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Revision Notes. By 3a4. Title of Topic: Key Terms On Neolithic/ Meoslithic !. 1.Houses : circular, wooden frame tied at the bottom , covered with grass or bushes, wattle and daub. 2.mattocks: a tool used for breaking up hard ground. 3.pottery: cooking, storing food, and burials.
Revision Notes By 3a4
Title of Topic: Key Terms On Neolithic/Meoslithic! 1.Houses : circular, wooden frame tied at the bottom , covered with grass or bushes, wattle and daub. 2.mattocks: a tool used for breaking up hard ground. 3.pottery: cooking, storing food, and burials. 4. Court cairns: used for burial for dead people and cremation it was a semi- circle court( or open space), and others portal dolmen and passage tombs. 5.newgrange: people were well organised , great builders, had a religion and believed in after life, were astronomers and mathematicians , also skilled craftsmen. 6.weapons: stone axes, knives, scrapers ,arrows , bone needles, jewellery. 7.food: saddle stone, fish, hunted, gathered berries, animal skins, woollen clothes. 8. Neolithic sites: Newgrange Co. Mayo
The Celts; Key Terms • Celtic legends; A page of An TáinBóCuailgne, which tells us a story of the fight between the men of Connacht and Ulster over the Bull of Cooley. • Brehon Laws; Was the Celtic Law. • Ring-forts; An area enclosed by one or more earthen banks and ditches were a circular shape. • Souterrains; Underground passages or tunnels. • Crannógs; Artifical lake dwellings. • Ogham Stones; Standing stones with Ogham writing. • Rotary Quern; To grind grain. • Hill-forts; Larger than ring-forts, built on hills,ceremonies. • Art Style; La Téne, spirals, curved lines, florals. • Rí; The King of the Kingdom.
Early Christian Ireland: Key Terms • Book of kells; a manuscript copy of the gospels • Cahach; an example of a manuscript • High cross; tall stone cross in monasteries • Refectory; dining room • Round tower; tall tower built in monastery • Scriptorium; Manuscript room
The Romans: Key Terms • Patricians;(rich) lived in houses. • Plebeians;(poor) lived in apartments. • A private house was called domus. • Atrium was the open courtyard in the middle. • Peristylium; was a walled garden. • Evidence; ruins, coins, Latin documents • Family; Father was totally in charge. Strict discipline. Married young(12-14). • Clothes; Knee-length tunics. Toga for men. Stola for women. • Food; The poor ate bread and porridge. The rich ate a lot of meat, lying down. • Education; For rich only. Secondary school for boys only. Very strict.
The Romans: People in History Other possible People in this Section:
The middle ages: Key Terms • Feudalism: medieval system of land ownership. • Fief: land granted by kings to lords • Vassal: received land from lord in exchange for sworn loyalty. • Motte and bailey castle: mound of earth on top with a timber fence around it with a motte around it. • Lord: fought for the king and held courts • Knights: fought for the king and the barons. • Manor: village and land around it. • Monastery: place where monks lived. • Convents: place where nuns lived. • Black death: plague caused by black rats.
Title of Topic: People in History Other possible people in this section: A night in a medieval castle. A peasant in a medieval manor. A craftsman in a medieval town.
Renaissance: Key Terms 1.Mona Lisa; Was a painting done by Leonardo De Vinci. 2.The Last Supper; Was also painted by Leonardo De Vinci. 3.Michelangelo; Was also a poet as well as an artist. 4.Sculpters; Statues Michelangelo made with his bare hands. 5.Shakespare; Was a play writter and poet. 6.Plays; Shakespare wrote 35 plays. 7.Romeo&Juilet; was a play shakesspare wrote , both love and death. 8.Galileo; Was the father of science. 9.Telascope; invention galileo made. 10.Galileo; discovered all soild objects.
Agesof explorations • 3 Beliefs: earth was flat, sea monsters, world was smaller. • Caravels: these were ships which were clicker built. • Log book: books that stored information about the voyage. • Scurvy: disease caused by lack of vitamin c swelled up gums. • Henry the navigator: set up school for navigation. • Padroas: stone pillars marked off where they were. • Diaz: he discovered cape of good hope because caught in storm. • Vasco de Gama: found Calicut after 2 years of voyage. • Ferdinand and Isabella: king and queen of Spain they supported Columbus's voyage . • 3 of Columbus's ship : Nina, Pinta ,Santa Maria
The Reformation: Key Terms • Indulgences: sold by John Tetzel said that they would get you to heaven. • Salvation: going to heaven with faith alone. • Peace of Augsburg: Each ruler was free to decide the religion of his or her state. • Council of Trent: meeting to reform the Catholic Church and stop the spread of Protestantism. • Jesuits: were organised like an army they preached and taught in schools. • Court of Inquisition: a court that tried and tortured people who opposed the Catholic Church. • Diet of Worms: Where Luther was asked to withdraw his ideas.
