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Thomas Stearns Eliot. (1888-1965) . T. S. Eliot’s Life Journey .
Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888-1965)
T. S. Eliot’s Life Journey Eliot was born in St. Louis, Missouri and graduated from Harvard. He also studied philosophy at Sorbonne, Harvard and Merton College, Oxford. He then lived in England, where he was a schoolmaster and a bank clerk. Within time, he became the literary editor for Faber & Faber. Eliot became a British citizen and a member of the Anglican church.
Eliot was decidedly a non religious poet, but after joining the church, references in his work would suggest otherwise. As you can see in his titles. Between 1909 and later to 1963 he published many poems and volumes of his work. Examples of his writing are Ash Wednesday (1930), Prufrock (1917) and Collected Poems (1963). During this writing period he won the Nobel Prize in Literature for 1948. T.S. Eliot died on January 4th, 1965.
News Throughout Eliot’s Life • 1988(Eliot’s Birth) <> Kaiser Wilhelm II becomes Emperor of Germany • Jan 7th , first edition of the Australian edition of The Illustrated London News • Benjamin Harrison elected 23rd US President • Financial Times first published • Jack the Ripper murders five women in London • 1900 <>February 27th - The British Labour Party launched under Ramsay MacDonald • February 28th - The end of Ladysmith's 118 day siege • May 17th - The relief of Mafeking • July 1st - First flight by Count Zeppelin's airship • August 14th - Boxer rising against Europeans in China, Peking stormed by the allies (British, German, Japanese, Russian and USA) to end the rebellion • The Commonwealth of Australia was created • Russia occupied Korea • Britain was building several new battleships for Japan • Germany was planning a new fleet of 38 battleships • The Daily Express was first published • Minoan culture discovered in Crete • John Ruskin dies, aged 81 • Oscar Wilde dies in Paris
1910 <> March 10th - First Hollywood film released; Griffith's In Old California • May 6th - Death of Edward VII and is succeeded by George V • May - Halley's Comet • July 31st - Dr Crippen arrested at sea for murder • Mount Etna erupted, • Cholera epidemic in Russia • Liberals win general election in Britain • South Africa becomes a dominion - Louis Botha becomes premier • Post impressionist exhibition in London • Florence Nightingale dies, aged 90 • Author of War and Peace and Anna Karenina Count Leo Tolstoy died aged 82 • 344 miners died in a coal mining disaster at Hulton Lancashire and 136 at Wellington pit Whitehaven • 1925 <> January 16th - Trotsky removed from Soviet War Council by Stalin. • March 13th - Daylight saving Summer time , in the UK, made permanent by parliament. • April 4th - A tornado went through 5 states and in particular Murphysboro, Illinois, it killed 800 people and injured 3000 • April 30th - Art Deco style launched by Paris Exposition des Art Décoratifs. • May 25th - John Scopes brought to trial in Tennessee, USA, for teaching about evolution. • June 29th - Colour bar made legal in South Africa with work ban for the blacks. • June 18th - Hitler's personal testament, Mein Kamp ('My Struggle') published. • October 24th - Thomas Bell, Ernest Cant and Willie Gallacher were charged at Bow Street under the Incitement to Mutiny act of 1797, as leading communists. A few hundred people collected outside and sang "The Red Flag". • PG Wodehouse publishes his second novel about Bertie Wooster - Carry on Jeeves
Many people migrated to Canada, New Zealand, Australia or South Africa and Rhodesia, in the UK there was bad housing education, bad wages and little health care. • Roman mosaic uncovered at Colchester • Roman ruins at Jemila, Algeria described as an 'African "Pompei"' • Mr. LSB Leakey's British Musem Expedition in Tanganyika which had set out to obtain bones of a Gigantosaurus • So many cars on the road in the UK that there were suggestions for a three tier system for cities - pedestrians above, cars at ground level and railways below as the dazzle of car headlights was a continuing problem • John Logie Baird demonstrates television? • Malcolm Campbell breaks the world land speed record • 1944 <> January 1st - The discovery of DNA, the basic chemical of life, announced by Watson and Crick • April 2nd - Soviet armies crossed the borders of Poland and Romania and take, Bulgaria and Hungary • April - In the far east a main Japanese attack was held at Kohima on the frontier of India and Burma • June 4th - The city of Rome fell to allied forces virtually unopposed, Monte Cassino and Florence taken by the allies • June 6th - D-Day: Allied troops crossed the channel to land in Normandy, the allies capture Cherbourg • July 1st - The Bretton Woods economic Conference began • July 20th - In Germany, an attempt on Hitler's life narrowly failed • Rommel commits suicide • August 15th - Allied troops landed on the South coast of France • August 19th - Soviet forces crossed the German frontier in East Prussia • August 25th - Allied troops entered Paris to a tumultuous welcome • September 16th - American armoured divisions invaded Germany
