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Nick Tilsen , Executive Director | Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation

Nick Tilsen , Executive Director | Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation. “ OYATE OMNICIYÉ ”. Office of the OST President OSL Housing Authority OST Partnership for Housing Mazaska Financial OST Environmental Protection Pine Ridge BIA OST Rural Water OST Land Office

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Nick Tilsen , Executive Director | Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Nick Tilsen, Executive Director | Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation


  3. Office of the OST President • OSL Housing Authority • OST Partnership for Housing • Mazaska Financial • OST Environmental Protection • Pine Ridge BIA • OST Rural Water • OST Land Office • OST Office of Economic Development • OST Health Administration • Pine Ridge Area Chamber of Commerce • Lakota Funds • Lakota Solar Enterprises • SD USDA • Many more… Sustainable Communities Planning Project

  4. Region? What Region?

  5. The HUD-DOT-EPA PARTNERSHIP FOR SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIESGoals • President Obama charged federal agencies to work together to coordinate policies, programs and resources to encourage and fully assist rural, suburban, and urban areas to build sustainable communities, and to make sustainable communities the leading form of development in the United States. • To work together to identify opportunities to build more sustainable communities and to remove policy or other barriers that have kept Americans from doing so.

  6. 6 LIVABILITY PRINCIPLES • Enhance economic competitiveness • Support existing communities • Provide more transportation choices • Value communities and neighborhoods • Promote equitable, affordable housing • Coordinate policies and leverage investment

  7. Why Plan? • Regional Plan for Sustainable Development • View the “Big Picture” • Coordinate Local Decision Making • Align around community goals • Establish a Sound Basis in Fact for Decisions • Involve a broad array of Interests in Discussions about the Future • Build an Informed Constituency • Tell Our Story!

  8. If everyone lived like a North American, we would need 5 planets to support life.

  9. Sustainability – A way of life? “honoring those who came before us, while meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”

  10. regeneration “the ability of an organism or system to re-grow or restore an original function after being damaged or lost”

  11. It takes connections…

  12. OYATE OMNICIYÉ | Oglala Lakota Plan • $996 K • Build upon Existing Partnerships • Tribal Consortium / Steering Committee • Prosperity & Economic Development • Cultural Measures rooted in the Livability Principles • Help convene other public/private partners • Programmatic Assistance from HUD-DOT-EPA

  13. Why is partnership is significant? • Communication • Collaboration • Community Outreach (improved) • Consolidation and leveraging of resources • Preferred Sustainability Status • Focus on the future

  14. Steps of the Planning Process 1: Mobilize 2: Discover 3: Analyze 4: Plan 5: Align 6: Adopt 7: Implement 8: Train 9: Sustain

  15. JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOct Nov Dec Mobilize Schedule2011 Discover Analyze Plan Align(thru Aug. 2012) Adopt Implement (thru Jan ‘13) Train (thru Nov ‘12)

  16. JanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSeptOct Nov Dec Schedule2012 Align (starting July 2011) Implement (starting Oct 2011) Train (first workshop Nov 2011)

  17. Priorities being identified with community: • Transportation • Housing • Economy/Employment • Infrastructure • Energy • Land Use • Food • Environmental issues • Health • Education • Arts and Culture • Social Services • Policy possible topics of study

  18. Where it begins…

  19. We believe there is a direct correlation between the healing of indigenous people and the healing of the planet.

  20. It’s not Rocket Science…

  21. Who’s Next? The 2011 Sustainable Communities Planning Grants are coming out very soon!

  22. Ivan Sorbel, Executive Director Pine Ridge Area Chamber of Commerce pracc@gwtc.net Nick Tilsen, Executive Director nick@thundervalley.org Scott Moore, Project Coordinator smoore@thundervalley.org

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