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Launch of the University of Limpopo’s VlaamseInteruniversitaire Raad (VLIR) Institutional University Cooperation (IUC) Programme. Programme : 25 October 2010 R40 Hall, Turfloop Campus, University of Limpopo. 10:00 Registration 11:00-11:05 Programme Director: Prof MM Sepota - Announcements
Launch of the University of Limpopo’s VlaamseInteruniversitaire Raad (VLIR) Institutional University Cooperation (IUC) Programme
Programme : 25 October 2010R40 Hall, Turfloop Campus, University of Limpopo 10:00 Registration 11:00-11:05 Programme Director: Prof MM Sepota - Announcements 11:05-11:15 Welcome: Prof NM Mokgalong; VC University of Limpopo 11:15-11:30 Overview of VLIR-IUC Programmes: Mr C Goossens; VLIR-UOS 11:30-11:45 Overview of UL’s VLIR-IUC Programme; Prof D Wessels; Local Programme Coordinator 11:45-12:00 Overview of UL’s VLIR-IUC Programme; Prof R Colebunders; Flemish Programme Coordinator 12:00-12:15 Project 1 - Data Management and Analysis: Dr P Shaker; Local Project Leader 12:15-12:30 Project 2 - Energising competent communities and improving wellness in the context of global change; Dr C Burman; Local Project Leader 12:30-12:45 Project 3 – Multiple Literacies: Prof L Makalela; Local Project Leader 12:45-13:00 Project 4 –Management of diseases in a rural area: Prof M Alberts; Local Project Leader 13:00-14:00 LUNCH 14:00-14:15 Project 5- Impact of water related stressors on the ecosystem functions: Prof A Jooste; Local Project Leader 14:15-14:30 Project 6 - Food Security in the Context of Climate Change: Prof J Ng’ambi; Local Project Leader 14:30-14:45 Project 7 - Public Health, Intervention Research: Prof S Pengpid; Local Project Leader 14:45-15:00 Project 8 - Public Health, Infectious Diseases; Prof M Nchabeleng; Local Project Leader 15:00-15:15 Overview of the University of the Western Cape’s VLIR-IUC Programme: Mr L Pokpas; Local Coordinator 15:15-15:30 Overview of the Eduardo Mondlane University’s VLIR-IUC Programme: Dr L Hendrickx; IUC Programme Representative 15:30-15:45 Overview of the Department of Science and Technology's Health Programmes: Ms G Loots: Department of Science & Technology 15:45-16:00 Overview of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research’s programmes: Mr K Keatimilwe: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research 16:00-16:10 Summary and Thanks: Prof M Sibara; DVC Academic and Research