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Explore how Plato defines the number one in his book "The Republic" and the implications it has on philosophy, mathematics, and political science. This discussion will draw on the works of Dr. Alain Badiou and delve into the connection between science and faith.
How Did Plato Define the Number One in The Republic? Dr. Andrew W.Harrell, Phd Mathematics UC Berkeley 1974 3000 Drummond St., Vicksburg, MS 39180 • In his book, "Plato's Republic a Dialogue in 16 Chapters", Dr. Alain Badiou, a current French philosopher, proposes a new way of defining the "Number One". This way uses a mapping from "Being" to "Event". In it, he claims that "The Republic" is actually Plato's playbook for a Communist society, using this definition as its base. But, was this really what Plato said or wanted to say? This would mean Plato believes that the philosophy of mathematics is a part of science and its philosophy. It would mean that then questions of what is "Justice", "Truth", "Goodness" is in political science can be related to what "Oneness" is in political science and the other various sciences? Dr. Badiou says in his books "Being and Event" and "Number and Numbers" that he does not subscribe to a normative theory of Truth. And, his arguments are based on his complicated mathematical set theory and ontology of what is "real" in a mathematics and a nature in which the Number One is actually, not a set, but a process. The present day concept of a mapping or function is something Plato clearly wasn't able to understand in his time. I will relate this topic to several earlier talks on "How Do We Define the Number One" that I gave at previous annual conventions of the MS Academy.
How do you Define the number One? This question arises when we consider how we can develop a better understanding of the interrelations of science and faith. At the turn of the last century work on the area of the foundations of mathematical analysis and the beginnings of the development of mathematical logic increased. This happened along with the invention of digital computers. And, a new area of mathematical area of research called set theory was created in order to understand what "a real number" in Calculus means. Leopold Kronecker made his famous statement, "God created the integers and all else is the work of man." But, how did God create the integers? Plato's dialogue Parmenides is perhaps his hardest to understand work and the most important attempt in the classical era to try understand different ways we can answer this question. What is a set? What is an empty set (basically this is determined logically when you know what an element in a set is and what a set is)? This talk will give a short history of some of the progress mathematicians and logicians have made trying to answer these questions since the beginning of the last century. We have shown, that except for some notable gaps, how "real numbers (rational, algebraic, transcendental)", and likewise various other "complex and ideal numbers" can all be constructed logically from the positive integers. The possibility of the "notable gaps" come from the proof of the independence of the continuum hypothesis.
SOME REASONS FOR THINKING ABOUT THIS QUESTION • In terms of its relation to metaphysics and epistemology: The Greek philosophers realized this as a fundamental philosophical question too. Plato’s dialogue Parmenides is perhaps his hardest and most important attempt in the classical era to try and understand this . And, it deals with just this question, “What is does the Concept of One mean philosophically and mathematically?’ • "Among different languages, even where we cannot suspect the least connexion or communication, it is found, that the words, expressive of ideas, the most compounded, do yet nearly correspond to each other: a certain proof that the simple ideas, comprehended in the compound ones, were bound together by some universal principle, which had an equal influence on all mankind." A Treatise on Human Understanding Book 1 Section III
Plato does in the Republic, as does Communism advocate the aboliton of private property and the specialization of education in terms of a class structure
As Plato has taught us in the Republic and Chinese Tai Chi teaches us there is a dynamic balance in motion at the Top Level of God’s creation as they occur in the world. This goes back to his theory of what “enlightenment” is for us humans and how we can achieve it through knowing intutively what an object of the mind, a concept, is and intuitively how we can understand objects through concepts…not just ideas
If we do not go too far off in that direction then Goodness, which is sometimes called Love that gives for its own sake comes forth
Dr. Badiou’s metaphysics and ontology has four dimensions: • 1) absolute consciousness as defined by Heideigger • 2) collective will • 3) self knowledge, both objective and subjective • 4) action related to this self-knowlege
Communism does not teach us that there is an intuitive element element in our reasoning backwards and forwards in time from a final cause point and a begining creative point
The former Soviet Union’s form of Stalinist Communism a 4) Tsarist Oligarchy turned into a tyranny. And, now it has gone back from a tyranny into an oligarchy.
