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生物科技的興起和應用範疇. 繼物理、化學的發展,現在進入 生命科學大放異彩的時候. Biotechnology. 生物科技 / 生物工技 / 生物工藝 / 生物技學 / 生物技術? Science / Technology / Technique Biology / Life science. Definition of biotechnology.
繼物理、化學的發展,現在進入 生命科學大放異彩的時候
Biotechnology • 生物科技 / 生物工技 / 生物工藝 / 生物技學 / 生物技術? • Science / Technology / Technique • Biology / Life science
Definition of biotechnology • “Any technique that uses living organisms or substances from those organisms, to make or modify products, to improve plants or animals, or to develop microorganisms for specific uses.” - The Office of Technology Assessment of the United States Congress • 一種利用活的生物、細胞、細胞的構成份、或細胞的產物去製造或改造產品、改良動植物、或發展特定用途微生物以改進人類生活素質之科學技術。
市售熱門生技產品 • 保健食品: 細胞體:靈芝、冬蟲夏草、綠藻、螺旋藻、乳酸菌 酵素:SOD、消化酵素 小分子化合物:蝦紅素、茄紅素、 • 美容產品: 玻尿酸、膠原蛋白、胎盤素、肉毒桿菌毒素、胜肽 • 臍帶血儲存
New or old one • Traditional biotechnology: The major products are food and flavor ingredients, industrial alcohol, antibiotics, citric acid and many agricultural products. • New biotechnology: involves the use of the newer techniques of genetic engineering and cell fusion to produce organisms capable of making useful products • The new biotechnology revolution began in the 1970s and early 1980s
Historical development of biotechnology • Ancient times: prehistoric period • After The Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution: 17-19th century • The birth and exploit of modern biotechnology: from 1900 to 1970s • The dawn of new biotechnology: from 1970s up to the end of the 20th century • The post-genomic era
Ancient biotechnology - 1 • Observation and speculation, ignorant of the processes involved or the nature of the causative agents, practicing an art rather than a science • Archaeology • Domestication of animals and plants (some 10,000 years ago, hunter-gathererssettled ) • Manufacture of beer (Sumarians and Babylonians were drinking beer by 6000 BC) • Proving bread with leaven (Egyptians were baking leavened bread by 4000 BC)
Ancient biotechnology - 2 • Fermentation of juices to alcoholic beverages (Wine was known in the Near East by the written-time of the Genesis) • Preservation of milk (yogurt) and cheese production (Cheese curd from milk was first made between 3000 BC and 7000 BC) • Discovery of silk produced from the silkwormBombyx mori occurred around 2700 BC
Development of biotechnology after the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution • Empirical method, inspiration of biological sciences
The post-genomic era • 生物資訊學 (bioinformatics):利用算數、電腦、統計等技術研究生物分子的問題。 • 基因體學 (genomics):研究一個生物的整個基因組 (genome)。 • 蛋白質體學 (proteomics):對蛋白質進行大規模研究,著重結構與功能。 • 更多的進展
The “1,000 Genomes Project” • January, 2008, Nature 451, 378-379 • A three-year international project to sequence the entire genomes of 1,000 people was launched. • The Beijing Genomics Institute, the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge, UK; and the National Human Genome Research Institute in Bethesda, Maryland. • The project is expected to cost just US$30 million to $50 million. • Sequencing 1,000 individuals will allow scientists to look at more types of variation — most notably, structural variation, in which large stretches of DNA are duplicated, deleted or rearranged in different individuals. And it will capture more rare variants than the HapMap, which aimed to catalogue SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms)present in 10% of the human population.
Early-stage human embryos cloned from adult cells • January, 2008, Nature 451, 386 • A Californian company says it has brought human cloning research to a new level with the efficient production of five cloned early-stage human embryos called blastocysts from adult skin cells. The findings were reported in Stem Cells (A. French et al ., 2008). • Cloned human blastocysts have been reported before, but previously they have been made from human embryonic stem cells.
A giant step toward the creation of artificial life: synthetic genome • A team led by Dr. Hamilton Smith, director of the Venter Institute's Synthetic Biology Group, has manufactured from laboratory chemicals a ring of DNA containing all the genes of Mycoplasma genitalium - the tiniest bacteria ever found. That means the team is tantalizingly close to creating an artificial form of life that could replicate itself using these machine-made genes. • The feat is described in an online edition of the journal Science released Thursday (January 24, 2008) by researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute in Rockville, Md. • The secret to the success of the project was finding ways to assemble the 100 pieces of genome into subgroups, then joining the subgroups into successive larger pieces, until the entire genome could be spliced together from four lengthy chains.
A giant step toward the creation of artificial life: transplant of synthetic genome • In August (2007), the Venter Institute team reported that they had performed a successful transplant of a natural genome by removing the chromosome from one Mycoplasma species and implanting it into another, which began replicating copies of the first species. • The plan is to slip the synthetic chromosome inside the microscopic skin of one of the Mycoplasma bacterium, replacing its natural genome with the machine-made one and sparking the creature into a life form that can reproduce itself. • There are still several technical hurdles to pass before a similar procedure could work with the synthetic chromosome.
A giant step toward the creation of artificial life: impact • The work is not merely a demonstration of laboratory finesse, Venter insisted, but a step toward development of technologies that could grow fuel in bacterial vats and speed cures for diseases. "It puts a lot of power in the hands of humans," he said. • And there is the matter of bragging rights of mythological proportions. Mere mortals have yet to lay claim to creating life.
