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A. B. M wt D asd. M wt D thyA. 1564. 1829. 701. 395. 322. Supplementary Fig. 1. Molecular characterization of S. typhimurium strains by colony PCR. a) An asd primer set was used
A B M wt Dasd M wt DthyA 1564 1829 701 395 322 Supplementary Fig. 1. Molecular characterization of S. typhimurium strains by colony PCR. a) An asd primer set was used for PCR with strain SL7207 (wt) and strain c8799 (Dasd) that encompasses the deletion. b) A thyA primer set was used for PCR with strain SL7207 (wt) and strain SL7207DthyA that encompasses the disruption. Due to the strategy of disruption the two amplification products observed are expected. Numbers indicate sizes of PCR products in bp. M indicates size marker: FX174 HaeIII.