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IS312 : information systems theory and applications

Explore the various roles individuals play in information systems development, from system owners to system builders. Learn about stakeholders, system users, analysts, and more in this informative guide.

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IS312 : information systems theory and applications

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  1. IS312: information systems theory and applications LECTURE 4: Roles of people in information systems Information Systems Department

  2. Outlines • What is an Information Systems Architecture? • who are the stakeholders in the information systems? • What role will each person play in the development and use of information systems? • Who are information system users? • What is a systems analyst and why are these individuals the key players in the development and implementation of information systems? Information Systems Department

  3. A Framework For Information Systems Architecture • What is an Information Systems Architecture? • An information systems architecture provides a unifying framework into which various people with different perspectives can organize and view the fundamental building blocks of information systems. • Stakeholders have different views of the system and each has something “at stake” in determining the success of the system. Information Systems Department

  4. Lesson Map

  5. Stakeholders in IS • A stakeholderis any person that is interested or affected by an information system. • Stakeholders can be technical or nontechnical people. • Often include internal workers and external workers or individuals. Stakeholders: Players in the Systems Game Information Systems Department

  6. Stakeholders classification • For information systems, the stakeholders can be classified as: • System owners • System users • Systems analysts & Manager. • System designers • System builders • IT vendors and consultants Notes: single individual can play multiple roles in a project. For example: • A person could be both a system owner and system user. • Many systems analysts are also system designers and builders. Information Systems Department

  7. People Perspectives for Systems Development

  8. Role of people in informationsystem :1-system owners • Own the system! Upper levels of Management. • System owners – an information system’s sponsor and executive advocate, usually responsible for funding the project of developing, operating, and maintaining the information system. • Mainly interested in the business objectives of the system • What will the system cost? • What strategic benefits will the system bring to our business? • How do we measure the value of the system to the business? Information Systems Department

  9. Role of people in informationsystem :2-system Users System users are the people/customer who use or are affected by the information system on a regular basis—capturing, validating, entering, responding to, storing, and exchanging data and information. • Less concerned with the business and strategic imperatives underpinning IS • More concerned with the functionality of the IS • Does it let them do what they want to do? • How easy is the system to use? • Internal & External System Users Information Systems Department

  10. Role of people in informationsystem :2-system Users • Internal System Users: Employees of the business that owns the IS • Clerical and Service Workers : Day to day transaction processing. Inputting information, processing payments, writing letters ..etc. • Knowledge Workers (Technical and professional staff) : Business specialists who perform highly skilled and specialized work, e.g. lawyers, accountants, engineers etc. IS provide them with data analysis and information to do their work • Supervisors, Middle Managers, Executive Managers : IS provides access to all the information needed to support their problem solving and decision making activities. Information Systems Department

  11. Role of people in informationsystem :2-system Users • External System Users: Customers and Other Businesses • Customers : Often interact with IS of a business when purchasing products or services. E.g. Aer Lingus, Amazon, tickets.ie • Suppliers : Contemporary supply chain management solutions are IS based allowing suppliers to interact with businesses • Partners : When companies partner with others to create or improve services or build new products. • Employees : Remote access employees such as sales reps Information Systems Department

  12. Role of people in informationsystem :3-system Designers System designer – a technical specialist who translates system users’ business requirements and constraints into technical solution. She or he designs the computer databases, inputs, outputs, screens, networks, and software that will meet the system users’ requirements. Information Systems Department

  13. Role of people in informationsystem :4- system Builders System builders – a technical specialist who constructs information systems and components based on the design specifications generated by the system designers. • Another layer of technology specialists but are different from System Designers in that they construct the IS based on the design specifications! Information Systems Department

  14. Role of people in informationsystem :4- system Builders • construct the information system components based on the design specifications from the system designers. In many cases, the system designer and builder for a component are one and the same. • In small organisations the system designers and system builders are often the same but in larger organisations they are not. Why? Information Systems Department

  15. Role of people in informationsystem :5- system Analysts and Managers Role of managers • Perceive business challenges • Set organizational strategy • Allocate human and financial resources • Creative work: New products, services • Make Decisions about: • Which computer system to be developed? • Allocation of IS resources to current projects • Must be made by general management with advise from IS department Information Systems Department

