowy kształcenia -> popyt --, podaż _), D 1976-2005 Source: UNESCO 2014 2. dualnetokynauczania

  13. Proporcja zakład szkolny vs. zakład nie szkolny (D), 1999-2012 Source: Federal Statistical Office 2014 2. Dual vocationaltraining

  14. Proporcja początkujących w dualnym systemie vs. studiach (D), 2005-2013 Source: Federal Statistical Office 2014 2. Dual vocationaltraining

  15. The JOBSTARTER programme • The Federal Ministry of Education and Research has been supporting the development of Germany's training structure since 2006 • Over 280 innovative projects have received funding  creating additional traineeships  offering support for companies without experience in providing training  improving cooperation between local stakeholders  cross-border cooperation in education and training Source: Federal Ministry of Education and Research 2014 2. Dual vocational training

  16. The JOBSTARTER programme • Supported by the European Social Fund • Until 2013: • Secured 62,600 training positions (stanowiska kształcenia) , especially in SME (małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa) • Provided funding worth 125 million EUR (2007-2013) Source: Federal Ministry of Education and Research 2014 2. Dual vocational training

  17. Dual studyprogrammes (dualneprogrammy na poziomiestudium) • Studentsstudy at university / collegeandwork in a company  combinationoftheoryandpractice (teoria i praktyka) • Contractbetweenstudentandcompany (umowastudent / firma) , cooperationbetweencompanyanduniversity / college (kooperacja) • Official recognition in Germany (nostryfikacja)sincetheearly 1990s • More than96%oftheprogrammesareoffered in thefollowingsectors: economics, engineeringandinformatics Source: Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training 2014 3. Higher education

  18. Development of dual study programmes (rozwój studium dualne) * Initial training only Source: Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training 2014 3. Higher education

  19. Hamburg Aviation (1) • Hamburg isthethirdbiggestlocation in thecivilaviationindustryworldwide • Companies in thecluster: Airbus, Lufthansa Technik AG andmorethan 300 SME • Variousscientificandtechnological researchinstitutionsaswellas universities • More than 40,000 spec. employees Source: Hamburg Aviation 2014 4. Cooperation between universities and aerospace clusters

  20. Hamburg Aviation (2) • Aviation IndustryQualification Initiative: • network in which companies, universities, authorities and training institutions exchange information and expertise • Development of qualification programes suitable for the needs and demands of aviation • Best Practice recognition from the EU Source: Hamburg Aviation 2014 4. Cooperation between universities and aerospace clusters

  21. Hamburg Aviation (3) • Universities of the region offer the following specific education and research programmes: • Hamburg University of Applied Sciences – Bachelors and Masters programmes in Aeronautical Engineering • Hamburg University of Technology: major programme in Aircraft Engineering • Helmut Schmidt University of the Federal Armed Forces: Aviation is a central component of various engineering programmes Source: Hamburg Aviation 2014 4. Cooperation between universities and aerospace clusters

  22. Bodensee AIRea (1) • Companies, universities and research institutions have initiated the cluster Bodensee AIRea (Triple helix) • Industry focus: satellites, military and civil aviation technology, zeppelins • Aim: enhancing competitiveness by interlinking the regional stakeholders • The cluster is supported by the European Fund for Regional Development (ERDF) Source: Clusterinitiative Bodensee 2014 4. Cooperation between universities and aerospace clusters

  23. Bodensee AIRea (2) • The participating universities offer specific education and research programmes: • Dual College (Dualne wyższeuczelnie) Baden-Württemberg, • Campus Friedrichshafen: • Aerospace electronics, Aerospace systems • Konstanz University of Applied Sciences: Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Source: Clusterinitiative Bodensee 2014 4. Cooperation between universities and aerospace clusters

  24. Berlin-Brandenburg Aerospace Alliance (1) • Represents more than 100 regional companies, research institutions and universities (100 regionaly firms, instytucje badania) • Main objectives: • Broadening the industry‘s added value • Securing long-term availability of a skilled workforce • Preserving and developing the region‘s competitiveness in the aeronautics industry Source: Brandenburg Economic Development Board 2014 4. Cooperation between universities and aerospace clusters

  25. Berlin-Brandenburg Aerospace Alliance (2) • Participating universities (uniwersytety uczestniczyły) : • Technical University Cottbus: Aerodynamics, Jet Engine Design, Combustion Engines and Aircraft Propulsion • Technical College Wildau: Aeronautics and Aviation Logistics  Close collaboration with regional companies Source: Brandenburg Economic Development Board 2014 4. Cooperation between universities and aerospace clusters

  26. Whatsnext?! 1. General information

  27. Dziękuję! 1. General information

  28. Sources Federal Statistical Office 2014: https://www.destatis.de/DE/ZahlenFakten/GesellschaftStaat/BildungForschungKultur/BildungForschungKultur.html Federal Ministry of Education and Research 2014: http://www.bmbf.de/de/544.php Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training 2014: http://www.bibb.de/dokumente/pdf/a12pr_veranstaltung_2012_11_05_berufliche_erstausbildung_im_tertiaerbereich_kupfer_goeser.pdf Central Statistical Office of Poland 2014: http://stat.gov.pl/en/topics/education/ UNESCO 2014: http://www.unevoc.unesco.org/wtdb/germany_02_edusch.jpg 1. General information

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