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The Academic Perspective. ACADEMIC WINDOWS UPON PLANNING Sabine Coady Schäbitz Director Collaborative Centre for the Built Environment (CCBE). 100 Years of the RTPI: What is the future for planning? | Melton Mowbray 27 th February 2014. Looking out from the University.

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  1. The Academic Perspective ACADEMIC WINDOWS UPON PLANNING Sabine Coady Schäbitz Director Collaborative Centre for the Built Environment (CCBE) 100 Years of the RTPI: What is the future for planning? | Melton Mowbray 27th February 2014

  2. Looking out from the University “…The question needs to be asked: does abandonment of the more profound aspects of planning in the provision of healthy and representational environments, in favour of the superficial and often temporary demands of commerce represent a good use of valuable resources?” EamonnCanniffe: Urban Ethic Sabine Coady Schäbitz I 100 Years of the RTPI: What is the future for planning? | The Academic Perspective

  3. Passion & Aspiration • Culture of the Built Environment • The notion of the Public Good • Planning as a Social Purpose Sabine Coady Schäbitz I 100 Years of the RTPI: What is the future for planning? | The Academic Perspective

  4. Key Considerations • Purpose of Planning • Planning and Politics • Planning as Democracy • Planning and Sustainability • Planning and Land • Planning and Governance Sabine Coady Schäbitz I 100 Years of the RTPI: What is the future for planning? | The Academic Perspective

  5. Looking out from the University… …not so much an ivory tower any more… Sabine Coady Schäbitz I 100 Years of the RTPI: What is the future for planning? | The Academic Perspective

  6. Future: Study • Content • Pedagogy • Internationalisation • Interdisciplinarity • Soft Skills • Industry Sabine Coady Schäbitz I 100 Years of the RTPI: What is the future for planning? | The Academic Perspective

  7. Future: Research & Consultancy • Academe at Forefront of Creative Thinking • Suggested Themes: • Central Government interventions into planning duties & approvals • Viability issues • Availability of land for building and construction • Use of planning appeals and decisions by planning inspectors • Use and impact of neighbourhood plans and local democracy • Use of confidentiality clauses and legal contractual arguments • Future sense of 'sustainable development' • Broad economic impact of planning on the economy in general Sabine Coady Schäbitz I 100 Years of the RTPI: What is the future for planning? | The Academic Perspective

  8. Future: Community Engagement • Broad politcalengagement • Education • CPD • Strategic Partnerships • Engagement with local communities Sabine Coady Schäbitz I 100 Years of the RTPI: What is the future for planning? | The Academic Perspective

  9. Future: Social Innovation "The market has squeezed the notion of the public good out of politics". Anna Minton on public and private space Sabine Coady Schäbitz I 100 Years of the RTPI: What is the future for planning? | The Academic Perspective

  10. UoN Initiatives • MSc Integrated Urbanism http://www.northampton.ac.uk/study/courses/courses-by-subject/geography/Integrated-Urbanism • University Town Northampton http://www.utn.org.uk • ESRC project: Tensions and Prospects The question of sustainable housing growth in Northampton and Milton Keynes • Neighbourhood Plan Spring Boroughs Northampton • European project on Social Innovation Sabine Coady Schäbitz I 100 Years of the RTPI: What is the future for planning? | The Academic Perspective

  11. MSc Integrated Urbanism PROGRAMME CONTENT Urbanism, Design and Architecture: Theory and History Urban Sociology: Place, Space and Communities Urban Economics: Development, Planning and Democracy Urban Psychology: Health and Wellbeing Smart Cities: Paradigm Ideopolis Urban Landscape: Ecology and Design Integrated Urban Design I: People, Dwelling, Heritage Integrated Urban Design II: Cities, Regeneration, Growth Integrated Urbanism Thesis: In-depth inquiry into a project of your own choice Sabine Coady Schäbitz I 100 Years of the RTPI: What is the future for planning? | The Academic Perspective

  12. Good architecture comes from good architects. Great architecture has to come from a client. Thom Mayne , Morphosis Good planning comes from good planners. Great planning has to come from a client. Sabine Coady Schäbitz I 100 Years of the RTPI: What is the future for planning? | The Academic Perspective

  13. Please contact me: sabine.coadyschaebitz@northampton.ac.uk Sabine Coady Schäbitz I 100 Years of the RTPI: What is the future for planning? | The Academic Perspective

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