  16. Role of people in informationsystem :5- system Analysts • System Analysis: Is the process of understanding in detail what a system should accomplish. • The person who works in system analysis field is called an analyst. • System Analyst: is an Intermediary between Users, Programmers, Technicians who are playing role in information system. That is why an analyst is characterized as a “facilitator” of the other stakeholders’ participation in systems development. Information Systems Department

  17. Role of people in informationsystem :5- system Analysts • Systems analyst – a specialist who studies the problems and needs of an organization to determine how people, data, processes, and information technology can best accomplish improvements for the business. • A programmer/analyst (or analyst/programmer) includes the responsibilities of both the computer programmer and the systems analyst. • A business analyst focuses on only the non-technical aspects of systems analysis and design. Information Systems Department

  18. The systems analyst as a facilitator Role of people in information system : 5- system Analysts

  19. Role of people in informationsystem :5- system Analysts • The Role of the System Analyst • For the system owners and users, the analyst typically constructs and validates their views. • For the system designers and builders, the analyst (at the very least) ensures that the technical views are consistent and compatible with the business views. Information Systems Department

  20. The systems analyst as a problem-solver • By "Problems" that need solving, we mean: • Problems, either real or anticipated, that require corrective action • Opportunities to improve a situation despite the absence of complaints • Directives to change a situation regardless of whether anyone has complained about the current situation Information Systems Department

  21. Where Do Systems Analysts Work? Information Systems Department

  22. The analysts role in an organization Information Systems Department

  23. Skills of a successful systems analyst Role of people in information system : 5- system Analysts • 1) Analytical skills Problem solving skills • Analyst’s Approach to Problem Solving : • Research and understand the problem • Verify benefits of solving problem outweigh the costs • Define the requirements for solving the problem • Develop a set of possible solutions (alternatives) • Decide which solution is best and recommend • Define the details of the chosen solution • Implement the solution • Monitor to ensure desired results Information Systems Department

  24. Role of people in informationsystem :5- system Analysts 2) Technical skills • Understanding of potential and limitations of technology. • Computer programming experience and expertise. • Computers / peripheral devices (hardware). • Communication networks and connectivity. • Database and database management systems (DBMS). • Operating systems. Information Systems Department

  25. Role of people in informationsystem :5- system Analysts 3) Managerial skills • Ability to manage projects, resources, risk and change. • Understand Business functions performed by organization • Know Strategies, plans, traditions, and values of the organization • Understand organizational structure • Understand organization management techniques Information Systems Department

  26. Role of people in informationsystem :5- system Analysts 4) Interpersonal skills • Effective written and oral communication skills (technical & non-technical audiences) • Help you work with end user as well as other system analysts and programmers • Systems analysts need to understand how people Think , Learn , React to change ,Communicate and Work (in a variety of jobs and levels). Information Systems Department

  27. Role of people in informationsystem :5- system Analysts 5) Integrity and Ethics skills: Analyst has access to confidential information, such as salary, an organization’s planned projects, security systems, and so on. Therefore, he/she has to : • Must keep information private. • Plans security in systems to protect confidential information Any impropriety can ruin an analyst’s career Information Systems Department

  28. Role of people in Information system : 6- IT Vendors and consultants Information Systems Department

  29. More of roles, functions, and careers in IS • will provide support for development project in design and implementation stages .e.g : • Database Admin: Expertise in design & construction of DB • Network specialist: Assists In design & implementation of WAN or LAN Communication. • Web Admin: Responsible for development, delivery and integration of web sources. • Technicians(individual technical roles) Information Systems Department

  30. More of roles, functions, and careers in IS Primary responsibilities in information system • Operations: • System operators primarily run and maintain IS equipment • Systems development: • Focuses on specific development projects and ongoing maintenance and review • LAN administrators: • Set up and manage the network hardware, software, and security processes • Support: • Provides user assistance in hardware and software acquisition and use, data administration, user training and assistance, and Web administration • Information service units: • A miniature IS department attached and directly reporting to a functional area in a large organization Information Systems Department

  31. Questions .. Thank you for listening Information Systems Department

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