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Fault-Tolerance for Distributed and Real-Time Embedded Systems

Fault-Tolerance for Distributed and Real-Time Embedded Systems. Ostre Team Yves Sorel. Bip Team Alain Girault Hamoudi Kalla. Outline. Introduction: Real-Time Embedded System Fault-Tolerance: Our Methodology Proposed Methods Conclusion and Future Work. Failures models.

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Fault-Tolerance for Distributed and Real-Time Embedded Systems

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  1. Fault-Tolerance for Distributed andReal-Time Embedded Systems Ostre TeamYves Sorel Bip Team Alain Girault Hamoudi Kalla Workshop DeFINE : Pisa - Italy

  2. Outline • Introduction: Real-Time Embedded System • Fault-Tolerance: Our Methodology • Proposed Methods • Conclusion and Future Work

  3. Failures models Introduction: real-time embedded system Sensors Applications : C functions, Caml …. Architecture : processors and communications components Actuators SynDEx tool implementation of real-time embedded applications on multicomponent architectures

  4. Fault-Tolerance: Our Methodology High level program Compiler Model of the algorithm Architecture specification Distribution constraints Execution times Real-time constraints Failure specification Distribution heuristic Fault-tolerant distributed static schedule Code generator Fault-tolerant distributed embeded code

  5. B D in A C out D Algorithm Model The Proposed Solutions: Models P1 P3 P4 P2 Architecture Model

  6. Architecture Model P1 Schedule 1 Schedule 3 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 1 P2 P3 P4 in Failure Model 1 P1 Fault-tolerant distributed static schedule B A P2 P3 P4 out Failure model 2 Algorithm Model P1 P2 P3 P4 Failures Models The Proposed Solutions: (1) Schedule

  7. Architecture Model P1 P2 P3 P4 in B A N : Number of processor failures out Algorithm Model Failures Models The Proposed Solutions: (2) B P1 P2 P3 P4 L.1-2-3 L.3-4 in in send send Schedule N = 2 Fault-tolerant distributed static schedule

  8. Conclusion & Future Work • Develop a new fault-tolerance method, we take into account : • Reliability Measures which is the probability that a component will not fail during a certain amount of time. • Both processors and links failures.

  9. References • Catalin Dima, Alain Girault, Christophe Lavarenne, and Yves Sorel. Off-Line Real-Time Fault-Tolerant Scheduling. Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing. Mantova, Italy, February 2001. • Alain Girault, Christophe Lavarenne, Mihaela Sighireanu, and Yves Sorel. Fault-Tolerant Static Scheduling for Real-Time Distributed Embedded Systems.21st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. Phoenix, USA, April 2001. • Alain Girault, Christophe Lavarenne, Mihaela Sighireanu, and Yves Sorel. Generation of Fault-Tolerant Static Scheduling for Real-Time Distributed Embedded Systems with Multi-Point Link. IEEE Workshop on Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems. San Francisco, USA, April 2001.

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