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Wilfredo Morawa David Guerrero Jorge Singer

Wilfredo Morawa David Guerrero Jorge Singer. Por and Para. In spanish , there are two ways of expressing “for”. There is por. And there is para. Awwwww !!! Am I right ladies?. Por and Para.

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Wilfredo Morawa David Guerrero Jorge Singer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WilfredoMorawa David Guerrero Jorge Singer

  2. Por and Para • In spanish, there are two ways of expressing “for”. • There is por. • And there is para.

  3. Awwwww!!! • Am I right ladies?

  4. Por and Para • What are the differences between these magical words? (I bet you didn’t know these words were magical.) • Well, come on an adventure with us and find out. Hehehehehe

  5. Para is PERFECT • Wow, Is para really perfect? Yes it is. • Para is used when talking about: • Purpose: Infinitive, or “in order to” • Effect that something has on something else • Recipient • Future dates or events • Employment • Comparison • Toward a specific place

  6. Do we now see why para is perfect? • Let’s take a closer look.

  7. Purpose • Purpose: “in order to”: used together with an infinitive. • Estudioparasacarbuenasnotas.

  8. Effect • Para- Effect something has on something else. • Voy a la estudiarparaseringeniero.

  9. Recipient • Recipient- person receiving • El regaloespara David.

  10. Future • Future dates, deadlines, or events • La tareaesparamañana.

  11. Employment • Employment • TrabajoparaEtowah High School.

  12. Comparison • Comparison • Paraun niño tan joven, lee muybien.

  13. Toward • Toward a specific place • Caminapara el parque.

  14. And por? • Por is generally used wherever para is not used. • A nice acronym would be ATRACTED. (like what all women are to Jorge) • This acronym does not account for idiomatic expressions.

  15. ATRACTED- a closer look • Use por when: • Around a place • Through a place • Reason • After • Cost • Thanks • Exchange • Duration

  16. A even closer look

  17. Around • Around a place • ¿Hay un bancoporaquí?

  18. Through • Through a place • Paso porlasmontañasparair a Cornell.

  19. Reason • Reason • ¿Porquéllegastetarde? • Porel tráfico.

  20. After • After- Going to get something • Voy al la escuelapor mi tarea. (As in forgot homework)

  21. Cost • Cost • Pagué 10,000 dollarespor mi bolso.

  22. Thanks • Thanks • Gracias por la ayuda.

  23. Exchange • Exchange • Quierocambiarestoszapatosrojosporesosnegros.

  24. Duration • Duration • Viajamosportressemanas.

  25. Idiomatic Expression • poradelantadoin advance • porahorafor now • porallíaround there; that way • poramor de Diosfor the love of God • poraquíaround here; this way • porcasualidadby chance

  26. Review • Let’s review. • So para is PERFECT like Wilfredo, and Por is ATRACTED like what women are to Jorge.

  27. Quiz Time

  28. Don’t Worry • The winner of the quiz gets a date with Jorge Singer. ;)

  29. Quiz • 1. Anduvimos____ el centrocommercial. • 2. El verano pasado fuimos al cine dos veces ______ semana. • 3. Tienes que volver _____ el domingo. • 4. _______ ganar dinero, tengo que trabajar. • 5. La tarea es ______ el lunes. • 6. El tren sale _____ Paris. • 7. Sergio tienedocerosas______ Alicia. • 8. _____ dan un viaje necesito billetes. • 9. Yo hice la tarea _______ Eduardo. • 10. El concierto fue ____ dos horas.

  30. Quiz Answers • 1. Por • 2. Por • 3. Para • 4. Para • 5. Para • 6. Para • 7. Para • 8. Para • 9. Para • 10. Por

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