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Special Needs Students and iPad. By: Kim Wailes. What does the term special needs mean to you?. We are going to use Timed Pair Share : A Kagan Cooperative Learning Strategy 1.) Think Time 2.) Face partners, the person with
Special Needs Students and iPad By: Kim Wailes
What does the term special needs mean to you? We are going to use Timed Pair Share: A Kagan Cooperative Learning Strategy 1.) Think Time 2.) Face partners, the person with the shortest hair goes first and will have 30 seconds to answer the question. 3.) When the timer dings thank your partner for sharing and switch roles.
Jot Thoughts: A Kagan Cooperative Learning Strategy 1.) Divide your paper into 4 sections 2.) You will have 5 minutes to list as many types of special needs as you can, but… Here are the rules! *Only 1 answer per piece of paper *All people may go at once, but you must announce what you are going to write before you write it *Nobody else may put the same answer down * After your answer is written down, place it in the middle of the table so that your answer does not cover any other person’s answer!
Special Needs Autistic Disorder Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) Cerebral Palsy Deafness/Hearing Loss Down Syndrome Emotional Disturbance Epilepsy Learning Disabilities Mental Retardation Reading and Learning Disabilities Severe and/or Multiple Disabilities Speech and Language Impairments Spina Bifida Traumatic Brain Injury Visual Impairments
Why the iPad? • Cost effective • Touch screens are more intuitive than using a mouse, keyboard or stylus. • APPS!!! • The cool factor/dignity • Increased motivation • Increased motor skills • Educational • Therapeutic • http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=news/health&id=8192651 • http://www.amsvans.com/blog/3894-ipad-makes-a-difference-in-disabled-boys-life/
Comparison iPad: Communication Tool, internet, Thousands of specialized apps and much more! $500 plus cost of apps Springboard Lite: Communication Tool $3,000
A Sampling of Apps Social skills/peer interaction apps • Model Me Going Places 2 • Going Places Hearing Impaired • soundAmp r Visually Impaired • VB Lite (a Braille translator) • Voice Over (reads what you touch) • White on Black (for the partially visually impaired) Learning Disability • Speak it! Text to Speech • Pictello (creates talking books) Educational apps: • Idea Sketch (mind maps and organizational tools) • Math Ninja • Animal Farm (math puzzle) • KosmicMathLT • WordFamiles • Magnetic Alphabet
Your Turn! • Please spend 5 minutes in the app store on your iPad to find an app that you believe could be useful to a student with a special need in your classroom. • If it is free, please download it • If it is not free, you do not need to download it! • please be prepared to explain what the app does and how you might use it. • These will be shared in the next activity
Inside-Outside Circle:A Kagan Cooperative Learning Activity 1.) Keep the app you found open on your iPad. 2.) Shoulder partners are pairs for this activity 3.) Person closest to the Promethean Board in your pair is partner B, person closest to the dry erase board is partner A. 4.) Partner B, please take your iPad and form a circle around the room. 5.) Partner A, please go stand facing your partner
6.) Partner A gets 1 minute to share what they found: - name of app - what special need it addresses - how it may be beneficial - give a demo of the app if it was free (if there is time) - if you finish early, partner B may NOT share their app, but they MAY ask you questions about your app until time is up! 7.) When the timer goes off, Partner B gets 1 minute to share what they found: - name of app - what special need it addresses - how it may be beneficial - give a demo of the app if it was free (if there is time) - if you finish early, partner A may NOT share their app, but they MAY ask you questions about your app until time is up! 8.) Switch! Outside circle please become a statue and do not move! Inside circle rotates two people to the left and then we will repeat # 6 and # 7.
List of Cool Apps 1.) Take your paper and label it 1 through 16 in list fashion. 2.) Write the name of your app next to # 1. 3.) Pass your paper clockwise and add your app next in the list. 4.) Continue to pass your paper and add your app until you get your original sheet back. (You should now have 4 apps listed) 5.) Now, the person who is seated at the back, right hand corner of your table group, collect your group’s papers and pass all four of them to the next table group in a clockwise motion. 6.) Give each person in the new group a different sheet and repeat steps 3 – 5. 7.) Everyone should end up with their own paper again that contains 16 unique apps that you can download on your iPad and use in your classroom!
Works Cited • "4 Ways IPads Are Changing the Lives of People with Disabilities." Mashable, 2011. Web. 30 July 2011. <http://mashable.com/2011/07/25/ipads-disabilities/>. • Nardella, Alexis, and Sabrina Forgione. "Case Study on Assistive Technology: Voices from the Field." New Horizons For Learning. John Hopkins University School Of Education, 2010. Web. 30 July 2011. <http://education.jhu.edu/newhorizons/Journals/spring2010/nardella/index.html>. • Raskind, Marshall, and Kristin Stanberry. "Assistive Technology for Kids with LD: an Overview." Greatschools. Greatschools, Jan. 2010. Web. 30 July 2011. http://www.greatschjools.org/special-education/assistive-technology/702-assistive-technology-for-kids • "Special Education Apps for Kids." Snapps4kids, 2011. Web. 30 July 2011. <http://www.snapps4kids.com/>.-with-learning-disabilities-an-overview.gs?page=1 • Springboard Lite." Request A Catalog Order Form Careers Privacy Trademarks International Sitemap ACHC ATIA Facebook Twitter You Tube Prentke Romich Company (PRC) World Headquarters, 2010. Web. 30 July 2011. <https://store.prentrom.com/product_info.php/cPath/11/products_id/8>.