A Short History of the Number One • There is a documentary called "The story of One," made by Terry Jones (a Monty Python member). Quite interesting... • “ 20,000 years ago the number one exists for the first time. • This is determined from evidence of human scratchs on bones. Many human societies, like the aboridigines, for example, never and still don’t to this day, use any numbers ( or even the number one). • However, the whole science of measurement depends on having an idea of what the number one means to start out the measurements. We know that the Egyptians were some of the first to develop new methods for measurements (using a ruler) and hence beginning a question of what one means inside of us.” [8]
“Later in human history, the important Greek philosopher Pythagoras set up a group of vegetarian philosophers and mathematicians. He believed everything, especially including music, was made of numbers. He wanted to understand why certain combinations of notes sound harmonious. He studied ratios of whole number ( collections of multiples of one) in order to understand this. He coined the term, “music of the spheres”. If the beauty of music relies on whole numbers then so must everything else. And, since whole numbers are at the heart of music and one is at the heart of whole numbers it must be very important to understand what “one” is. However, the rationale for this belief system was later destroyed by the discovery of “irrational numbers”. Pythagoras could not conceive of numbers unless they represent actual objects. Plato, and later Frege, believed that “numbers” were mental objects. • Plato in the dialogue Parmenides starts humankind off studying “How to We (or You) Define the Number One.” In this dialogue Socrates and Parmenides discuss the arguments and paradoxes of Zeno and other contemporary Greek Philosophers. It assumes a knowledge of previous dialogues like Phaedrus where Plato has explained his theory of independently existing mental objects called Forms. How do we “know” these independently existing mental objects? Our mind can know them by “participating” in them, not in the sense that through sense experience we collect sense-contents of material objects but in another more directly intuitive sense.
This dialogue discusses the question, “What is the Form of One” (if indeed such a thing exists… for the method used is to discuss a philosophic problem by both assuming the consequences of believing a logical proposition about Forms to be True and then also believing it to be false. This method of mental analysis anticipated that of Boolean logic functions by several thousand years. So, during the dialogue a series of eight “hypotheses” are put forward. And, the “participants” in the dialogue discuss the consequences of assuming the hypotheses are true or not. The first two hypotheses are that. In that mathematical objects determine time” they relate to motion, and hence become a cause if we think that “One” is the source of them. • Aristotle in his difficult to understand book “Metaphysics” was the first to develop a detailed philosophical set of definitions that pointed in the direction of defining the Number One differently than the Pythagoreans and Plato. He listed four different ways we might consider the Number One as a cause: in the sense of determining1)an objects thing-hood, what it is for it to be (or substance as the Latins translated this word), 2) as the material or underlying nature of it, 3) as an potency or source of any motion it has, 4) as a cause opposite to its potency. • However, after this, Archimedes modified this philosophic assumption somewhat by telling us we could think of numbers as objects (concepts) in themselves. This tended to take “one” away from being the “essence of the universe”. “[8]
“But, later the Romans (unconcerned like some modern day engineers in the why or the how of things as how to use them) did invent their numerals (which were hard to use for calculation). This set back the science of mathematics several centuries. As a result, unlike the Greeks, not a single Roman mathematician is celebrated today. • We (humankind) were saved from our black ages in discovering things about computing by the Indians. As early as 500 BC, in order to write down the huge numbers mentioned in their scriptures they invented an improved numeric placement system for numbers form 1 to 9 and added an entirely new number called zero which was quickly accepted and added to our modern day set of y numbers. How was it that we didn’t think of this earlier? Zero is the Holy Grail of numbers. Its use has changed the entire world. For the first time someone made “nothing” a number. When we teamed zero up with one magic started to happen. (We now know the reason from writing programs to and studying how to generate numbers…integers, rationals, irrationals, using the computer).” [8]