November 7th - President Roosevelt re-elected US President for his fourth term • German counter attack in the Ardennes • Battle of Arnhem • Brussels liberated • V1 flying bombs and V2 rocket bombs launched against Britain • The Butler Education Act meant secondary education for all in Britain • 1953 <> January - A car ferry sinks in the Irish sea with more than 100 people drowned • John Christie confessed to the multiple murders at 10 Rillington Place including those for which Timothy Evans had already been hanged. • February 3rd - Gales and floods cause havoc along Britain's east coast • March 5th - Death of Joseph Stalin, Soviet leader for more than 29 years • April 25th - Francis Crick and James Watson proposed double helix structure for DNA (Dioxyribonucleic Acid • May - Blackpool beat Bolton in the FA Cup Final at Wembley by 4 goals to 3 • May 22nd - Mrs. Ann Davison, the 39 year old English woman from Gloucestershire arrived in Nassau after sailing the Atlantic alone from Plymouth England to Portsmouth, Dominica in her ketch Felicity Ann in 254 days • May 29th - Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tensing reached the summit of Mt. Everest • June 2nd - Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster Abbey. At 10.26 am the Queen formally took possession of her sovereignty over the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. It was a dull wet day and it was estimated that more than 20 million people watched on Television, many having bought one for the occasion • June 6th - Sir Gordon Richards win the Derby on 5-1 Pinza from the Queens horse Aureole by 4 lengths, for the first time in his career
June 16th - At 1pm today about 2500 East German building workers engaged on the Stalinhallee housing project laid down their tools and marched to the government offices in Leipzigerstasse to protest against the "new work" norms, where workers are required to do 10% more work for the same wages or suffer a 10% cut in wages. • June 17th - Russia sends T-34 tanks and 10,000 Peoples Police in to East Berlin to quell the riots • June 25th - John Reginald Christie was sentenced to death for four murders • July 15th - John Reginald Christie was executed for the murders at Rillington Place • July 27th - The Korean War ended with an Armistice signed at Panmunjom. The war had lasted 3 years and claimed 2 million lives • August - Britain retained the Ashes for the first time since 1933 winning by eight wickets after 4 drawn test matches • September 12th - Senator John F Kennedy married Jacqueline Bouvier, and Nikita Khrushchev became first secretary of the Soviet Communist party to succeed Stalin • November 9th - Welsh poet Dylan Thomas died , aged 39, in a New York Hotel • December 10th - Winston Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for his many historical works • The UK government approved commercial TV • Nuclear weapons were tested by the USA in the Nevada Desert • The third series of the Goon Show was broadcast • Sweet rationing came to an end • British films Genevieve and the Titfield Thunderbolt were on in British cinemas • Hungary became the first overseas national team to beat England football team at Wembley 6 goals to 3 • Dag Hammarskjöld was elected the United Nations Secretary General
1965(Eliot’s Death)<>Week commencing January 23rdIllustrated London news changes the cover of the magazine replacing the advert wrap with a black and white photograph of Sir Winston Churchill, who was gravely ill. This format continued for many years • January 24th - Sir Winston Churchill died aged 90 • March 3rd - US bombs Vietnam, marines begin landing in strength • June 3rd - Major Edward White became the first American to walk in space from Gemini IV traveling at 117,500 mph • The Beatles are presented with MBEs by the Queen causing some recipients of the medal to return theirs to the Palace as they saw it as a devaluation of the system to present pop idols with it • July 27th - Edward Heath elected leader of the Conservative Party • October - Ian Brady and Myra Hindley were accused of the Moors murders (parliament had only just repealed the death sentence for murder) • November 29th – Mrs. Mary Whitehouse formed the National Viewers Association • The very first woman High Court Judge was appointed in Britain • A maximum speed limit of 70mph was introduced into Britain • Sanctions were introduced against Rhodesia as Britain's last African colony had declared UDI by premier Ian Smith • Singapore secedes from Malaysia • Race riots in the Watts district of Los Angeles
The Hippopotamus The hippopotamus’s day Is passed in sleep; at night he hunts; God works in a mysterious way— The Church can sleep and feed at once. I saw the ’potamus take wing Ascending from the damp savannas, And quiring angels round him sing The praise of God, in loud hosannas. Blood of the Lamb shall wash him clean And him shall heavenly arms enfold, Among the saints he shall be seen Performing on a harp of gold. He shall be washed as white as snow, By all the martyr’d virgins kist, While the True Church remains below Wrapt in the old miasmal mist. THE BROAD-BACKED hippopotamus Rests on his belly in the mud; Although he seems so firm to us He is merely flesh and blood. Flesh and blood is weak and frail, Susceptible to nervous shock; While the True Church can never fail For it is based upon a rock. The hippo’s feeble steps may err In compassing material ends, While the True Church need never stir To gather in its dividends. The ’potamus can never reach The mango on the mango-tree; But fruits of pomegranate and peach
Lune de Miel ILS ont vu les Pays-Bas, ils rentrent à Terre Haute; Mais une nuit d’été, les voici à Ravenne, A l’aise entre deux draps, chez deux centaines de punaises; La sueur aestivale, et une forte odeur de chienne. Ils restent sur le dos écartant les genoux 5 De quatre jambes molles tout gonflées de morsures. On relève le drap pour mieux égratigner. Moins d’une lieue d’ici est Saint Apollinaire En Classe, basilique connue des amateurs De chapitaux d’acanthe que tournoie le vent. 10 Ils vont prendre le train de huit heures Prolonger leurs misères de Padoue à Milan Où se trouvent la Cène, et un restaurant pas cher. Lui pense aux pourboires, et rédige son bilan. Ils auront vu la Suisse et traversé la France. 15 Et Saint Apollinaire, raide et ascétique, Vieille usine désaffectée de Dieu, tient encore Dans ses pierres écroulantes la forme précise de Byzance.
