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This study explores the effects of electromagnetic excitation on electron-glass behavior in a disordered potential, focusing on frustration and slow relaxation phenomena. The interaction between Coulomb interactions and infra-red radiation is investigated, as well as alternative methods to induce out-of-equilibrium states. The impact of changing gate voltage and the absorption of energy on randomization are also examined. The role of defects and doping with different materials, such as Pb and Au, is discussed through spectroscopy analysis.
… in an ordered potential(but with Coulomb interactions) …frustration… Electromagnetically exciting the Electron-GlassThe case of infra-red radiation …in a disordered potential …both… interaction
…quench the sample from high T… The basic phenomena …slow relaxation… Unless otherwise mentioned; T=4K, andall samples are 2D and in the hopping regime In2O3-x Beryllium
sample insulator gate …more ways to get it out of equilibrium... … raise the bath-temperature by (small) DT… … or apply non-ohmic field F
…one more way to get it out of equilibrium...electromagnetic radiation …zap it with light (AlGaAs LED, l=0.88mm) …like changing gate voltage… …not all photons are born equal…
EC is set by the Coulomb interaction higher energy, correlated distribution, conductance = high Equilibrated Out-of-equilibrium Lower energy, correlated distribution, conductance = lower High energy, random distribution, conductance = high Slowrelaxation …difference between MW and DT ?? Fastrelaxation
…the Bad, the So-So, the Good, and the Great... DG dG/DG does not depend on R
…how is energy absorbed to affect randomization? Spectrum of IR source …must be intra-band absorption!!
Charge re-distribution due to optical excitation initial configuration final configuration
…2nd stage: on-site relaxation + phonon emission… …inducing inter-sitecharge transfer leading to…
…defects are not the reason for the enhancement... In2O3-x +2%Au Crystallized at560K In2O3-x (un-doped) Crystallized at 560K In2O3-x (un-doped) Crystallized at 850K
…not all that’s heavy is Gold... doping with Pb instead of Au? In2O3-x:Pb11 months old… In2O3-x:Pb24 hours old
What is the difference between Pb and Au? In2O3-x:Pb Spectroscopy XPS Au residesin Oxygenvacancies Pb replaces In(or as interstitial)
…some stuff we can already do… sample insulator gate
…what we can not yet do… …difference between granular system and Anderson insulator… x(e) e w eF x