The Plantations : Key Terms • The Pale – area in south and north Dublin, kings official's had power. English was spoken here. • Anglo-Irish – descendants of the anglo-normans • Gaelic Irish – they controlled the native Irish lords • Servitor – English soldiers and officials who were granted land in the plantation of ulster. • Undertaker- English planters who got land during the plantation • Loyal Irish– Irish people who didn’t fight against the English • London Derry-when the English people took over Derry and renamed it • Adventurers- English people who claimed land during the plantation of Munster • Queens county- Laois • Down survey- a map and survey done in relation to confiscated land
Revolutions: Key Terms • American:The Navigation Acts-When Britain wanted to control colonies and use them for its own benefit. • The Seven Years War-When the British and American colonies combined to defeat the French • Boston Massacre-When British imposed taxes on a number of imported goods including tea. • Boston Tea Party-When Americans dumped 342 crates of tea from British ships into Boston Harbour. • French: Louis XVI-The kind of France(absolute monarch) • Estates-General-When king Louis wanted to raise taxes to pay off France’s depts. • The National Assembly-It abolished the privileges of nobles and tithes. • Irish: Society of United Irishmen-When a group of Presbyterians invited Wolf Tone to a meeting in Belfast. • Oulart Hill-A rising took place here led by Father John Murphy and Bagenal Harvey(most serious rising). • Act of Union-This act abolished the houses of parliament in Dublin.
Industrial revolution: Key Terms • The mines report: this was a document which stated how bad working conditions were. • James Simpson: began to use chloroform as an anesthetic to lessen pain • Vaccination :was an important development by Edward Jenner, this gave people a certain amount of a disease to prevent them from getting it • Trappers: these were young children who sat in the damp and cold to open and close trap doors for wagons to come through • Public health board of 1848: this set up boards of health whose job it was to clean streets ,inspect new housing ,increase piped water supplies and build sewers • Upper class: rich people they had plentiful supply og good food and housing • Sunday school: these were schools run by religious groups to teach children about the bible • Robert owen :owned a cotton factory ,he was fair to his workers and gave them houses and shortened working hours
The Famine : Key Terms • Cottiers: Were Labourers who rented a small plot of ground. • Workhouse: Was set up by British governtment, people who could not pay rent went here. Women and children were split. • Blight: Blight is a disease that attacks and rots potatoes. • Sir Robert Peel: sent Indian corn enough to feed 1 million people to Ireland. • Soup Kitchens: Set up by Quakers, soup was cooked in large boilers and given directly to the poor. • Emigration: Thousand left Ireland and went to Canada, United States and Britain to find work. • Coffin Ships: Name given to ships which poorer people were on as they were so squashed. • Fall in population: The population in Ireland fell by 2 million. • Subdivison: Practice of dividing the land. • Typhus: was one of the most serious sicknesses which killed many.
Europe after WW1: Key Terms • The Allied Powers: Britain ,France ,Russia. • The Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary ,Turkish empire. • Peace conference in Paris: when the allied leaders met to discuss peace terms. • President Wilson: wanted Germany to be treated fairly. • David Lloyd George: wanted harsh terms on Germany. • President Clemenceau: wanted revenge on Germany. • Treaty of Versailles: the harsh peace terms with Germany. • War guilt Clause: Germany had to take full blame for the war. • The League of Nations: set up to promote international co-operation and to achieve international peace. • Reasons for failure: U.S.A did not join the league ,the league had no army to enforce its decisions and all decisions had to be unanimous which slowed down the operation of the League.