A giant step toward the creation of artificial life: next step • Once the laboratory produces living, replicating bacteria using this artificial chromosome, Venter scientists plan to strip away genes systematically, to find how few are truly necessary to sustain life. It is largely an academic exercise, but in the process the scientists hope to refine the tools for building living organisms from this fundamental base, and custom-design them to perform certain tasks - such as manufacturing fuel.
A giant step toward the creation of artificial life: biosafty and other concern • Jim Thomas, a Montreal researcher for ETC, a Canadian environmental and social justice advocacy group, said the "synthetic biology" work pursued by Venter's group is potentially dangerous and ought to be subject to government oversight. • "There are real concerns about biosafety for synthetic organisms, and this takes us a step closer to them," he said. "Because of the push toward rapid commercialization, an environmental release of a synthetic organism is inevitable. This is an ecological disaster waiting to happen." • The push to develop synthetic fuels using these bugs, he suggested, will place more stress on farmland to produce energy crops. "We are already seeing fuel versus food conflicts because of the drive to produce ethanol," he said.
生物科技產業之特徵 - 1 • 應用範圍較廣:包括製藥及醫療保健工業、醱酵及食品工業、特用化學品工業、能源、農業、礦業、污染防治工業及海洋生物產業等。 • 原料以再生性資源為主:所利用之原料,多半可經由生物系統再生成(renewable),故其來源不虞匱乏。對於一般衍生自非再生性資源之既有產品,生物科技亦能提供新方法。 • 所需能量較少:生產程序比傳統方法所需能量較少,因此,生物科技對於耗用能量較多之產業可提供代替方法。 • 污染性較低:生物科技程序因原料多為生物體延伸出之產物,故所造成之污染較一般工業為低且在污染防治與處理方面較容易控制。
生物科技產業之特徵 - 2 • 所需設備投資額較小:通常應用生物科技之產業,其投資以研究發展為主,設備之成本較一般傳統性之工業,如:鋼鐵、汽車、石化額度遠來得小。 • 產品之附加價值高:利用廉價原料,經過生物科技加工處理後,可大幅提高產品價值。此為一項有效吸引投資之原動力。 • 需要高級人力資源:生物科技是屬於知識密集之尖端科技,需結合多領域高級人力資源(技術、工程、專業、法律、專利等)。開發生物科技不僅能提昇產業層次,更可強化人力資源之應用。員工不但要受過高等教育,更要具備接收更廣泛知識的能力。
生物科技產業之特徵 - 3 • 高度獨佔、保護 (highly protective):生物產業之特點在於其大多數產品皆為獨佔性,常利用專利法制度達到保護其產品獨佔之事實。 • 競爭激烈、變化快速、首重研發新產品:生物科技公司之生存常在於新產品之不斷推出,舊產品之上市壽命常在十年之內即被新產品取代(例如:保生公司B型肝炎血漿疫苗在推出未及四年即被遺傳工程疫苗取代)。 • 投資風險較傳統性工業為大:一個新產品研發之成敗常決定整個公司之命運。生技公司常依賴冒險資金 (venture capital) 。風險性高,有時在賺錢之前需要高額資金投入,但報酬率常較一般投資高數倍或數十倍。
生物科技產業之特徵 - 4 • 需要特別經營:針對政府的管制、大眾的觀感、健康與安全的話題、以及風險評估。 • 大量花費於資訊管理:從各種來源蒐集資訊,與學術界保持密切關係。
生物科技之應用範圍有其限制 • 範圍受限在能以生物方式操作的物質。因此許多產業部門(如:金屬和鋼鐵業、機械業、電訊業等)不受生物科技的直接影響,不過也可能受到間接影響。 • 遠比核能科技應用廣泛,它已應用在初級產業(農、林、礦),二級產業(化學、醫藥、食品),三級產業(保健、教育、研究、顧問服務),但是其應用範圍和潛力仍遠比電腦的範圍要窄。
新生物科技之未來展望 • 長期而言,生物與資訊科技的連結可能實現一些特殊裝置,如:生物晶片 (biochips),神經電腦 (neurocomputers) ,生物機器 (biorobotics) 被賦與非常高的儲存和操作能力。資訊科技與新生物科技的合併將使後者獲得資訊科技所有的應用範圍,並對人類活動產生現今難以想像的影響。 • 生物科技未來的發展範圍仍受一些不確定因素的影響,包括:(1) 科學與技術的進展;(2) 相關企業的投資、行銷、和獲利; (3) 生物相關的專利發展; (4) 最重要的是大眾的感覺和接受度。 • Career opportunities • Basic knowledge: disciplines • Skilled hands: techniques
作業 • 請同學自由分組,每三人一組。 • 請列出感興趣的”生物技術”,尤其要考慮到最新的進展及講義中未列出者。 • 請列出有興趣的”生技產品”,尤其要考慮到在台灣的市場及講義中未列出者。 • 下列事件的原始論文及內涵:1.創造出第一種重組DNA 分子 (Paul Berg) ;2.製造出第一種重組 DNA 生物 (Stanley Cohen, Annie Chang, and Herbert Boyer) ;3.顯示 DNA 可以被限制酵素 (restriction enzymes) 切開並將重組DNA 送入大腸桿菌 Escherichia coli去複製 (Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer) ;4.將細胞融合去生產單株抗體 (monoclonal antibodies) (Kohler and Milstein)