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Introduction. The Strategic Planning Committee was established in January 2010 to: Examine the organization's vision and mission; Articulate its shared values; Establish a strategic plan capable of guiding future development for the good of its members and the community.
Introduction The Strategic Planning Committee was established in January 2010 to: • Examine the organization's vision andmission; • Articulate its shared values; • Establish a strategic plan capable of guiding future development for the good of its members and the community.
Strategic Planning Committee • Rick Engler, Chairman • Cathie Coultas • Rebecca Fields • Woody Kerkeslager • John Pietrowski • Don Jay Smith • Deborah Starker • Jerry Vezza • Richard T. Bryant, Facilitator
Bryant Associates LLC was retained by MACA in April 2010 to facilitate the work of the Strategic Planning Committee.
Our Process • A series of strategic planning meetings; • Input from the full board; • Interviews with selected influencers from around the community; • The experience and knowledge of the Committee and its facilitator.
This plan represents the collective view of the MACA Strategic Planning Committee, which has given its unanimous endorsement.
Vision To engage, inspire, and transform the people of greater Madison, New Jersey, by integrating arts, culture, and creativity into everyday life.
Mission The Madison Arts & Culture Alliance shapes and builds a community that enjoys and supports the work of creative people, and shares the idea that creativity, innovation, and imagination are vital to personal fulfillment, civic life, and education.
Board Input to VisionUnique Words • Provided by the Respondents from a List of Choices (limit 5 unique words) 22 Participants 110 Possible Choices.
Board Input to Vision • Provided by the Respondent Without a List(limit, five unique words)
Values We believe that arts, culture, creativity, and innovation are basic to community life, that the presence of working artists and other creative people inspire and uplift a community, and that diverse people of all ages, economic backgrounds, abilities, and beliefs can better know and understand themselves and others by participating in arts, culture, and creativity.
We value the presence in our community of an arts and culture ecosystem that exists and grows organically through the interaction of creative people and the interrelationships with arts, culture, civic, community, educational, and other organizations and the people they serve.
We believe that fostering collaboration with and among all the people and organizations in the creative ecosystem is the highest priority of the Madison Arts & Culture Alliance, followed closely by the belief that the ecosystem, and therefore the community, can be further strengthened by work of MACA and it’s members.
We deeply respect and honor all those who dedicate their life and their livelihood to creative endeavors, and work to attract, welcome, and retain professional artists and other creative people and organizations through all the disciplines.
We believe in the inherent creativity of all people. We respect and honor all those who participate in arts and culture, and embrace creative lifestyles. We acknowledge that it is the interaction between makers and participants that ignites the life-changing and life-affirming powers of the arts to inspire, uplift, reveal, entertain, educate, and heal.
We are deliberately expansive in our definition of arts, culture, and creativity as a broad and constantly evolving field with overlaps across many areas of life. We do so with the belief that arts, culture, and creativity are inherently inclusive, and that every citizen and every group of citizens contain within them inherited and acquired cultural identities.
When revealed, shared, and celebrated through creative works, these cultural identities lead to new expression, new understanding, and new ways of looking at our community and the world.
The Balanced Scorecard • At the outset, the group embraced a Balanced Scorecard approach. • The Balanced Scorecard was developed at Harvard Business School in 1992 by Dr. Robert Kaplan and Dr. David Norton. • It requires that any objective put forward be matched to initiatives for advancing the objective, proposed timelines, and projected resources needed to undertake the initiatives.
All About Impact • The original Balanced scorecard was designed as a planning rubric for profit-making enterprises; • We modified it to make impact its highest purpose vs. profitability.
The Balanced Scorecard Planning Axis Learning & Growth -- What do we need to change about ourselves? Process -- What do we need to do? Customers -- Who do we serve? Impact -- How is our community changed as a result of our work?
The Themes of MACA’s Work • Knowledge • Advocacy • Service • Promotion • Education • Programs
The Impact We Seek Through Knowledge Be a community that understands what it takes to welcome, nurture, develop and support quality arts and culture experiences and education for all citizens.
Our Objectives for Knowledge • Be the primary source of information across all area A&C events & activities; • Become informed about wants & needs of A&C practitioners; • Understand current & potential A&C audiences and participants from Madison & elsewhere; • Be the source of A&C connections & opportunities in the area.
