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Attitude of Gratitude: Expressing Appreciation in Simple Ways

Discover three easy ways to express gratitude: write thank you notes, do favors for people, tell them you appreciate them. Learn the biblical perspective on ingratitude and how to cultivate a thankful heart. Dive into the meaning of gratitude and its importance in daily life.

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Attitude of Gratitude: Expressing Appreciation in Simple Ways

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Attitude of Gratitude Three easy ways to express gratitude Write a thank you note Do favours for people Tell people how much you appreciate them Give meaningful gifts Send flowers

  2. Attitude of Gratitude

  3. Attitude of Gratitude What the Bible says about ingratitude . . . It’s a characteristic of wicked and godless people For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Romans 1.21

  4. Attitude of Gratitude I thank my God every time I remember you . . . Philippians 1.3

  5. Attitude of Gratitude For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1.21

  6. Attitude of Gratitude I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation . . . Philippians 4.12ff

  7. Attitude of Gratitude Each of us owes a debt to God that we can never pay back

  8. Attitude of Gratitude The challenge of this passage is to be like the one, not like the nine

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