The bringing of numbers to the Islamic world brought a host of brand new tricks, quadratic equations, algebra which enabled mathematicians to reach brand new heights and help the Western world achieve its destiny and potential as me know it now. • The Italian mathematician Fibonnaci wrote a book in 1202 about methods of calculation, becoming a great mathematician. His book is now regarded as a showcase of Indian and Islamic philosophy and learning. These new ideas were considered so revolutionary that in 1299 in Florence, Italy people were banning from using zero and these new numbers. There was a competition to determine between the abacus and these new numbers as which was the best in practice. Our current friends (the numbers we use today) won this competition n. • During the Enlightenment period of history, numbers made it easier to calculate latitudes and longitudes and helped a wave of European explorers discover new and fascinating lands around the world ( including the Americas). • Gottfried Leibnitz invented several logic machines to help with calculations (see my talk two years ago at the academy meeting on the history of Logic Machines).. In doing this he used the binary number system for the first time. His use of 1 and 0 were as placeholders in his machines number systems. Later Venn and George Boolean would use 1 and 0 as truth values for functions, something somewhat different. • Leibnitz also invented the idea of a Monad ( which is important nowadays in functional programming languages. And, as a result of thinking about what “real numbers (integers, rationals, and irrational) were explored ideas in physics and invented Calculus
It wasn’t until later in the 20th century that Dr. John Von Neumann proposed a different way to define the number one, here is a good short explanation from a recent discussion I had on the History and Philosophy of Science division on the Linkedin website of the difference between these two defintions: • 1) Anatoly Tchoussov • to Harrell: may be I've said not very clear; I've meant that: Yours expression is not correct, because numbers are defined as classes of equivalencies and not as a sum of sets; 2) such definition has an intrinsic difficulties, i.e. two non-equal models: in former note I will use Z as a symbol of an empty set, and figure brackets {} as symbols of a set; Up to now and before Dr. Conway and Dr. Badiou, there are just two ways to introduce numbers: A): {Z}, {{Z}}, {{{Z}}}, {{{{Z}}}}, ... B): {Z}; {Z, {Z}}; {Z, {Z}, {Z, {Z}}}; {Z, {Z}, {Z, {Z}}, {Z, {Z}, {Z, {Z}}}}; ... in a case A "3" doesn't belong to "5", but in a case B "3" belongs to "5"; • C) Let += ( | } be zero, Then 1= { +}, 2={ ++},3= {+++} …. In Dr. Badiou’s and Dr. Conway theory of number zero is not the empty set or the set containing an emtpy set. It is a connection, a process, { | }, what Dr. Badiou’s teacher J.A. Miller calls a “suture” between the “presentation” and the “representation” of the being of an object, and its event.
The beating heart of modern day computers is one and zero. As mentioned above Leibnitz and Boole made important conceptual discoveries that helped us do this. Colossus, one of the first computers developed in Britian, the mathematics of one and zero may have helped shorten World War II by as much as two years. So, to conclude, today, Roman numerals have been consigned to the dust bin of history. Pythagoras’ idea of one and zero are all we need to create the modern computations that have transformed our world into a new information age and pushed humankind forward up to the edge of discovering how we ourselves are made (by God) genetically out of a coded string of amino acids. • THE QUESTION’S RELATION TO THE MATHEMATICS OF SET THEORY • The mathematical area of research called set theory was created in order to understand what “a real number” in Calculus means. This interest developed because in the previous decades techniques were developed in order to solve practical problems in mathematical analysis which made use of what Cauchy and Gauss (and earlier Euler) had called “complex” or “imaginary” numbers. Euler used an algebra of calculation in his trigonometric formulas (which had applications of mapping and geodesy) which made use of the imaginary number “i”. Cauchy further developed these algebraic techniques and also showed how it was possible to integrate functions involving complex numbers. Gauss developed the beginnings of the concept of a “manifold” which would later revolutionize thinking in electrodynamics and Einsteinian physics. So the questions then became, “What is this ‘real number’ which determines how we calibrate or measure the space we are analyzing?”“What is a real function?”“What is a complex function?”
The Greeks related “Number” and “truth” back to what “One” and “Oneness” is. • Frege, building on Descartes who taught us that it is possible to create ourselves through thinking (“I am because I think”). • Dedekind introduces his concept of number within the framework of a theory of “sets.
Here is a philosophic definition of what a Concept is that helps us understand all of this • A concept (in addition to being a rule that asks questions about things) is a data structure. That is, it is a predefined set of object type. These types can be frames with slots [classes], words, numbers, lists, streams, or variables. In certain situations they can be recursively defined. But, the final tree structure is usually limited to have only a finite number of branches. The information it contains is the values or attributes of the objects that the data structure describe.
