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Baltic fishing: is there a future?

Baltic fishing: is there a future?. Lysekil 25 May 2006 Bengt Sjöstrand Inst. of Marine Research. . Catches are high. Very high from a historical point of view. Fish in the sea. Any problems?. Stock situation Baltic Herring & Sprat. Spawning stock. Stock situation Cod-E Bornholm.

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Baltic fishing: is there a future?

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  1. Baltic fishing: is there a future? Lysekil 25 May 2006 Bengt Sjöstrand Inst. of Marine Research.

  2. Catches are high

  3. Very high from a historical point of view

  4. Fish in the sea

  5. Any problems?

  6. Stock situation Baltic Herring & Sprat Spawning stock

  7. Stock situation Cod-E Bornholm Threshold Spawning stock

  8. ”Biologically safe limits” If spawning stock goes beneath a certain level, the risk of bad production of young fish inreases. = Blim = limit Managers should react before this limit is reached due to all uncertainties in the whole system. = Bpa = threshold

  9. ” Biologically safe limits” Number of recruits (000) SPAWNING FISH (ton) LIMIT THRESHOLD

  10. Precautionary Approach Fishing mortality Limit Threshold Stop! REACT! Whitin biol safe limits LIMIT THRESHOLDSPAWNING STOCK

  11. Cod in the Baltic, E Bornholm This stock is outside safe biological limits

  12. Cod is in trouble.Only in the Baltic?

  13. Stock situation Cod Kattegatt Threshold Spawning stock

  14. Stock situation Cod Nordsjön-Skagerrak Threshold

  15. Stock situation Cod North Norway-Barents Sea Threshold

  16. Cod in Northeast AtlanticLanding (000) ton

  17. Cod in Northeast Atlanticproportion in EU-waters

  18. Why are there so few old fishes now?An effect of high fishing mortality

  19. Fishery mortality - Age composition NUM B E R F 25% F 50% F 70% AGE

  20. R/V Dana March 1987, S Baltic

  21. The importance of old females(of cod) They produce more eggs : 4 y 45-50 cm, 1 kg - 0.7 miljon egg 10 y ca 100 cm ,7 kg - 5 miljon egg They produce bigger egg: better survival, better boyancy Bigger eggs give longer larvæ with better survival.

  22. Low recruitment of young cod High fishing mortality causes low spawning stock with increased risk for bad recruitment. Low frequence of saltwater inflows causes low survival of eggs and larvæ Number of cod age 2

  23. EFFECTS on the ECOSYSTEM LARGE PREDATORS LACKING PREY SPECIES NUMEROUSTHEY EAT MORE: ZOOPLANKTON, EGG, LARVÆ LESS ALGÆ ARE CONSUMED. Top-down effects?, Bottom-up effects? Has the system flipped? Are the processes reversibel?

  24. Are the prospects for a recovery of cod in EU-waters good?

  25. NO

  26. Cod will not make the basis for a fishery of resonable size within the coming 10 years(E Baltic, Kattegatt, North Sea-Skagerrak)

  27. What are needed to restore fish stocks?

  28. A decrease of fishery mortality • The decrease must be substantial • Now 65-75% of the fishes are caught • The most efficient way towards recovery would be NO FISHING • Sustainable level of F ca 25%

  29. Cod Baltic E Bornholm • ICES ADVICE -DECISION • 2001 Max 39 000 t105 000 ton • 2002 Lowest possible(0)76 000 ton • 2003 Decrease F 70% 75 000 ton • 2004 Max t 13 000 t 45 400 ton • 2005No fishing 42 800 ton • 2006Max 14 900 t if MP 49 200 ton


  31. Why are the advice not followed?

  32. Difficulties for decision makers • COD: • most economically important fishery (Baltic Sea) • Caught in mixed fisheries (Nordsjön, Katt.Skag) • Fishtrawl - haddock, withing • Beamtrawl - plaice, sole • Nephrops trawl - Nephrops

  33. Difficulties for decision makers • COD • Also the mixed fisheries have to be reduced for efficient cod management • ”There are no cod, why should we suffer?” - haddock fishers, North Sea, nephrops fishers, Kattegatt, Skagerrack

  34. Difficulties for decision makersDISCARDED FISH Cod in swedish trawlcatches - Kattegatt

  35. Landed Discarded Catch number 24% 76% Catch weight 68% 31% Mean weight 860 g 130 g Difficulties for decision makersExample of discard Cod in swedish trawlcatches - Kattegatt

  36. Difficulties for decision makers • COD • To reach international agreements when a certain regulatory measure hits differently among countries • To handle bankruptcies, unemployment among fishers • To withstand preassure from demonstrations, blocades etc • To agree with regional och local decision makers in the country

  37. Why is fish discarded? ◊They are too small (unlegal to land) ◊The quotum is filled (unlegal to land) ◊You want to fill your quotum/ration with bigger, more valuable fish (high-grading)

  38. Who is to be blamed?

  39. Contributing factors • The conflicting goals in the policy: • simultaneously: conserve stocks and promote the industry (by the same authority) • Fishers lack distinct fishing rights: • It would not pay to save fish for to- morrow/next year

  40. Contributing factors • Fishery: • Too large total catches, lack in control, enforcement • large bycatches of small fish • Overcapacity in fleets - subsidies


  42. ¤ FUNDING (EU+national.)5-year plan 1994-99826 mill. € for scrapping, 548 mill € for building + modernizing GOAL: REDUCE 40% !


  44. To-day : • Stoch crises - overfishing • overcapacity in fleets • inreasing cheating, distrust, frustration

  45. The challenge Accomplish a substantial cut down of fleets. Pay for it. Give remaining fishers some form of rights. Create a number of no-fishing areas No fishing without fish. Many fishes without fishing.

  46. Thanks for your attention

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