Dans le Restaurant LE garçon délabré qui n’a rien à faire Que de se gratter les doigts et se pencher sur mon épaule: “Dans mon pays il fera temps pluvieux, Du vent, du grand soleil, et de la pluie; C’est ce qu’on appelle le jour de lessive des gueux.” 5 (Bavard, baveux, à la croupe arrondie, Je te prie, au moins, ne bave pas dans la soupe). “Les saules trempés, et des bourgeons sur les ronces— C’est là, dans une averse, qu’on s’abrite. J’avais sept ans, elle était plus petite. 10 Elle était toute mouillée, je lui ai donné des primevères.” Les taches de son gilet montent au chiffre de trentehuit. “Je la chatouillais, pour la faire rire. J’éprouvais un instant de puissance et de délire.” Mais alors, vieux lubrique, à cet âge… 15 “Monsieur, le fait est door. Il est venu, nous peloter, un gros chien; Moi j’avais peur, je l’ai quittée à mi-chemin. C’est dommage.” Mais alors, tu as ton vautour! 20 Va t’en te décrotter les rides du visage; Tiens, ma fourchette, décrasse-toi le crâne. De quel droit payes-tu des expériences comme moi? Tiens, voilà dix sous, pour la salle-de-bains. Phlébas, le Phénicien, pendant quinze jours noyé, 25 Oubliait les cris des mouettes et la houle de Cornouaille, Et les profits et les pertes, et la cargaison d’étain: Un courant de sous-mer l’emporta très loin, Le repassant aux étapes de sa vie antérieure. Figurez-vous donc, c’était un sort pénible; 30 Cependant, ce fut jadis un bel homme, de haute taille.
Translationof Dans le Restaurant The boy ruined who had nothing to do that of to scratch the fingers and to lean over on my shoulder: “ In my country it will weather rainy, of the wind, of the big sun and of the rain; that is this that one calls the day of washing of the rogue. (Talkative, dribbling, to the rump hemline, I to you pray, at the less, don’t dribble in the soup) the willows soaked, and of the buds on the bramble- that is there, in a downpour, that one to shelter from. I had seven years, she was very small. She was all wet, I her gave of the primroses.” The marks of her vest showing at the figure of thirty-eight. “ I It tickled, for it to make laugh. I tested a instant of power and of be delirious.” But then, old lewd, at that age… “Mister, the done hard east. It came, we to grope, a big dog; Me I was afraid, I left it to mi-chemin. What a pity ” But then, you have your vulture! Goes you in to scrape clean you the wrinkles of the face; Holds, my fork, scrub you the skull. Of which right do you pay experiences as me? Holds, here ten under, for the room-of-baths. Phlébas, the Phoenician, for fifteen days drowned Forgot the cries of the seagulls and the swell of Cornwell, And the profits and the losses, and the tin cargo: A current of under sea the takes away very far, The ironing to the steps of his previous life. Do you figure therefore, it was a goes out painful. Nevertheless, this was formerly a beautiful man, of high cutting.
Imitation of Dans le Restaurant(lines 1-15) The boy ruined by having nothing to do but to twiddle his fingers and to lean over my shoulder: “ In my country the weather is blustery; rainy, sunshine and windy; this day of washing the rogue. (Talkative, dribbling, to the leftover hemline, I pray, at least, don’t drool in the soup) the willows are drenched as the buds on the bramble- there, in a downpour, one seeks shelter from. I was seven, she was petite. She was sodden, I gave her primroses.” Her figure of thirty-eight showing through her vest. “ I tickled her, to make her laugh. I experienced an instant of power and of being blissful.” But then, aged vulgarity, at that age…
I imitated Dans le Restaurant by writing my own direct versions of it, but only in English. The topic the wording and the structure is identical to T. S. Eliot. I enjoy Eliot’s work because he seems to write in a train of thought, blending them together. I can imagine him writing it down as the words come to mind and once it is done he moves on. Also, he uses the same structure of sestets, throughout.
Sources Illustrated London News. Retrieved December 10, 2005 from the World Wide Web: http://www.iln.org.uk/iln_years/noframeiln.htm#yeargrid The Nobel Foundation. (2005).NobelPrize.org. Retrieved December 10, 2005 from the World Wide Web: www.nobelprize.org
Havels House of History. Retrieved December 10, 2005 from the World Wide Web: http://www.havelshouseofhistory.com/Autographs%20of%20Nobel%20Laureates%20in%20Literature%20D-F.htm (2005). Bartleby.com. Retrieved December 10, 2005 from the World Wide Web: http://www.bartleby.com