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Nye EU-program 2007 -> Ivar Petter Grøtte Vestlandsforsking

Nye EU-program 2007 -> Ivar Petter Grøtte Vestlandsforsking. Aktuelle program. 7 råmeprogram for FoU > teknologi & europeisk konkurranseevne INTERREG IV -> regional utjamning INTERREG IV B Northern Periphery INTERREG IV B North Sea INTERREG IV B Baltic Sea INTERREG IV C

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Nye EU-program 2007 -> Ivar Petter Grøtte Vestlandsforsking

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  1. Nye EU-program 2007 ->Ivar Petter GrøtteVestlandsforsking

  2. Aktuelle program • 7 råmeprogram for FoU • > teknologi & europeisk konkurranseevne • INTERREG IV -> regional utjamning • INTERREG IV B Northern Periphery • INTERREG IV B North Sea • INTERREG IV B Baltic Sea • INTERREG IV C • Livslang læring -> utdanning & opplæring • CIP (Competitiveness & Innovation) -> SMB

  3. 7. råmeprogram FoU • Tematiske område • Hovedsakeleg avansert industriell forsking • Produkt- og tenesteutvikling • Kommersialisering • Utlysing kvart halvår.. • ”Reseach for SME” • Mindre prosjekt for samarb. SMB - FoU • ”Regions of Knowledge” • Regionale forskingsbehov • Regionale innovasjonssystem • Regional forskingsinfrastruktur

  4. 7th Research Framework Programme • 2007-2013 • 54 Billion Euros • Themes • Health • Food, agriculture and biotechnology • Information and communication technologies • Nanotechnologies, Materials & Production Technologies • Energy • Environment and Climate Change • Transport and Aeronautics • Socio-economic sciences and the humanities • Space and Security Research

  5. Folketal Utdanningsnivå Tilgang til infrastruktur Flytting

  6. Interreg A

  7. Interreg B Interreg Northern Periphery

  8. Common features & similarities • Large internal and external distances • • Difficult terrain and harsh climate • • Sparsely populated • • Accessibility is low • • Age structure of the population is problematic • • Abundance of natural resources • Rich cultural heritage presents significant potential for the area.

  9. Priorities • Increasing and developing the capacity for innovation and networking in rural and peripheral areas • Use of advanced information and communication technologies and transport in the programme area • Environmental protection and growth in remote and peripheral regions; • Strengthening urbanrural relations and enhancing regional heritage.

  10. Funding • Projects: • Min/Max: 250.000 Euro - 1,5 mill Euro • EU partners: 60-75% • Norwegian partners: 50% • Preparatory project • max 30 000 EUR & grant 60%

  11. North Sea Programme Aims • Increases level of innovation taking place across the North Sea Region 2. Enhances the quality of the environment 3. Improves the accessibility of places in the North Sea Region 4. Delivers sustainable and competitive communities

  12. Finansiering • Prosjekt: • Min/Max: 500.000 Euro - 2 mill Euro • Delfinansiering: 50% • Neste søknadsfrist: 17 mars 2008

  13. INTERREG 4 C - Heile Europa • ”Kapitaliseringsprogam” • Bygge på gode resultat + ev. vidareutvikling • Nettverk • Pilotprosjekt • Mini-program

  14. Lifelong Learning • Comenius: To involve at least 5% of EU school pupils in joint educational activities. • Erasmus: To provide EU study abroad opportunities for a total of 3 million university students by 2011. • Leonardo da Vinci: To increase training placements in enterprises and training centres in another EU country to 150,000 in 2013. • Grundtvig: To help 25,000 adult education students benefit from studying abroad in 2013.

  15. Internasjonalt samarbeid 1995 -

  16. 7. råmeprogram www.cordis.lu INTERREG www.interregnorthsea.org www.bsrinterreg.net www.northernperiphery.net www.interreg3c.net

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