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CONTENS. 1.Tatras 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Location 1.3 Discerption 1.4 Relief 1.5 Tarns 1.7 Waterfalls 1.8 Climate 1.9 Fauna 1.10 Flora 1.11 Tourism 1.11.1 Sports 1.11.2 The most frequently visited place 1.11.3 Museums. 1.1 INTRODUCTION.
CONTENS • 1.Tatras 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Location 1.3 Discerption 1.4Relief 1.5Tarns 1.7Waterfalls 1.8Climate 1.9 Fauna 1.10 Flora 1.11 Tourism1.11.1 Sports 1.11.2The most frequentlyvisitedplace 1.11.3 Museums
1.1 INTRODUCTION The Tatra Mountains are thehighestmountainrange in theCarpathianMountains. AlthoughconsiderablysmallerthantheAlps, they are classifiedashavinganalpinelandscape. Theirhighmountaincharacter, combinedwithgreataccessibility, makesthempopularwithtourists and scientists. The highest peak is Gerlach in height 2655 m.
1.2 Location • TheHighTatras are situated in thenorth part of Slovakia. It’s placed on the small area with length 26 kilometers so the High Tatras are the smallest.
1.3 Discerption TheTatrasconsistof: • The Western Tatras • TheEasternTatraswhichconsistof: • HighTatras • Belianske Tatras TheWesternTatras TheHighTatras The BelianskeTatras (withnameofsomepeaks)
1.4Relief • Tatrasreliefistheworkofrivers and mountainglaciers. • Thereweretogether 41 mountainglacierswhichrolleddownthevalleys and created a distinctiveV-shapedvalley, U. In severalplacesthemorainewallsconsistingofhugeboulders, gravel and clay.
Javorová valley • Liptovská valley • Tichá valley • Žiarska valley
1.5Tarns • In Quaternarytheearlywarmingwasmeltingofglaciers. In someplaces are glaciallakes- tarns. In the Tatra Mountainsis more than 200 lakes. Largest in theterritoryof Slovakia isLargeHincovotarn in Mengusvalley. They are alsoknown Nižné and Vyšné Tarn, Štrbské tarn,Popradskétarn, Rocky and GreenTarn. TheterritoryofTatrasbelongs to theDrainageareaBlackSea and BalticSea. Manyfamousriversrise in theTatras. Forexample, Vah.
Štrbské tarn • Štrbské tarn • Popradské tarn • Big Hrincovotarn (biggestone)
1.7Waterfalls • Thebestknown are: A hugewaterfall in themouthofColdCreek and jumpwaterfall in MlynskaValley. • TheJumpWaterfall • TheHugeWaterfall
1.8Climate • Theclimate has more alpinecharacteris so cool and dampaffected by thedivisionofindividualrelief. Snowcover in theTatraspersists. In thevalleysmeasured 180 cm in thehigherareasup to 250 cm. In difficultterrainthereistherefore a slideavalanches. ForTatrasis a typicalwindyweather 300 days per a year. Theaverageannualtemperaturefor 1000m.n is 5 degreesCelsius in July 15 degreesCelsius.
1.9 Fauna • The Tatra Mountains are home to manyspeciesofanimals: 54 tardigrades, 22 turbellarians, 100 rotifers, 22 copepods, 162 spiders, 81 molluscs, 43 mammals, 200 birds, 7 amphibians and 2 reptiles. The most notablemammals are the Tatra chamois, marmot, snowvole, brownbear, wolf, Eurasialynx, reddeer, roedeer, and wildboar. Notablefishincludethebrooktrout and alpinebullhead. Theendemicarthropodspeciesinclude a caddisfly, spider and a springtail.
Bear • Chamoi • Snowvole • Marmot
1.10 Flora • TheMountainshave a diverse variety ofplants. They are home to more than 1,000 speciesofvascularplants, about 450 mosses, 200 liverworts, 700 lichens, 900 fungi, and 70 slimemoulds. There are fiveclimatic-vegetationbelts in theTatras: • Thedistributionofplantsdepends on altitude: • up to 1,300 m: Carpathianbeechforest; almost no shrublayer, herblayeroccupies most oftheforestfloor • to 1,550 m: Spruceforest; shrublayerpoorlydeveloped, mosses are a major component • to 1,800 m: MountainPine, numerousherbs • to 2,300 m: highaltitudegrasslands • from 2,300 m up: Subnivean - bare rock and almost no vegetation (mostlylichens)
1.11 Tourism • TheregionoftheHighTatrasisrich in naturalbeauties . There are verygoodconditionsformountainsportsboth in summer and in winter . Due to theirclimateposition and altitudethemountainshaveverygoodconditionsforcuringrespiratorydiseases.
1.11.1 Sports • TheHighTatrasofferwiderangeofsports. Themaintouristiccenters are in thesouthoftheTatras. Peoplecanchoosefrommanykindsofsports – skiing, alpineskiing, bungeejumping, hang-gliding, butthe most famous are climbing and hiking
Skiing- Theregionoffersanidealconditionsforskiing in top skicenters. (Podbanské, Štrbské Pleso, Smokovce, Tatranská Lomnica, Skalnaté pleso, Ždiar.)
Climbing- It´s professional and one of the most fascinating sports in the HT . The most attractive hills are Voliaveža, Žabíkôň, Batizovskýštít, Velickástena, Širokáveža, or Ľadovýštít. • Hiking- Most visitors come to the HT to hike. In the High Tatras there is a good network of hiking routes (297.5 km).
1.11.2 The most frequentlyvisitedplaces • Popradské pleso- it´s a starting-pointforimportanthikingtours. Thereis a symboliccementerywherepeoplecanseememorialboardsofpeoplewhodied in the HT • Štrbsképleso- it´s a tourist and medical centre. It is famous for its sports complex and one of the world winter events is held there every year. The area has six ski tows and chairlifts. • Skalnatépleso- it´s the ski resort with the highest altitude and also the best downhill skiing resort.
Lomnickýštít- there is an observatory. People can get there by a cable railroad • Rysy- is a border peak between Slovakia and Poland, it´s the highest peak in Poland • Kriváň- is a symbol of Slovakia and freedom of Slavs. We Slovaks believe that a true Slovak patriot should climb Kriváň at least once in their life. • Lomnický Peak • Rysy • Kriváň
1.11.3 Museums • The museum of Liptovskádedina village was opened when LM dam was constructed. Some characteristic houses of the villages where moved to the museum because the villages were flooded during the construction of the dam. • Themuseumof TANAP picturesTatra´snature and historyofhumanrelations to nature.