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韶关市艾滋病检测筛查实验室网络建设 及质量评价 The network construction and quality evaluation of testing and screening laboratory of HIV/AIDS in Shaoguan city. 韶 关 市 疾 病 预 防 控 制 中 心 邓俊兴 等 Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Shaoguan City Junxing DENG, et al. 介绍 ;
韶关市艾滋病检测筛查实验室网络建设 及质量评价 The network construction and quality evaluation of testing and screening laboratory of HIV/AIDS in Shaoguan city 韶 关 市 疾 病 预 防 控 制 中 心 邓俊兴 等 Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Shaoguan City Junxing DENG, et al
介绍; 1997~2009年韶关市先后有28家实验室通过上级有关部门的考核验收,取得艾滋病检测筛查实验室资质,目前已形成了确证实验室(筛查中心实验室)—筛查实验室的网络检测体系,为全面掌握全市艾滋病检测筛查实验室网络建设及运作状况,确保实验室管理规范、检测结果准确,我们于2009年4月对28家艾滋病检测实验室进行质量考评,现将考评结果报告如下。 Introduction: HIV/AIDS antibody detection is the foundation of the AIDS prevention, 28 laboratories have passed the examination and acceptance test during 1997-2009 in Shaoguan city, and became the qualified laboratories of detecting and screening HIV/AIDS. At present, the network of testing system has been built up in Shaoguan city, i.e. assuring laboratory (screening center) -- screening laboratory. To understand the network construction and operation of testing and screening laboratories of HIV/AIDS in Shaoguan city, ensure the standardization managementand the accuracy of the test results, we conducted evaluation on 28 testing laboratories of HIV/AIDS in April 2009, and the results are as follows.
1 考评对象与方法 1.1考评对象 全市28家取得艾滋病检测筛查实验室资质的检测实验室 1.2考评方法 采用血清学检测、问卷调查与专家现场查看相结合方法,由韶关市疾病预防控制中心艾滋病确证实验室(筛查中心实验室)统一发放一套考评血清样品,一套职能工作问卷,要求各实验室在10日内完成上报,并由市卫生局组织专家择时对其逐一进行现场考查。 Methods:evaluate each laboratory by serological testing, questionnaire survey and experts’ site visit. 1.3考评结果的评定依据 《全国艾滋病检测工作管理办法》《全国艾滋病检测技术规范》 1.4考评资料整理分析
2 结果与分析 2009年全市28家艾滋病检测筛查实验室考评综合评定级别:优秀17家占60.72%,良好8家占28.57%,合格2家占7.14%,不合格1家占3.57 %。 Results: 28 laboratories were rated in 2009: 17 were excellent (60.72%), 8 were good (28.57%), 2 were qualified (7.14%) and 1 was unqualified (3.57%). 2.1 实验室分布情况:见表1 2.2 实验室人员情况:见表1 2.2 实验室用房及仪器设备状况:见表2 2.3实验室质量考评情况:见表3
3 结论 全市艾滋病检测筛查实验室网络建设已基本形成,实验室检测能力较强,但部分实验室质量管理水平有待提高。 Conclusion:the network of testing and screening laboratory of HIV/AIDS has been generally built up in Shaoguan city, the laboratories maintain good detection capabilities, however quality management needs to be improved in certain laboratories