Mussolini’s Italy: Key Terms • Fascism- Anti-democratic, Anti-Communist political belief. • Blackshirts-Mussolini’s fascist followers. • March on Rome- March Mussolini led to allow fascists into government. • Il Duce- Name Mussolini gave himself meaning ‘Leader’. • Autostrada- Motorway system. • Domestic Policy- Things Mussolini promised to do for the country. • OVRA- Secret Police. • Balila- Brainwashed young boys into liking Mussolini and joining the army. • Foreign Policy- To spread Fascism and recreate the Roman Empire. • Pact Of Steel- Deal with Hitler to both fight for each other.
Hitler & Germany: Key Terms • The Great Depression : After WW1, the German economy was in ruins and started to recover in the 1920s. • Propaganda : Using posters, slogans and media to make something sound better than others. • Lebensraum : Bigger living space for Germany • Blackshirts : Led by Heinrich Himmler, Hitler's bodyguards. • Swastika : Symbol of the Nazis. • Enabling Law : Passed in 1933,Allowed Hitler to rule by decree. • Gestapo : The secret police. • Der Fuhrer : Means ‘the Leader’. • Hitler Youth : For boys where they were brainwashed with Nazi ideas. • Night Of Broken Glass : When jewish shops and synagogues were attacked by the Nazis on the 9th of November,1938.
Drift to ww2: Key Terms 1.lebensraum;hitler needed land so he tried to take it by force. 2.Spanish civil war; war between fascists and communists which Hitler and Mussolini helped fascists. 3.rome-berlin axis; it was good relations with Hitler and Mussolini that helped Hitler go ahead and union with Austria. 4.appeasement; was Britain and France giving Hitler something so he would stop fighting. 5.anschluss; means uniting Germany and Austria. 6.sudetenland;area in Czechoslovakia where Germans were and Hitler wanted. 7.Munich conference; meeting that said Germany could have Sudetenland if he didn't fight. 8.re-occupation of the Rhineland ; Hitler marched into land ,got it back, and no one stopped him. 9.Nazi soviet pact; pact between Russia and Germany that they wont go to war. 10.The start of ww2; Poland after he was refused the polish corridor.
World War II in Europe: Key Terms • Luftwaffe: The German Air Force during World War II • Phoney War: During 1939 enemy troops faced each other across the Franco-German border but did not fight. • Maginot Line: A line of forifications along the border of France and Germany. • Blitzkrieg: German battle tactics which involved bombing places repeatedly. • Operation Sea Lion: Hitler’s plan of invading Britain which ended in failure. • Operation Barbarossa: Hitler’s attempted invasion of Soviet Russia. • The Blitz: Germans bombed British cities and Winston Churchill refused to surrender. • The Holocaust: Hitler’s plan to kill all Jews • Pearl Harbour: Attacked by Japan, which led to America joining the war. • D-Day: Invasion of the continent of Europe by America and Britain.
The Cold War: Key Terms • Causes of the Cold War- Communism Vs Capitalism, Soviet aggression and expansionism. • Truman Doctrine-American policy to help resist spread of Communism. • The Marshall Plan-America giving money to Europe to help recovery, stopped Communism spreading. • Deutschmark-new West Berlin currency, sparked off the Berlin Blockade. • Berlin Airlift-air corridors where the Americans flew in supplies to the West Berliners. • 38th Parallel-Korea divided into North and South along this line. • The Space Race-The US and USSR competing to get to space ahead of each other. • Fidel Castro-leader of Cuban Communist group, overthrew dictator and nationalised Cuba. • Krushchev-Russian Prime Minister during Cuban Missile Crisis. • Results of the Cold War-Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Washington-Moscow hotline, US and USSR agreed never to risk nuclear war again.
Ireland in 1900: Key Terms • Nationalists=Wanted changes in the way Ireland was ruled. • Unionists=Wanted to keep the system as it was England making decisions for Ireland. • Home Rule=They wanted a parliament in Ireland to deal with internal Irish affairs eg education. • IRB= Irish republican brotherhood, it was a secret revolutionary organisation members were also known as The Fenians. • Sinn Fein=Arthur Griffith founded sinnfein in 1905. • The Labour Movement=Jim Larkin made efforts to form a trade union this led to conflict with employers. • ITGWU= Jim Larkin formed the Irish Transport and General Workers Union he wanted to unionise unskilled workers. • The Dublin Lockout= The employers wanted to destroy the ITGWU so they locked their employees out. • Irish labour army= Larkin and Connolly founded the irishlabour army to represent workers in a new home rule parliament. • Irish Citizen Army=James Connolly founded this to protect the workers during the lockout.