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Don't Know What the Forex Monster is? Discover Why the Forex Monster is unlike any other Forex Trading Robot in this Forex Monster Review. Listed are the Pros and Cons of this Forex Expert Advisor./nA lot of forex trading robots are actually forex scalping robots. They try to take advantage of small swings in the markets that happen everyday in order to try grabbing a small amount of profits. They do this many times a day in order to try and scale the profits. The problem with having a robot take this approach is the risk management factor. Often times, the robots will be programmed to take a very large stop/loss value. Meaning that it will take a small profit but risk a very large amount of your capital if the market swings in the opposite of the disired direction. If this happens, it will basically cause your account to go down to close to nothing and thus ruin your account on just one bad trade.
FOREX MONSTER • The Only Forex Robot Designed For 2009 The bot thrives on the kind of crazy 2009 volatility that cripples others • Test My Robot Without Risking A Cent Fully test the formula, risk-free for 8 weeks - see the profitability yourself • PROVEN Success Forex Monster is a dual-tested, rock-sold robot, proven to pull in massive cash windfalls • The Only System Designed for 9-to-5'ers Start with as little as $100 and set and forget • Test my robot without risking a cent Fully test the formula, risk-free for 8 weeks - see the profitability and ease of use for yourself • ZERO decision making required We tell you exactly when to enter and exit - no previous experience, expensive equipment or long hours needed Visit FOREX MONSTER Now!!!