The Impact We Seek throughAdvocacy Be a community that leverages public and private talent and resources to help build and sustain a healthy arts and culture ecosystem.
Our Objectives for Advocacy • Expand understanding about the value of attending arts & culture events; • Expand understanding about he benefits of embracing a more creative lifestyle;| • Assure the inclusion of arts & culture in Pre-K to Post-Grad public and private education; • Promote greater public and private funding of A&C.
The Impact We Seek through Service Be a community that that genuinely helps artists, arts organizations, and other creative enterprises fulfill their own missions and goals.
Our Objectives for Service • Help organizations and individuals in their efforts to fulfill their own missions and goals; • Provide assistance and expertise for strengthening A&C organizations & individuals; • Help A&C organizations and individuals improve skills, reputation, and visibility; • Identify and/or organize umbrella services for artists such as insurance and healthcare.
The Impact We See through Promotion Be a community with growing A&C activities and audiences; Be a community in which business, tourism, and the economy can feel the positive effects of the presence of healthy arts and culture.
Our Objectives for Promotion • Advance Madison's A&C brand & image; • Help establish an environment conducive to fundraising by A&C field; • Market the Madison area as an A&C destination & promote attendance; • Grow MACA revenue through constituent and general membership.
The Impact We Seek throughEducation Be a community that seeks to expand its understanding and enjoyment of arts & culture and seeks the same for their own and other children.
Our Objectives through Education • Outreach to lifelong learners and seniors; • Influence curriculum in primary and secondary schools; • Develop new programs that fill gaps among existing organizations; • Build alliance of students, parents, educators & support orgs Pre-K to Post-Grad.
The Impact We Seek throughPrograms Be a capable aggregator of existing A&C programs, and an incubator of new programs that complement and enhance current offerings.
Our Objectives through Programs • Develop new programs that fill gaps among existing organizations; • Provide A&C components to existing festivals and events; • Produce festivals & exhibitions that complement existing programs; • Establish cooperative A&C programs with & among Madison area schools & universities.
Summary of Key Operating Assumptions • As the planning process evolved, the Strategic Planning Committee considered many key questions; • The answers to these questions formed assumptions that are integral to the plan and incorporated throughout; • A summary of the most significant assumptions follows:
Key Operating Assumptions 1 • In order to be effective and sustainable., MACA must redefine its membership criteria to become more inclusive. • In order to be effective and sustainable, MACA requiresthe ongoing presence of professional staff with experience in the field. • In order to be effective and sustainable, MACA will berequired to raise significant funds from individuals, foundations, corporations, and government sources on an annual basis. • MACA fundraising activities will complement rather than compete with member fundraising activities.
Key Operating Assumptions 2 • MACA is predominantly an information, advocacy, and service organization to the field of arts and culture. As such it is deferential to the missions and goals of its members; • As a programmer and promoter, MACA's highest priorities are programs that foster collaboration and help to strengthen member organizations and individuals by aggregating activities for greater impact and efficiency. • MACA will occasionally produce programs to fill gaps it identifies with programs its Board and members deem important to the overall health of arts and culture in the area.
Key Operating Assumptions 3 • MACA's activities as a programmer and promoter will be limited to such programs that are at least revenue neutral to MACA's overall operating budget. • While MACA will engage in activities to lobby for and help find appropriate space for arts and culture activities and events in the region, this strategic plan does not foresee that MACA will purchase, lease, operate, or manage any facilities.
Next Steps • A detailed version of the plan containing recommended initiatives, budgets, and projected resources will be sent home with each Board member for review; • A special Board meeting will be held in January at which the Strategic Planning Committee and the facilitator will respond to the Board’s questions and comments; • The Board will be asked to vote on receiving the plan; • Discussions will ensue on the implications of the plan; • The Board President will request support for committee work and other activities to prepare for initial implementation steps for QTR 1 and 2 of 2011.
END Prepared by for Madison Arts & Culture Alliance by:Bryant Associates LLC/Front of House Services December 8, 2010 • Front of House Services114 Woodland Rd.Madison, NJ 07940 • Fohservices.com • 973.295.6530