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En la clase. La sala de clases The classroom. Objectives. Talk about things in the classroom Ask questions about new words and phrases Use the Spanish alphabet to spell words Talk about things related to the calendar. el cuaderno. la profesora el/la estudiante el profesor.
En la clase La sala de clases The classroom
Objectives • Talk about things in the classroom • Ask questions about new words and phrases • Use the Spanish alphabet to spell words • Talk about things related to the calendar
el cuaderno laprofesorael/laestudiante elprofesor lahoja de papel
ellápiz ellibro elbolígrafo lapluma
la carpeta elpupitre elescritorio
Másvocabulario laregla lagrapadora lamochila lacalculadora
Fondo cultural The Maya were among the early civilizations in the Western Hemisphere to develop a form of writing with symbols, know as hieroglyphics (los jeroglíficos). Each symbol, or glyph, represents a word or an idea. With what other hieroglyphic writing are you familiar?
Fondo cultural Egyptian hieroglyphics Mandarin alphabet
El calendario y la fecha El calendario (calendar) y la fecha (the date) are a little different en español.
El calendario y la fecha • The days of the week and months are NOT capitalized except at the beginning of a sentence. • Their calendar week starts on Monday, not Sunday like here in the United States. • When they write the date, it follows the way they say it – day, month, year. • Example: Hoy es el trece de septiembre. Today is the 13th of September. Or: 13/9/11 instead of 9/13/11.
El calendario y la fecha • ¡Intentalo! (Try it!) • Re-write the following dates like they would in a Spanish-speaking country, then write the date with the month next to it like seen below. • Remember, just think of small unit of time to larger.daymonthyear • Example: 7/04/11 04/07/11 (July 4th) • 1) 12/25/13 • 2) 10/12/35 • 3) 12/12/66 • 4) 10/31/00
El calendario y la fecha • Remember, just think of small unit of time to larger.daymonthyear • 1) 12/25/13 • 2) 25/12/13 25th of December Christmas Day year 2013 • 2) 10/12/35 • 3) 12/10/35 12th of October Pavarotti’s Birthday year 1935 • 3) 12/12/66 • 4)12/12/66 12th of December Srta. Bernard’s birthday year 1966 • 4) 10/31/00 • 4) 31/10/00 31st of October Halloween year 2000
Losdías de lasemanaThedays of theweek • lunes – Monday • martes – Tuesday • miércoles – Wednesday • jueves – Thursday • viernes – Friday • sábado – Saturday • domingo – Sunday
Losdías de lasemanaThedays of theweek • lunes – Lazy • martes – Monkeys • miércoles – Make • jueves – Jokes • viernes – Very • sábado – Silly (and) • domingo – Dumb
Losmeses delañoThemonths of theyear • enero – January • febrero – February • marzo – March • abril – April • mayo – May • junio – June • julio – July • agosto – August • septiembre – September • octubre – October • noviembre – November • diciembre – December
Más vocabulario… • un / una = a, one (masculine/feminine) • Example: unlápiz – a pencil / one pencil • Example: unacalculadora – a calculator/one calculator • un = goes before a masculine noun • una = goes before a feminine noun • Hay = there is / there are • Example: Hay dos lápices. • There are 2 pencils. • Example: Hayunbolígrafo. • There is a pen.
¡Intentalo! • Using the verb “hay” (there is/there are) and the classroom items, write 5 sentences. • Ejemplo: Hayunbolígrafo. (There is apen)
¡Intentalo! • Possible answers/Respuestasposibles: • 1) Hayunamochila. There is abackpack. • 2) Hayuncalendario. There is acalendar. • 3) Hayunapluma. There is apen. • 4) Hayunacarpeta. There is afolder. • 5) Hayunaregla. There is a ruler. • 6) Hayunlápiz. There is apencil. • Take the next step – if you had 2 of something, how might you write it in English and Spanish? • There are 2 backpacks.
¡Intentalo! • Possible answers/Respuestasposibles: • 1) Haydosmochilas. There are two backpacks. • 2) Haydoscalendarios. There are twocalendars. • 3) Haydosplumas. There are twopens. • 4) Haydoscarpetas. There are twofolders. • 5) Haydosreglas. There are two rulers. • 6) Haydoslápices. There are twopencils.
Más vocabulario… • hoy = today Hoy es lunes. Today is Monday. • mañana = tomorrow Mañana esmiércoles. Tomorrow isWednesday. • eldía = the day ¿Quédíaes hoy? Whatdayis today? • lasemana = the week ¿Cuántosdíashay en unasemana? How manydaysare there in theweek? • el mes = month ¿Cuántosdíashay en elmes de octubre? How manydaysare there in the month of October?
Más vocabulario… • ¿Cuáleslafecha? Whatisthedate? • Eselcatorce de septiembre. Itisthe14th of September. • Only on the first of the month do you say, “elprimero” meaning the first. Every other day of the month, you use cardinal numbers. • Note: Date and day are NOT the same in either language. Date is September the 15th of 2011 and Day is Thursday.
The ancient Aztecs of Mexico kept track of time using a calendar called the Sun Stone.
The ancient Aztecs were a nomadic tribe that settled in the valley of central Mexico in 1325. They established their capital, Tenochtitlán on a lake & their empire dominated most of Mexico until 1521 when Hernán Cortés from Spain defeated them in battle.
Los sanferminesor the “Running of the Bulls,” is a popular 2 week festival in Pamplona, Spain.
Named for the town’s patron saint, San Fermin, who is commemorated on July the 7th each year, it includes daily bull fights but prior to that, they release the bulls and run along side them in the streets.
El tiempo • Remember, “el tiempo” can refer to time, but it depends on the context of the sentence. Today we are talking about it in reference to the weather. • ¿Quétiempohace? = Whatistheweather? • Hacecalor. = It is hot. • Hacefrío. = It is cold. • Hacesol. = It is sunny. • Haceviento. = It is windy. • The verb “hacer” usually means “to make” or “to do” but it is an idiomatic phrase here and means basically, “itis.”
El tiempo • ¿Quétiempohace? = Whatistheweather? • The previous examples used the idiomatic verb, “hace” but there are two kinds of weather that are verbs on their own: • Llueve = Rain • Nieva = Snow • So instead of saying, “hacenieva” you just say “nieva” or “llueve”
Las estaciones • Lasestaciones / The seasons: • laprimavera = Spring • elverano = Summer • elotoño = Autumn/Fall • el invierno = Winter • Example: ¿En quéestaciónhacefrío? In whatseasonisitcold? Answer: En elinvierno.