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Spanish II Course Outline & Expectations

This course at Escalon High School aims to enhance Spanish language skills and cultural understanding. Learn classroom rules, grading criteria, and how to succeed in the class.

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Spanish II Course Outline & Expectations

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  1. Escalon High School1528 Yosemite Ave., Escalon , CA 95320Phone: (209) 838-7073 E-mail: garzac@escalonusd.org

  2. Maestro (Teacher):Señor Arzac • Aula (Classroom): 32 • Curso (Course):Spanish II • Libro (Textbook):¡Avancemos II! • Tutoria: by appointment

  3. Course Outline and Classroom Expectations • Metas (Goals): This class will provide students the opportunity to communicate in the Spanish language and participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world. Students will be introduced and emerged in the cultures of the Spanish speaking world and will speak in a variety of scenarios that will connect them with other disciplines. Students will gain a better understanding of the Hispanic culture through comparisons of all Hispanic cultures

  4. Required Materials: • Cuaderno (notebook) • Bolígraforojo(red pen) • Lápiz (pencil) • Papel (paper)

  5. Classroom Rules: • Be on time: You will be considered tardy if you are not in your seat when the bell rings. • Be Prepared: Come to class prepared to work. Students are required to bring textbook, binder, writing utensils, study skills calendar, homework, and any other required materials to class everyday. • Be on task: Students are to participate in class discussions and stay alert at all times. • Be respectful: Students should always be courteous and respectful to adults and one another. Most important rule.

  6. Attendance: • Students are expected to be in class everyday and seated before the Tardy Bell. All absences must be cleared through the Attendance Office. Please read the Attendance and Tardy Policies outlined in the Student/Parent Handbook.

  7. TardyPolicy: • Tardiness is disruptive and unacceptable. The Escalon High School Tardy policy will be strictly enforced. Yes, Saturday school is assigned.

  8. Late Work: • All assignments need to be turned in on the due date and the beginning of class to receive full credit. Late work will not be accepted unless student has an excused absence.

  9. AbsentWork: • Absent assignments and quizzes/tests make-ups will be allowed with tan excused absence. Make sure you check in with teacher the day you come back to school. It is the student’s responsibility to arrangea time to make up absent work.

  10. Discipline Policy: • First offense: Verbal warning • Second offense: Meeting with teacher after class • Third offense: Phone call to parent of guardian and detention • Fourth offense: Referral • *Depending on the severity of the infraction, students may be suspended or removed from the course without prior actions.

  11. Grading: • All work must be submitted in a professional matter. Students are highly encouraged to keep all work. Mistakes happen and it is easy to correct if all graded work has been kept. • Grades are weighted as follows:

  12. Grade breakdown • Grades • A = 90-100%, B = 80-89.9, C = 70-79.9%, D = 60-69.9%, F = 59.9% or lower. • *Cheating or plagiarism will result in zero credit for the assignment. See the Escalon High School Cheating Policy for additional information.

  13. ¡Buena Suerte! DearParentorGuardian, I am pleased to have your son/daughter in my class. I hope to be able to contact you during the year to update you on their progress. You can help me in the following ways to help your son/daughter be successful; Encourage good attendance, supervise that they bring the required materials to school, completed work, require the best effort and behavior, and reinforce good study habits. I am available for tutoring afterschool and by appointments. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at (209) 838-7073 ext. 7021 or via e-mail at garzac@escalonusd.org I have understood Sr. Arzac’spolicies and I am aware of what is expected in his class. ______________________________________________________________________________ Print Parent’s Name Parent’s Signature Date (_____)_____________________(_____)____________________________________________ Parents Home Telephone # Cell Phone # E-mail

  14. Quiz • A notebook isrequired in thisclass. T/F • As long as youmakeitintotheclassroombeforethebellrings, youwillnot be tardy. T/F • Beingpreparedismymostimportant rule. T/F • Late workwill be accepted as long as itiswithin a day of thedue date. T/F • Absentworkwill be given to youbytheteacherevenifyou do notaskforit. T/F • An 89.9% isan A-. T/F • Cheating or plagiarism will result in zero credit for the assignment. T/F

  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oOVqUInA6w • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf9lmKQOKZg

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