Conclusion according to Badiou • “Number is neither a trait of a concept (Frege), nor an operational fiction (Berkeley), an empirical given (Locke, Hume),a transcendental category (Kant), a syntax or language game (Positivism), or even an abstraction from our idea of order (Von Neumann), Number is a form (in the sense of Plato) of Being.”* • A. Badiou, chapter 19 Number and Numbers • *self-existent, omnipresent, and hence Divine (Neo-Platonism)
Conclusion, short answer, according to Andrew Harrell • How do “we” define the “Number One”? “One” way is through meditating on the word “UNITY”, eg. the letter “U” (or You) being “N” (in) “IT” (itself, the Number One or yourself, the Number One), “2” (, recursively, in a mathematical set function sense, twice or two times yourself being in yourself, or Itself, the Number One).
References • 1] Gottfried Frege, “The Foundations of Arithmetic”, Northwestern U. Press, 1980 • 2] From Frege to Godel, Jean van Heijenoort, p. 525, Harvard U. Press, 1967 • 3] An Introduction to Functional Programming Through Lambda Calculus, Greg Michaelson, Dover Publications 2011 • 4] The website http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org/discussionboard/index.cgi has a subdirectory on Philosophy of Science in which you can add your thoughts about this. • 5] Symbolic Logic, John Venn, Cambridge U. Press 1881 • 6] Hume, Treatise of Human Nature, Book I (on Understanding), part iii (of the association of ideas • 7] Mathematical Logic, Hilbert and Ackermann, Chelsea Publishing, 1950 • 8] http://videosift.com/video/The-Story-Of-One-Terry-Jones-BBC-number-documentary-5904
References • 8] Weiner, Joan, “Frege Explained”, Open Court,2004 • 9] http://www.Linkedin.com • 10] The Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming, by K. Doets and J. Van Eijck, Kings College, London, 2004 • 11] Edmund Landau, Foundations of Analysis, Chelsea. • 12] Plato and Parmenides, Francis M. Cornford, Bobbs-Merrill Library • 12] Parmenides, Plato, Great Books, volume 7, U. of Chicago Press • 13) W.W. Quine, “Mathematical Logic”, Dover Books • 14) Randall Holmes, notes on “Elementary Set Theory with a Universal Set” available for free download from the internet. • 15) John Alan Robinson, "A Machine-Oriented Logic Based on the Resolution Principle", Communications of the ACM, 5:23–41, 1965. • 16) Joe Sachs, Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Green Lion Press, Santa Fe, NM, 1999.
Further References • Martin Gardner, Logic Machines and Diagrams, 1st edition, 1958 • Symbolic Logic, John Venn, Cambridge U. Press 1881 • Aristotle, Prior Analytics, Book 1, section 1. • A.P. Morse, “A Theory of Sets” Academic Press, New York, 1965 • T.J. McMinn A Formal Number-Termed Number System based on recursion, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Vol 4, Num 4, Fall 1974. for this • J.A. Miller, “Elements of the Logic of the Signifier”. www.lacan.com
REFERENCES • Dr, Andrew W. Harrell, “How Do We Define the Number One.”, MS Academy of Sciences Annual Convention 2010, • http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org/5073/HOWTODEFINE1PT1.pdf • http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org/5073/HOWTODEFINE1PT2.pdf • http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org/5073/HOWTODEFINE1PT3.pdf • Dr. Alain Badiou, “Plato’s Republic, a Dialogue in 16 Chapters.” • Dr. Alain Badiou, “Being and Event” • Dr. Alain Badiou, “Number and Numbers” • Dr. Mortimer Adler, “The Republic of Plato”, Great Books • Dr. Harry Gonshor, “An Introduction to the Theory of Surreal Numbers. • "How Do We Define the Number One, Part II?", MS Academy of Sciences Annual Convention, Hattisburg, MS 2012. http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org/5073/HOWTODEFINE1PT1.pdf • http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org/5073/HOWTODEFINE1PT2.pdf • http://www.yhwhschofchrist.org/5073/HOWTODEFINE1PT3.pdf • Dr. Martin heideigger, “Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit.” • Dr. Martin Heideigger, “Being and Time” • Wilhelm Hegel, “Science and Logic” • Wilhelm Hegel, “Reason and History” • Wilheim Hegel, “Phenomenology of the Spirit”