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LTL Model Checking

Understand Linear Temporal Logic terms, Kripke Structures, LTL Semantics, and equations for LTL formulas. Learn LTL model checking with negation normal form and tableau proofs.

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LTL Model Checking

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  1. LTL Model Checking Radu Iosif (iosif@cis.ksu.edu)

  2. Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) • Not exclusively for model checking • Also meant for deduction(Manna, Pnueli) • So, there must be some equationsinvolving LTL terms

  3. Kripke Structures • AP = {p, q, r, … } is a set of atomic propositions • K = <S, R, L> is a K-structure, where: • S is a finite set of states • R  S x S is a transition relation • L : S  P(AP)is a labeling function • w=x0, x1, …   = s0, s1, … such that xi L(si) for all i  0

  4. LTL Syntax • p  AP is a formula • true is a formula • if f, g are formulae, then: •  f • f  g • X f • f U g are formulae

  5. LTL Semantics Defined on Kripke structures K=(S, R, L): • K,  = true always • K,  = p iff = s0,s1,…and p  L(s0) • K,  = f iff not K,  = f • K,  = fg iff K,  = f or K,  = g • K,  = X f iff = s0,s1,s2, …and K, s1,s2, … = f • K,  = f U g iff k  0 . K,  = g and 0  i < k K,  = f

  6. LTL Syntactic Sugar We write: • false   true • fg  (f  g) • Fg true U g • Gf  F (f) • f W g  (Gf )  (f U g) (weak until) • f V g  (f U g) (release)

  7. LTL equations f U g = g  (f  X(f U g)) f V g = g  (f  X(f V g)) = (g  f)  (g  X(f V g)) • hold for every K,  assuming that  is an infinite path

  8. LTL model checking The model checking problem: • find whether a path  generated by a Kripke structure K is a model for a LTL formula f (notation K,  = f) To model check an LTL formula f: • first negate it then derive the negation normal form • Then build an automaton [A f] out of the negated formula • The problem is reduced to finding out whether L(A f)  L(K) = 

  9. Negation normal form: example ((A U (B U C))  D) = (A U (B U C))  D = (A V (B U C))  D = (A V (B V C))  D

  10. TABLEAU A tableau is a proof process represented by a graph, in which edges represents actually steps taken by the prover, and nodes intermediate states in the proof A node in the tableau consists of: • name = unique name of the node • incoming = set of ancestors • new = current proof obligation • old = already met proof obligation • next = proof obligation in the next state

  11. Tableau for p U q name = Node1 incoming = {init} new = {p U q} old = {} next = {} Nodes = {}

  12. Tableau for p U q name = Node1 incoming = {init} new = {p U q} old = {} next = {} Nodes = {} name = Node2 incoming = {init} new = {q} old = {p U q} next = {} name = Node3 incoming = {init} new = {p} old = {p U q} next = {p U q}

  13. Tableau for p U q name = Node1 incoming = {init} new = {p U q} old = {} next = {} Nodes = {} name = Node2 incoming = {init} new = {q} old = {p U q} next = {} name = Node3 incoming = {init} new = {p} old = {p U q} next = {p U q} name = Node2’ incoming = {init} new = {} old = {q, p U q} next = {}

  14. Tableau for p U q Nodes ={2’} name = Node2’ incoming = {init} new = {} old = {q, p U q} next = {} name = Node2’’ incoming = {Node2’} new = {} old = {} next = {}

  15. Tableau for p U q Nodes ={2’, 2’’} name = Node2’ incoming = {init} new = {} old = {q, p U q} next = {} name = Node2’’ incoming = {Node2’, Node2’’} new = {} old = {} next = {} name = Node2’’’ incoming = {Node2’’} new = {} old = {} next = {}

  16. Tableau for p U q name = Node1 incoming = {init} new = {p U q} old = {} next = {} Nodes = {2’, 2’’} name = Node2 incoming = {init} new = {q} old = {p U q} next = {} name = Node3 incoming = {init} new = {p} old = {p U q} next = {p U q} name = Node3’ incoming = {init} new = {} old = {p, p U q} next = {p U q}

  17. Tableau for p U q name = Node3 incoming = {init} new = {p} old = {p U q} next = {p U q} Nodes ={2’, 2’’, 3’} name = Node3’ incoming = {init} new = {} old = {p, p U q} next = {p U q} name = Node3’’ incoming = {Node3’} new = {p U q} old = {} next = {}

  18. name = Node3’’ incoming = {Node3’} new = {p U q} old = {} next = {} name = Node4 incoming = {Node3’} new = {q} old = {pUq} next = {} name = Node5 incoming = {Node3’} new = {p} old = {pUq} next = {pUq} Tableau for p U q Nodes ={2’, 2’’, 3’}

  19. incoming(2’) = {init, Node3’} Tableau for p U q name = Node3’’ incoming = {Node3’} new = {p U q} old = {} next = {} name = Node4 incoming = {Node3’} new = {q} old = {pUq} next = {} name = Node5 incoming = {Node3’} new = {p} old = {pUq} next = {pUq} name = Node4’ incoming = {Node3’} new = {} old = {q, pUq} next = {}

  20. incoming(3’) = {init, Node3’} Tableau for p U q name = Node3’’ incoming = {Node3’} new = {p U q} old = {} next = {} name = Node4 incoming = {Node3’} new = {q} old = {pUq} next = {} name = Node5 incoming = {Node3’} new = {p} old = {pUq} next = {pUq} name = Node5 incoming = {Node3’} new = {} old = {p, pUq} next = {pUq}

  21. Resulting automaton init {p} {q} Node2’ {q} Node3’ {p} {} = true Node2’’ An LTL formula f is satisfied iff there exists an infinite path in Af containing an acceptance state infinitely often {} = true

  22. Automata-Theoretic model checking • Invented by Vardi and Wolper in the 80’s • Implemented in SPIN in the 90’s • Language intersection problem L(A f)  L(K) = is reduced to: • computing the synchronous product (A f ) x K • checking whether the synchronous product contains an acceptance cycle • if so, there exists a violation of f on some execution path of K • the model checker will show us the counterexample

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