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Pet Acupuncture Services in McLean VA

Old Dominion Animal Health Center is your Veterinarian in Alexandria VA. For your Dog Vet Care, Cat and Kitten Veterinary care, come to ODAH Center in Alexandria Virginia

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Pet Acupuncture Services in McLean VA

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  2. OLD DOMINION ANIMAL HEALTH CENTER Old Dominion Animal Health Center is proud to offer alternative therapy and treatment options for pets that suffer from chronic and acute conditions. Acupuncture is a holistic treatment that has been embraced for centuries as a therapy to relieve pain and treat a variety of ailments and conditions. Now our animal companions can reap the same benefits of this age-old technique. The process involves the use of needles to stimulate specific points within the body to treat a wide variety of conditions. odahcenter.com 703-356-5582 6719 Lowell Avenue McLean, Virginia

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