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Science Curriculum Standards Proficient Level Secondary “Depth of knowledge“ Workshop2: 4 /10/2011. Agenda. Tie That Knot.
Science Curriculum StandardsProficient Level Secondary • “Depth of knowledge“ • Workshop2: 4/10/2011
Tie That Knot Can you tie a knot in a string without letting go of the string? Hand someone the ends of a string as in the picture, and challenge him to tie a knot in the string without letting go of the string. He can't do it!
Tie That Knot Here's the secret! Fold your arms, and then grab one end of the string in each hand
Tie That Knot Slowly unfold your arms. You tied a knot without letting go of the string!
K.W.L Bloom’s Taxonomy Webb’s DOK
Since Bloom’s early work, many others have used various schemas to describe cognitive demand in different learning and assessment context. Bloom’s & Webb’s
What is Depth of Knowledge (DOK)? • A scale of cognitive demand (thinking)to align standards with assessments • Based on the research of Norman Webb, University of Wisconsin Center for Education Research and the National Institute for Science Education • Guides item development for assessments
Webb’s Four (DOK) Levels of Cognitive Complexity • Level 1: Recall and Reproduction • Level 2: Skills & Concepts • Level 3: Strategic Thinking • Level 4: Extended Thinking
DOK Level 1: Recall and Reproduction • Requires recall of information, such as a fact, definition, term, or performance of a simple process or procedure • Answering a Level 1 item can involve following a simple, well-known procedure or formula. Example: List animals that survive by eating other animals
DOK Level 2:Skills/Concepts • Items require students to make some decisions as to how to approach the question or problem • Actions imply more than one mental or cognitive process/step • Example:Compare desert and tropical environments
Level 3:Strategic Thinking • Requires deep understanding exhibited through planning, using evidence, and more demanding cognitivereasoning • An assessment item that has more than one possible answer and requires students to justify the response would most likely be a Level 3. • Example : Compare consumer actions and analyze how these actions impact the environment.
DOK Level 4: Extended Thinking • Students are expected to make connections, relate ideas within the content or among content areas, and select or devise one approach among many alternatives on how the situation can be solved. • Example: • Design & conduct an investigation; test effects of variables in new contexts. • Gather, analyze, organize, and interpret information from multiple (print and non print) sources to draft a reasoned report about global warming
DOK is NOT about the verb... The Depth of Knowledge is NOT determined by the verb (Bloom’s Taxonomy),but by the context in which the verb is used and the depth of thinking required.
DOK is about what follows the verb... What comes after the verb is more important than the verb itself.
Same Verb—Three Different DOK Levels DOK 1-Describe three characteristics of metamorphic rocks. (Requires simple recall) DOK 2-Describe the difference between metamorphic and igneous rocks. (Requires cognitive processing to determine the differences in the two rock types) DOK 3-Describe a model that you might use to represent the relationships that exist within the rock cycle. (Requires deep understanding of rock cycle and a determination of how best to represent it)
DOK is about intended outcome, not difficulty DOK is a reference to the complexity of mental processing that must occur to answer a question, perform a task, or generate a product.
DOK is not about difficulty... • Difficulty is a reference to how many students answer a question correctly. • “How many of you know the definition of environment?” • DOK 1 – recall • If all of you know the definition, this question is an easy question. • “How many of you know the definition of inertia?” • DOK 1 – recall • If most of you do not know the definition, this question is a difficult question.
Depth of Knowledge/Level of Cognitive Complexity Example of -----------complexity item Low
Depth of Knowledge/Level of Cognitive Complexity Example of -----------complexity item Moderate
Depth of Knowledge/Level of Cognitive Complexity Example of -----------complexity item High
Depth of Knowledge/Level of Cognitive Complexity Example of -----------complexity item Low
DOK Activity (1) • In your groups. • Classify the questions to different levels of DOK in A3 paper. • Check your classification.
DOK Activity (2):Think, Pair, Share • Sit in groups according to your subject. • In your groups sit in pairs. • Independently choose three standards and determine the level of cognitive demand (DOK) you think each one asks of students. • Discuss your classification with a partner. • Share with the group how you categorized each standard in terms of cognitive demand and be prepared to support your choices
(Depth of Knowledge) DOK Level 4: Extended Reasoning • A. Requires complex reasoning, planning, and thinking (generally over extended periods of time) for the investigation. B. Assessment activities have multiple steps with extended time provided. C. Students may be asked to relate concepts within the content area and among other content areas. D.Students make real-world applications in new situations. "He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger." Confucius Level 3: Strategic Reasoning • A.Focus is on reasoning & planning in order to respond (e.g., write an essay, apply in new/novel situation). B.Complex and abstract thinking is required. C. Often need to provide support for reasoning or conclusions drawn. D. More than one “correct” response or approach is often possible. Level 2: Skill/Concept • A. Focus is on applying skills and concepts (in a familiar/typical situation), relationships (compare, cause-effect), main ideas. B. Requires deeper knowledge than definition • C. Explaining how or why D. Making decisions E. Estimating, interpreting in order to respond F. One right answer Level 1: Recall • A. Focus is on specific facts, definitions, • details, or using routine procedures (measure, divide, follow recipe, etc.) B. Explaining “that…” C. Can be “difficult” without requiring “deep” content knowledge to respond to item (memorize a complex theory without being able to explain its meaning or apply it to a real work situation) • D. Combination of level ones does NOT = level 2. • E. One right answer
Sample Science Assessment Limit (based on Webb) DOK Ceiling Level Potential DOK Levels for Assessment Example A: Perform a simple science process or a set procedure to gather data 1 1 (Measure temperature of water) Example B: Represent data collected over a period time, making comparisons and interpretations 2 Example C: Interpret data collected for a research question for a scientific problem related to your environment 3 DOK and Scientific inquiry 1 (Measure temperature of water at different times/places) 2 (Construct a graph to organize, display, and compare data) 1 (Measure temperature of water at different times/places) 2 (Construct a graph to organize, display, and compare data) 3 (Design an investigation to explain the affect of varying temperatures of the river in different locations)
DOK and Assessment DOK2, DOK3, DOK4 DOK1, DOK2, DOK3, DOK4 DOK1
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